WhatThe Heck Was Woopie Goldberg Thinking

VitaMan's Avatar
Since anyone can convert to Judaism and become a Jew, how can it be considered a race ?
It was extremely gratifying to see her being bitch slapped by her boss, but I doubt she really regrets what she said and she certainly hasn't learned anything from it .....
winn dixie's Avatar
All abc did was give her a 2 week vacation from the show. No report on if she still gets paid.

Fucking dbl standard! Bullshit! Someone needs to shit down her fucking neck so she can taste the shit she talks!
Fuckin cunt
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yeah after it was brought to her attention and she was called out for it. If she was the true Social Justice Warrior she so adamantly tries to display she would have known better from the start. Originally Posted by Levianon17
People make mistakes. I do. You do.

She happens to be in a position where her mistakes reach millions of people. I personally do not look to her or any other specific person for their views on life to guide me. Especially people on television or radio who are paid to promote their viewpoints.
winn dixie's Avatar
People make mistakes. I do. You do.

She happens to be in a position where her mistakes reach millions of people. I personally do not look to her or any other specific person for their views on life to guide me. Especially people on television or radio who are paid to promote their viewpoints. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
A white guy makes a mistake and says the n word. That still a mistake?

dbl standards here! Im calling out everyone of you libs!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try and deflect and defend this CUNT. Or cut n run..........
winn dixie's Avatar
In todays world mistakes cannot happen! Lives careers source of incomes get destroyed.
BUT if youre a lib its a "mistake"! Its OK. She gets a pass. She knew exactly what she was saying! Her explanation offends the fuck outta me!
Shes a racist anti semitic cunt
Precious_b's Avatar
I didn't know anything about this until I saw her apologizing and explaining what happened.

I actually understand where she is coming from. And what is *probably* at the root of it all is the Nazis claiming the Aryans are the "Master Race."

They were a big proponent of eugenics. And following that, you only have three races. Judaism is not a race. It's a religion. So, if you are separating into causcasion (sp), asian, or negroid that is all the races you have to work with. People in the concentration camps were just as caucasion as those outside the wire and the ones guarding/killing them.

*I* can let this go since history always uses term race with holocaust.
winn dixie's Avatar
You wanna talk about true hate and racism. Talk to a Jewish person. Then come back and we'll talk! What they have endured and suffered for thousands of years is unreal!
I dont wanna hear any other bullshit!
Precious_b's Avatar
You wanna talk about true hate and racism. Talk to a Jewish person. Then come back and we'll talk! What they have endured and suffered for thousands of years is unreal!
I dont wanna hear any other bullshit! Originally Posted by winn dixie

As I said, I can let it slide when it comes to the Holocaust.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Race...what an unusual concept. Everyone has their own interpretation like Whoopie and so many are wrong. Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that is associated to people emerging from Africa but only parts of Africa. That being the case, why do Americans and Canadians come down with the disease from time to time? Genetics...race...or some mythical religious punishment?
There are many diseases (you can look them up) that only seem to affect, or affect to a greater extent, people who are Jewish or Semitic. That suggests that genetically, Jewish people may have a strong claim to be a different race. How can that be? Some Jewish people are from Ireland and not Lebanon. Jews claim their heritage from the mother's genes since it is possible (I'm not saying anything about your mother) the father could be someone different than the husband (ask Joseph about his wife Mary). Even people who convert are not considered real Jews for a couple of generations.
This is all about semantics though. If the Germans considered the Jews a different race then everything they did was a form of racism. My brother, who I consider an idiot most of the time, has this same discussion about 45 years ago. He is a bit of a redneck and even my mother had to get involved. He was of the same opinion as Whoopie, if you don't look different then you aren't different. Imagine, a redneck from the 70s has the same opinion as an enlightened liberal of the 2020s.

Further food for thought, La Raza of Mexico. Everything for the Race and nothing for anyone else. The followers of this school of thought are Hispanic and look just like white people but they consider themselves a different race. Are they wrong?
Since anyone can convert to Judaism and become a Jew, how can it be considered a race ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Of course it is not a race like Caucasian, Asian, Negro, etc.

But this discussion is speaking in terms of what NAZI Germany considered race.

But you already knew that.
VitaMan's Avatar
She was speaking in terms of man's inhumanity against man.
Today's world won't let you speak in those terms.

For an extension, Christians were persecuted for centuries and burned at the stake. Christians are not a race.
winn dixie's Avatar
Its disgusting how some are making lame excuses for this anti semite!

Call her the n word and see that cunt twists the fuck off!

She should be fired! And face protests where she has meals at her home and airport! Fucking anti semetic cunt
Its disgusting how some are making lame excuses for this anti semite!

Call her the n word and see that cunt twists the fuck off!

She should be fired! And face protests where she has meals at her home and airport! Fucking anti semetic cunt Originally Posted by winn dixie
... Mate, I surely understand your anger and concern
that she's basically getting "a pass" when a conservative
would be thrown off the air.

ONCE AGAIN, we see the two-tier system of rules
here in America. ... The famous DOUBLE STANDARD
that we always comment about.

And the liberal lads here see it too... but dont' wanna admit it.

... Yet, SpeedRacer might lead us to the best point here.
Do "we" WANT to see her kicked off the air for her view?
Is THIS the kind of censourship that we want for anyone?

... I'm not so sure it's what I want.

#### Salty