Titty lover's dream page

I need to go get some pink ribbons. I am definatley agaist breast cancer. Thanks for the great site!

You got one like that for us ass men?
I think we should have a poll for favourites.

For the young thing, my vote would be for Deserea. Used to have a sb with tits like that.

For the slightly older girl, my vote would be Silvia McFarland.

No, wait, what about the bazookas on Marget Wallace, just waiting for my mouth (not so sure about the bush).

On the other hand...

Never mind, it's all good.
aznlvr11's Avatar

for those that want to work backwards
Originally Posted by Rezo
Fuck, now there's a page 340.....
I'm in love!

Loius de Mirabert
Ellen Medeiros looks good to go!
srvfin's Avatar
Dude.... That's a lot of titty right there.... ijs...