What's Your Image/Persona Say? How To Build Your Brand

Mojojo's Avatar
Please look at it from a different angle. Possibly the mistakes have cost you business. Originally Posted by Ansley
If the misspelling of word is causing a girl to lose thousands then we're in deepshit here at hobby land.

Sorry Ansley but I have to disagree. I'm a serious hobbyist that spends who knows how much money in this and as such i mainly read the rate info, look at pics, and use the contact form.

Not to say the Bio and introduction material isn't appreciated however my penis doesn't focus too much on that portion.....
Mojojo My dear... I appreciate your input about what your penis pays attention to but you are wasting your breath with Ansley
She isn't interested in saving any other providers from my poor spelling and grammar or making sure they don't loose money or that I make more money.... she is interested in costing me business.

Much like her week before last's attempts by accusing me of plagiarism as her other ID on here "Kate Alexander" and her present Id which got her banned for a week or two, she is looking for any reason to cause me grief.
Ansley, Tia, play nice! I do not really want to have to address any of the "bad girl" reputations you might garner from a thread such as this.

The Colonel
Mojojo My dear... I appreciate your input about what your penis pays attention to but you are wasting your breath with Ansley
She isn't interested in saving any other providers from my poor spelling and grammar or making sure they don't loose money or that I make more money.... she is interested in costing me business.

Much like her week before last's attempts by accusing me of plagiarism as her other ID on here "Kate Alexander" and her present Id which got her banned for a week or two, she is looking for any reason to cause me grief. Originally Posted by MagnificMedia
Ansley Ayers is a known snake. A hasbeen. She does have a lot of time in your hands. Funny she's so worried about other providers and how they spend their money when she back channels and spreads rumors about them at the same time. Your best bet is to ignore her. Keep up the good work, Tia!
Here's one more suggestion...

Maybe you don't want to call seeing clients "getting back to the grind" it sounds as though you consider spending time with the wonderful men who pay you hopefully quiet well, to be a hassle.
hmmmmm...Maybe that's why you have too much time on your hands Originally Posted by MagnificMedia
This week is spring break for me, hence the free time. Getting back to the grind had nothing to do with the men that I see. It simply meant that I would be getting back to a routine.

There are plenty of women in this business that work only a few times a month. I never have understood the mindset of having free time equals to not earning a living.
If the misspelling of word is causing a girl to lose thousands then we're in deepshit here at hobby land.
Sorry Ansley but I have to disagree. I'm a serious hobbyist that spends who knows how much money in this and as such i mainly read the rate info, look at pics, and use the contact form. Originally Posted by mojojo213
I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear. I wasn't speaking of the providers losing business. If I was looking for somebody to write my text and build ads for me I would choose one that took the spelling and grammar seriously.

I understand that most men don't pay that close attention to the details of what is written, but there are ones that do care. Why take the chance of losing any business?
Much like her week before last's attempts by accusing me of plagiarism as her other ID on here "Kate Alexander" and her present Id which got her banned for a week or two, she is looking for any reason to cause me grief. Originally Posted by MagnificMedia
I only wish that I was able to write as well as Katy. I didn't write one word under the handle of Katy.
Ansley Ayers is a known snake. A hasbeen. She does have a lot of time in your hands. Funny she's so worried about other providers and how they spend their money when she back channels and spreads rumors about them at the same time. Your best bet is to ignore her. Keep up the good work, Tia! Originally Posted by yourworstnightmare
Thanks YWNM...
Ignoring her is what Col Z suggest too but...I just like to screwing with her...lol
She's definitely no threat to my business. My business is growing daily.
hell all the hoopla she has caused garnered Magnific Media two brand new clients yesterday alone. She doesn't understand that her bullshit is transparent and even annoying to most.

As I suggested yesterday If she was truly worried about her fellow provider she could start helping them for free that's how I started and I still help ladies all the time for free.

I thank you for your support I don't know you but it's nice to have people point out the snakes especially those who have no vested interest. It's funny she has never met me, spoken to me or bothered to speak to any of my clients so why she feels the need to police my every mistake and make false accusations about me is odd. Maybe I took one of her clients back in the days when I was a provider and spent alot of time in ATL....
Ansley, Tia, play nice! I do not really want to have to address any of the "bad girl" reputations you might garner from a thread such as this.

The Colonel Originally Posted by Col. Zodiak
I guess this post didn't do much good after all.