A question for Ladies that have been Mistresses/Sugar Babies and the guys that kept them

Sugarbabies are different from kept women, right? I wouldn't be a sugarbaby, but I would give some serious thought to being kept.
snoopdogg's Avatar
How do you even approach the topic???
Would something as little as 450 a month - 500 a month work?
or is just seeing providers/strippers just an easier route?

Well snoop.... You would be surprised at what some ladies look at for support....

you can find ladies asking for the moon but willing to settle for a regular donation as low as a few hundred dollars a month..... $600-$1000 a month can USUALLY get you a minimum of 1 night a week and in some cases more.... and by night that's is often an all night/overnight arrangement....

The gal I'm currently looking at has been living in an extended stay or with friends for a couple of months.... and does not have transportation. Similar to the last one I had for a 20 month run.....

So she NEEDS a place to live, basic furnishings and transportation.... to get her on her feet....

She is stable where she is at the moment so if this goes the direction that we are discussing...... She will spend a block of time with me between now and the end of the month as well as next month and end up with a place of her own beginning April 1st and transportation during the month sometime based on her reliability.....

Then..... the arrangement I prefer is 2 nights a week spent with me from around 6/7PM until 2/3AM and one weekend a month from mid day Friday through Sunday Evening....

For that she will have rent, electricity, gas, water, phone and a car to drive with insurance paid monthly without concern..... She can have a job, go to school, keep dancing... do what ever she wants with the rest of the month.....

I could care less....

All I care about are the planned evenings/weekends with me.... She will naturally be a bit spoiled and depending on the quality of time spent could possibly end up with additional revenue as well.....

The last two girls lived fairly comfortably in upscale apartments with nice furnishings as a result of our time together..... There is usually a lot more time together getting everything on track when it's a lady not already established in a place to live....

I have monthly arrangements with a couple of other gals revolving around either rent or car payments.....

I've found that any more time spent then what I mention above can breed too much familiarity and potential emotional involvement. That went wrong last time in the beginning and we actually "broke-up" and then got back together and on track in a much more established routine.... Originally Posted by Whispers
Whispers's Avatar
How do you even approach the topic???
Would something as little as 450 a month - 500 a month work?
or is just seeing providers/strippers just an easier route? Originally Posted by snoopdogg
A stripper with a late car payment often is willing to hookup with you a couple of times a month to never have to worry about the car payment getting paid..... Or Rent.....

i often bring it up when a gal is expressing the problem..... Because providers value their time differently than strippers it usually does not work well with them..

Although younger ladies that have not learned to manage their money will often come to the table fr some sense of "security" a regular arrangement brings...
Sounds good babe, sign me up.

Of the ones that got past the initial screening and first month, they usually ended because they found a BF, but there were other reasons - parents (she lived with them) moved away, left for grad school, car was paid off, or we just moved on and lost interest.

Depends on if anything went wrong or what the situation was.

I find these kind of arrangements more rewarding than pure P4P or shorter meets. I have ongoing arrangements.

I like the role of a mentor. Prague trip, graduation (from undergrad, you pervs), new car.

Intimacy that comes with spending time together and banging is a high point. Friendships do develop, especially if you're spending months, sometimes years getting together.

I've tried passing on a couple of SBs to friends in other states, but the girls turned them down because they didn't click.

pregnancy scare and getting ripped off. Getting ripped off is the funny part, it's only happened a couple of times and only for a month's "allowance". If they had told me they wanted to leave, I usually give a month and a half or two months' worth of severance for girls that I've been seeing for more than a few months. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
How do you even approach the topic???
Would something as little as 450 a month - 500 a month work?
or is just seeing providers/strippers just an easier route? Originally Posted by snoopdogg
Here you go, snoop: http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=865805&postcount=11

Sounds good babe, sign me up. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
You're awful far away for a sugar babe...
Actually I've decided to visit Austin next month around April 10th. so there goes your easy out...daddy.

Here you go, snoop: http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=865805&postcount=11

You're awful far away for a sugar babe... Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
I have no clue as to what a sugerbaby/sugardaddy relationship is all about. I am too independent for something like that. I did have an arrangement with one of my submissive clients. Let me tell you, I got used to that extra steady $$. I was soooo sad he left me. I don't think I will do that again, because I started to depend on the $$, and he took up too much of my time. I'm with KLK, I like the idea of being a kept woman, but not a sugarbaby.
sixxbach's Avatar
If I had the extra money to burn like that I would have a kept women. I would like two hot, 18-19 year old white and latina girls. I like my blondes and latinas.

