Encounter: Cum Play in Mobile

Sorry you guys are having such a hard time setting up. I guess I just got lucky when I first reached out.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
If her service is anything like her coms you’d be sadly disappointed, she did finally reply with an “I’m available” but wouldn’t set up a time Originally Posted by Rickyhobby
Yeah. Bad comms are common with most providers, so I'm pretty much used to it.

Most ask us "Don't contact me until you're ready". I'd contact someone, and they would finally reply a day-and-a-half later saying she's available.

I got mad one time. A provider I tried contacting one day never got back with me, so I did other stuff that day (I'm not going to sit on my ass and wait for someone). She finally replied back at 11pm saying she was available. I replied, "Well, I'm not. I'm already in bed because I have to work in the morning. Unless you're offering a free visit, I ain't getting out of bed." lol
I really think the main issue is the use of text apps, not necessarily that providers are bad at texting. Unless they’re paying for one, which most aren’t, then chances are they aren’t getting half the messages people are sending. It needs to be more common practice to just pay for a cheap burner service, they’d prob get more clients if that’s what they’re wanting.
I have discussed the poor coms issue with a couple of providers and the most common issue they cite is the sheer volume of texts they receive and that they actually have to differentiate between people playing on the phone and serious inquiries, also, I know some of these stg ladies have an ad that just automatically reposts periodically , one told me that just because you see the ad doesn't mean they are going to respond , thirdly, rl, whatever that entails, changes their plans... poor phone service would definitely compound these issues.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
I really think the main issue is the use of text apps, not necessarily that providers are bad at texting. Unless they’re paying for one, which most aren’t, then chances are they aren’t getting half the messages people are sending. It needs to be more common practice to just pay for a cheap burner service, they’d prob get more clients if that’s what they’re wanting. Originally Posted by hsbk2144
If I was a provider and this was my main source of funds, I'd be manually checking that text app throughout the day! XD
A lot of them it’s just supplemental though. But I get what you’re saying.