Very little difference than when someone is gunned down by police, even before it was determined whether they committed a crime.
Why do you support one but denounce the other? Originally Posted by Old-T
For the record the jury got it wrong in the OJ case. OJ was guilty as sin and had help. Mark Furhman the racist cop fucked it all up by trying to plant a glove in OJ's yard. Had he not done that I'm sure OJ would have been convicted.
To answer your question on their behalf they support one and denounce the other because they're too fucking coward to admit they're racist. That's why in a sense I can respect David Duke and all the other racists over at Storm Front because at least they admit they are what they are. These clowns on this site to chicken shit to admit who and what they are. That's why they have no problem seeing BLM and other minorities being gunned down and convicted but rejoice with a joyful noise when one of these back woods country boys are acquitted.