I would pay for them to learn how to cook from some culinary chef. The younger girls of today have no clue on how to cook for their man....

Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Actually I've decided to visit Austin next month around April 10th. so there goes your easy out...daddy. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
If I'm in town, we can grab a meal or coffee.
250 per hr seems like a lot for just a meal but whatever works for you. lol

If I'm in town, we can grab a meal or coffee. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Whispers's Avatar
250 per hr seems like a lot for just a meal but whatever works for you. lol Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
That's funny.....

I get phenomenal value for my money.....

But Rand has more game when it comes to getting value..... He gets SB wannabes to do "free auditions".....
I was a Sugar Baby once. It definitely lead me to escorting. Being a Sugar Baby is soooo very draining. You have to sell more of yourself for less money. You have to be a friend and a lover to someone you are only with because of $$$$. Where with escorting we are on a time schedule, and once were done were done- no expectation of closeness..

To answer your question, the mans wife found out he was shacking up with me in his penthouse. So in respect to his wife, he had to end things with me.....

I continued my search for another Sugar Daddy. They all want to meet for dinner to interview you. Ok no problem. I interviewed alot of men. Going to dinner is fine with me. But......

Most SD seekers want to test the milk before they buy the cow. I never allowed this except once, because there are too many scammers out there who try to take advantage of a woman in need. Scum/filth! How low. So the one time I allowed the dude to test the milk I ended up a BIG SUCKER!! What did I get for my efforts?? A couple of drinks? He slept with me and I left to go home. He emailed me the next day to say he decided to go with another girl who he had more chemistry with. So do you see how I felt used??

After that happened, I decided this sugar baby thing is for the birds. I might as well dip both my feet in and charge PER HOUR. I wanted to avoid full blown escorting, but the entire SB/SD thing is a very difficult thing to work out. You see, what I found is that these men who took me to dinner for the interview, well they would say I will give you X amount of money to home home with me tonight for XXX Fun. So I figured, well OK, if were going to have this beneficial relationship then I'm going to eventually be intimate anyways. So I would go home with the man, do it, get paid, then leave.

The next day the man would say he liked me but he decided he's not looking for any type of relationship. When he gets horny again he will call me. So I had a few guys who called me when they were horny and I would meet them, get paid and go home. I WAS NOT being paid for the hour. He would pay me 200 and I would stay like 4 hours....

Eventually, I started to look up escorting ads. I saw the women were charging ATLEAST 200 per hour, if not more. Then I figured, what the hell am I doing?? I'm already getting paid for XXX. I might as well nix this SD/SB "relationship" and start charging by the hour.....and I did. Escorting in itself can also be draining. I do get burnt out. BUT it's waaaaay more lucrative than SB/SD and less of a headache. I feel, eventually all sugar babies will want to move on to more money. Most will turn into escorting. Unless they finish college and get a great job before then, or fall in love.

Scammers deliberately seek out SB seekers for free pussss um, I mean free milk. Sugar Babies are not escorts. They are usually less nieve and less street smart. Scammers are rampant in the beneficial relationship world.
LMFAO. I'd hope Rand and anyone else would know me well enough not to make a play for free "companionship". When I was actively looking for a SD I did have a LOT of guys try to give me the" let's try it out and see about our bedroom chemistry" line and my response was and remains "Great, let's try it out and get a feel for how well you are willing to treat me and take care of me financially first." Any guy that has money and is serious + not a douchebag will have zero problem paying for a lil bedroom test action. Most of the guys on those sites are just full of shit and looking to get over on naive girls.
sixxbach's Avatar
Most of the guys on those sites are just full of shit and looking to get over on naive girls. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
And the problem with that? Aren't seasoned gals looking to do the same on a naive guy with deep pockets?

Yes, it's a helluva lot easier to make lots of money if you lie, manipulate or abuse people and sometimes situations fall in your lap and it is tempting as hell. But GOOD PEOPLE are HONEST( about their intentions, their feelings, what they want and what they are willing to exchange to get it). What I want in life more than ANYTHING(including money) is to look in the mirror every morning and know that no matter what anyone else says I AM a good person...and that does NOT change just because I happen to be a sex worker. For a guy to try and manipulate me and get something for nothing simply because he has bad experiences with selfish people in the past that have made him less than he should be morally is STILL WRONG.

Not all girls are here to prey on people so you're going to need to dig further than that for an excuse to treat naive girls badly just because a few streetwalkers or whomever have got you feeling bitter and fucked up your mindset about the real world and all the different people in it.

And the problem with that? Aren't seasoned gals looking to do the same on a naive guy with deep pockets?

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach