Provider Advice Requested: Where to put the Roses

Each lady is different. I think the concept of the envelope is outdated. If you are screening properly, why the envelope? Obviously neither is LE at that point. I expect the donation to be left on a table or dresser prior to the session.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Each lady is different. I think the concept of the envelope is outdated. If you are screening properly, why the envelope? Obviously neither is LE at that point. I expect the donation to be left on a table or dresser prior to the session. Originally Posted by heidilynnla

Uh.. I never thought the envelope had anything to do with LE. I've always thought of it as a sign of discretion.
If you're meeting a client in public for say - a clock free date - would you like him to hand you a stack of 20s
in front of everyone as soon as you sit down? Think about it. I believe we can all learn from each other.
I think most ladies prefer you leave donation in the bathroom as you freshen up. That way when they use the bathroom they can make make sure it's all there instead of counting it out in front of you. I think 90% of the ladies I've seen prefer this method.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I don't think the concept of the envelop is outdated. I just think it is tacky to throw down cash in plain site or hand the provider the bills. It ruins the moment. Gift bag or envelop operates on a much less business level while adding a little personal mystery to the encounter.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I don't think the concept of the envelop is outdated. I just think it is tacky to throw down cash in plain site or hand the provider the bills. It ruins the moment. Gift bag or envelop operates on a much less business level while adding a little personal mystery to the encounter. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Exactly CP!
A lot of ladies prefer that you lay it down on a counter or dresser and then you excuse yourself while she counts it and puts it away or you could leave it in the bathroom while she excuses herself to change or freshen up.

If a guy hasn't given me my fee within 10 minutes of being there, I'll ask him for my fee or to leave. I don't have time for games and if I have to ask for my fee, its going to be an awkward moment and session.

So, for me.....nothing happens until I have my fee. That may work for some guys and not for others. It comes down to doing your research and the history of the lady to see if you can trust her. Because I guarantee, she doesn't trust you.

I have no idea why people keep using the terms donations, roses, etc., LE isn't stupid and its tacky.
shorty's Avatar
Don't mind showing a lady the money (i.e. placing it on the dresser) but don't count it in front of the client.
Still Looking's Avatar
Don't mind showing a lady the money (i.e. placing it on the dresser) but don't count it in front of the client. Originally Posted by shorty
I ALWAYS pay at the end. Out of the corner of my eye I have seen providers hold the bills up to the light to review the inlaid band. That always gives a warm and fuzzy feeling!
I don't think the concept of the envelop is outdated. I just think it is tacky to throw down cash in plain site or hand the provider the bills. It ruins the moment. Gift bag or envelop operates on a much less business level while adding a little personal mystery to the encounter. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I like this answer the best
Safire Sweet
BIG RED FLAG! If, the provider asks for the money / donation right up front.... I'd walk or show it to them and place it on YOUR night stand, out of reach. There needs to be an element of trust. If she doesn’t trust you, start walking. Always bring a flower or two or a small gift or card. Hand that to them up front and in most cases the money issues goes away! Now if on the phone or via PM or email the provider lets you know up front her requirements then you follow and respect her request or NOT see her! Originally Posted by Still Looking
"Red flag"? You're either used to dealing with inexperienced girls or ones who haven't been bitten enough times yet. There is NO FUCKING WAY I would ever provide services to a man who refused to pay me up front; "element of trust" my arse! Any man who won't pay up front has been with too many shady characters, and neither I nor many other ladies will consent to see such a person. I get the money up front, I count it up front right in front of him (and if there's too much I ask it it was intentional), and then it goes into my purse before we do anything, and in 11 years not one person who wasn't up to no good has complained about it.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'm with AngelOk. I would ask SL to leave too LOL.
Pay her upfront. Its just polite. (Imho) This just makes the provider feel more comfortable.

Place it somewhere, where she can see it.
When attending an incall: I have always, on a first encounter, come in and set an envelope on a clear surface along with with my keys and my open canned soft drink, then turned for the welcoming hug (and check).

When it is an outcall: I set the envelope in the main room on an obvious and clear surface, unless her etiquette requirements specify otherwise (e.g. one lady I know is very clear it must be in the bathroom).

On all subsequent dates, I tend to do the same as the first meeting. The only exception to that was a young lady whom I saw frequently and would pick her up prior to the date and return her to her home afterward. In that situation, I would give it to her on the drive home afterward, but we had a very good relationship so she never had a concern.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

When we agree to a date, we agree to certain details. One is the "diamonds, roses, kisses" - the money honey.

Soon as you step through the door, to get what you want, honor your part of the agreement:


If you are so worried @ getting ripped off - you probably should not have made the date. (Goes both ways)

For me? It's not that difficult.

Walk in.
Just set it down.
Have fun.

Pretty simple.
the very first countertop tabletop chair or anything close to you as soon as you walk in