WalMart Threatens DC

LexusLover's Avatar
I'm not going anywhere. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Neither will Walmart, regardless of what the union-libs say.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Neither will Walmart, regardless of what the union-libs say. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I shop there. But I prefer Costco over Sam's.
I asked the question; and trolling is your speciality...12,500+ toll posts.

Just look how you enjoy hijacking Avatars.....what kind of pleasure do you take away from that ?.........The kind tolls get ?

Your a fucking loser AssUp........

I chalk it up to your bad upbringing......but you can change brother....if you want to.................despite your past.

As long as there are trolls like you and Corpy to slay, we will be here, ever ready to hand out ass whoopings and call a turd a turd!

No worries, Whirlyheave. I'm not going anywhere.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
BTW; I changed back to my original Avatar;

What is the over/under on AssUp-the-Troll hijacking the avatar again, and again, and again?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LMAO! I'd say 100%

Backed down like the chickenshit liar we know you to be, Whirlygay!

Your threads will continue to drop like rocks, troll.
Your a fuckhead your meds again ?
You managed to hijack this thread again; it's your MO..............there was a decent back and forth discussion on big retailers and you jump in with your comments.........

You are the very definition of a troll...........
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thats a fucking laugh. I'd say it was you and Corpy who hijacked the thread with your feeble attempt at a personal attack. and that's YOUR Commodus Operandi.

You want a thread without me in it? Start a thread. any thread. we won't be there.

BTW -- did you steal my avatar again?
The have no grasp on reality; the past therapy must have something to do with it.........

The "personal attack" began when you entered the discussion in Post #7.

You and me and We are all together.........oh what swirls around in the head of someone who has undergone "therapy."


You want a thread without me in it? Start a thread. any thread. we won't be there.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You want a thread without me in it? Start a thread. any thread. we won't be there. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Feel free to apply the same to any of my threads as well if you can't control yourself in a manner consistent with contributing, rather than just throwing out insults and trying to start a verbal fight.
He won't. He can't control himself. He has proved it in his 12,500+ posts. He is the very definition of a troll. Someone who enjoys hijacking threads.

Feel free to apply the same to any of my threads as well if you can't control yourself in a manner consistent with contributing, rather than just throwing out insults and trying to start a verbal fight. Originally Posted by nwarounder
He won't. He can't control himself. He is the very definition of a troll. Someone who enjoys hijacking threads. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He might if you just quit responding to him. Try it, it takes no effort to ignore any posts like that from anyone and move to the next...ijs
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He might if you just quit responding to him. Try it, it takes no effort to ignore any posts like that from anyone and move to the next...ijs Originally Posted by nwarounder
Yeah, but Whirlyturd insists on lies and deflection to pump up his own fragile ego.

Bubba, if you posted anything worth discussing, it would be discussed.

Unfortunately, you, like your ass clown buddy Whirlyturd appear only to be interested in shrieking like banshees your anti-American epithets.

Now if Whirlyturd has evidence that Ive undergone ANY "therapy". he ought to post it. otherwise, he and you are both fucking liars.
LOL Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Post a review. Of a woman. If you have the money, IBHankertwat.

BTW, you are still a catcher, bitch-boy.