Antisemites hold sway over the GOP .. BIGLY

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yssup really needs to get a woman (guy?) or some kind of hobby. Spending the equivalent of a full time job carousing a hooker forum seems unhealthy. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yet here you are!


(PS - the obligatory Pittsburgh gay reference is not wasted on any of us.)

... Well here ya go... Democrat Rashida Tlaib - of The Squad
- surely putting the badmouth on Israel today.

Reckon SHE was just tryin' to hold sway...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There you go.

Did the Palestinian-American mention any reason for it?

I’m sure Israel is equipped to sustain such a verbal barrage.

She didn’t mention Israel’s space Laser capabilities, did she? Or did the Gazpacho police beat it out of her?

You still can’t, nor will you ever get it, Salty. You’re think you’re dealing with apples and apples.

Speaks volumes about you, amigo.

Actually you’re wrong. You’ve read Sally’s posts and it’s clear he doesn’t THINK anything. Nor does he actually read. He is likely the least informed person in this forum and that’s saying something. If his writing wasn’t so shitty I’d think he was a bot but that’d be an insult to bots.

Ask him to support or provide proof of any statement he makes and he not so deftly runs to a different but just as bad argument. He doesn’t even know what you mean when you say he’s not comparing apples to apples. You’ll come out better discussing things with him like he’s a 6 year old. Gotta keep it simple.

In the other anti-Semite thread I actually post what Talib said and I’m sure it’s over complicated for the likes of Salty.
lustylad's Avatar
Yssup really needs to get a woman (guy?) or some kind of hobby. Spending the equivalent of a full time job carousing a hooker forum seems unhealthy. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
He's actually a soda jerk at Nau's Drugstore in Clarksville, TX. He manages to post rubbish on eccie and take your order at the same time.