ChloeCox 409-656-2234 more excuses than ex-wife

I don't post pics for the same reason a lot of fellas wouldn't if asked to...Discretion. Everyone knows they can text me for pics and i send them so complain about something of truth. You can't hurt my business as much as you may attempt. I have more calls than I can handle. And it's ironic that some of you posting on this thread contacted me this week. Hammerlong, don't act like you weren't trying to start shit. That's the only reason a post like this goes up. Your nuts were full, you couldn't meet with me and now you want to start shit. If you can't take the heat, get out if the kitchen boys. Y'all can say anything about a provider but when a provider responds, she's a bitch. Well, guess I'm a bitch.

You would think a person would want to be in good standing with the only local talent in Beaumont...
trynagetlaid's Avatar
You must be really naive. Newsflash: if you text a photo to a cellphone it can still be splattered all over the internet within a few hours. You should just post pics and blur out your face. Just my .02
MuffinMan's Avatar
Acting as strictly a Member .... here's my take.

The OP.....Clearly had a problem and wished to share his info. If he had PA he probably would have placed his comments there, but since he doesn't it is now out there for everyone.

Chloe....Yes, you do have a right to defend yourself. Absolutely! With that said, sometimes a few short, well placed words work best. It's kind of like "Less is More".

Member replies... They are mostly all polite, informative and helpful to Chloe if she would only slow down and try to benefit from them.

I cannot speak for those who Moderate your area, only to say that I'm sure they both appreciate everyone's civility thus far.

Just my 0.02.
A hobbist told me years ago....One of the keys in a successful hobby land journey, is not always getting hung up on telling the truth, but to know when not to say anything (or just a sentence or two). Sometimes, silence can be golden.
Everybody's talking. Don't know why I ought to be mousy. It's not my style. Never have I seen a group of men act with so much drama. My regulars will and some have already revied my new pic because they're deserving of them.'s no wonder you have an ex wife Hammer. Maybe you should stop hobbying if you can't handle it.
Chloe, IMO, you have more than made your point.

Now, do you really want to potentially win the arguement, at the risk of losing future business...beyond your regulars??

To me, that would seem to be the "big picture" question.
bigdaddyred's Avatar
This is ugly!! Hobbiest posting his experience, and a provider so determined to be right that she is costing herself future business. Sometimes being right isn't worth what is costs, IMO. But it is obvious that there is more to the storey, but no hobbiest wants added drama, can get enough of that at home.
Your Ebony Dream's Avatar
All I have to say is eccie does not account for the whole world believe it or not.
So a few eccie guys are determined not to see you who cares? they can only speak for themselves not your regular clients or future clients.

Just let them have their opinion me personally I wouldn't give these pricks the satisfaction of my irritation!

&& I'm sure somebody will make their opinion known on my post

But that's my opinion & I'm entitled to it!
Whoever thinks eccie runs the hobby needs thier head examined. 75% of my gentleman are not even from this site. Defending myself doesn't taint my phone ringing. When will you understand that you can't ruin my business. Not from a thread.
Without question...eccie represents a small slice of the hobby pie....but typicially the ones that yell this the loudest, always seem to have an Eccie acct and advertise here as well...hmmmmmmm

As far as my postings on this thread...not trying to ruin anyone's business, just trying to give some common sense business advice, lol
trynagetlaid's Avatar

When will you understand that you can't ruin my business.
Originally Posted by ChloeCox
You're doing a pretty good job of ruining 25% of it without any help...
Wow I guess I'm not the only one that has had a issue trying to meet up with the picture less Chloe
Ur not even suppose to comment on a thread involving me saxtman. I know you remember the mods telling you this. If I lost business it wouldn't be the worst thing that happened to me. This is not what I dreamed of doing with my life anyhow. This is not my life.This is what I do while I finish school.
Pssshh I can respond to anything I see fit, so stop crying all over eccie