BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-11-2017, 02:02 PM
^^^ Clueless, lol...all, you aren't new & father time stops for no one, so you keep that in mind while you are judging.

Once upon a time men at least made some attempt to treat providers with respect online, also no one would place blatant cash for sex ads (read the titles)...gonna come back to bite many people imo.

Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Times change dear, it sounds like you're having a hard time adjusting. I didn't judge anyone btw
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Like I said...clueless, ha ha & don't call me dear.

DallasRain's Avatar
The board is what you make of it... I try to stay dramafree and my business has remained good n steady
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
The board is what you make of it... I try to stay dramafree and my business has remained good n steady Originally Posted by DallasRain

Then there are those 56,655 posts, lol...making you the #1 Eccie "Top Poster"

DallasRain's Avatar
Lol yep. I am a dramafree post ho......lol

But yall have to take into account of why I post so much
I have no other job or kids still at home..so this is my form of entertainment
I travel so therefore I post all over the boards
I try to help everyone on this board and also make new people feel welcome
I have been on here since 2009
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I know Dallas, ha ha. Hope to see you in January!

Lexieinhouston's Avatar
double post
datyking's Avatar
I was a long time member of aspd. I've noticed two things: 1. Baby boomers versus generation X and Millennials. Different sense of personal respect and respect for others. ( Of course I'm not speaking about everyone but definitely the majority)
2. No more Full Advertising Craigslist and BP. Flocking to Eccie. Of course, this just my opinion.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
A hobby site is supposed to be a place to exchange info and meet people.

I think you are getting that confused with a social media site, which is great for bullshitting. Try Facebook or Twitter. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
You're wrong plain and simple...a hobby site is for whatever you want it to be that's why you have Sandboxes, Political Forums, Womens and Men's lounges, General Discussions and COED...bullshitting (the constant) runs parallel to all of these forums. OK sweetie
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The old timers always talk about the good old aspd days, maybe business was great because there were less providers? You aspd originals were sloppy with your socials and paid the price for it!

The hobby is bigger than ever and clients have a huge selection of young talent coming weekly, They don't seem to have a problem staying busy but they also will be saying the same thing years from now, how the hobby was way better back then (the present time) as new fresh talent will be replacing them. Originally Posted by BLM69

+ 100 They were sloppy by all accounts that's why it shut down...from what others have shared they had all these socials and got busted on the news and all that silly shit...look I get it some people like hanging out in groups with people they meet online...to each their own but to me that shit is crazy and a recipe for a disaster.

As for staying busy the old timers can certainly compete just fine with the younger girls but some of these old timers just dont get it...All they really need to do is be sexy and mature and not act bat shit crazy like a lot of the younger girls do..Stay in relative shape because some of the more desperate guys while they will pay at some point they dont want to reminded of what they have at home. Not saying you have to be a swimsuit model but looking sexy and staying somewhat fit goes a long way at being competitive.
josecuervo6969's Avatar
I was considered a youngster in the ASPD days and hell I was in my mid to late 20's when I joined. I enjoyed the socials, the comaraderie, the feeling of a community of like minded folks with mutual respect for both sides. Yes there were the exceptions to that who weren't all about the "peace,Love,hope" lets all hold hands together but most folks were cool people. It was much more tight knit where we did a lot of things on the down low without commotion in public places as small groups
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I was a long time member of aspd. I've noticed two things: 1. Baby boomers versus generation X and Millennials. Different sense of personal respect and respect for others. ( Of course I'm not speaking about everyone but definitely the majority)
2. No more Full Advertising Craigslist and BP. Flocking to Eccie. Of course, this just my opinion. Originally Posted by datyking

not totally true...The American Boomers in my view were and are the most disrespectful group of people on planet Earth. Speaking of respect for others the Boomers for the most part have no respect for others and basic human rights..were and still are the worst offenders when it comes to racism, equality, dignity, and respect...don't put that on the Millennial's and Gen X'ers...In fact the Boomers are the reason most Gen X'ers and Millennial's gave up hope because of all the debts, burdens, and lack of opportunities yall left for us....the shit is yalls fault to be honest.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-11-2017, 04:44 PM
Like I said...clueless, ha ha & don't call me dear.
Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
You're opinion is the is the law and since I disagree with you, I'm the clueless one? No wonder a few of you miss the early days of review boards with all the clueless men of that era

Times have changed for the better. Hundreds of options for men, way more information for men about everything, what's not to love? Adjust with the times or get left behind my dear.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You're opinion is the is the law and since I disagree with you, I'm the clueless one? No wonder a few of you miss the early days of review boards with all the clueless men of that era

Times have changed for the better. Hundreds of options for men, way more information for men about everything, what's not to love? Adjust with the times or get left behind my dear. Originally Posted by BLM69

LOL I'm dying over here....
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
When you speak of people from ASPD days being "sloppy" I get the feeling you are just reading random comments here. ASPD shut down because the founder died and then her family tried to manage it and yes, they (from what I can gather) had no idea what they were doing and it shut down. Super sad because we lost 2 very visible and loved members there, I was new there and they were super helpful to me.

I personally have never attended a social, holiday party, etc or met any other provider in person, so you can't just make a blanket statement and call everyone from ASPD sloppy. I for sure can tell you that the market for more mature ladies here is stronger than ever. I never thought I would be meeting people in their upper 20's at this point in time, but I am. I think it's my young sounding voice, ha ha & yeah, I don't use phones so they don't hear that until they are at my Cafe.
