Pissed Providers and the NO Review

Well I had an exchange with the one NO I wrote . I had pmed her after the session , giving her the chance to rectify the situation . She took 2 wks to reply , and the review was written after 10 days . She was pissed and gave me the , that sucks that takes food , rent , etc .... out of my mouth . So I told her I don't make 200 hr and ripping me off on time takes food , rent , etc ...... out of mine ! She is no longer here as she was problematic anyway , and her reputation preceded her !
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 03-02-2013, 09:36 AM
then dont use the word GOOD, most providers will make the assumption that you promise them a positive reveiw as opposed to a well written honest review of the events that took place. That being said, then why would the client expect a discount? If I were the provider.. why not just schedule with serial reviewers? then, no need to offer a discount.
For as long as there have been reviews, there have been:

1. Providers accessing and reading reviews.
2. Idiot hobbyists thinking they are gaining favor by showing the providers the ROS.
3. Hobbyists who are not forthright with their reviews either out of cowardice, fear of retribution from the provider, or because they think they'll get 'points' down the line with either the provider in question or future providers.

Let's be honest. How many of us have read what we 'thought' were legit reviews from purportedly well established hobbyists only to show up at the providers door and think, "WTF?" Now this isn't a slam on the provider. This is a total slam on the hobbyist who was clearly delusional when wrote the review. And I'm not talking YMMV here. I'm talking about obvious things such a appearance, condition of the outcall, etc. Things that anyone short of Stevie Wonder could have seen but were clearly 'overlooked' in the review.

I never understood the whole "I'll give you a discount for writing a review" thing. To me, what the hell good is the review if that's the case? Just my two cents from an ol' hobbyist whose spends most of his time lurking nowadays and remembering the good ol days of ASPD gone by.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-02-2013, 09:43 AM
then dont use the word GOOD, most providers will make the assumption that you promise them a positive reveiw as opposed to a well written honest review of the events that took place. That being said, then why would the client expect a discount? If I were the provider.. why not just schedule with serial reviewers? then, no need to offer a discount. Originally Posted by kSoze
Why would/shoud the providers ASSUME a "good review" when they know it was a crap session?

Do providers really hear "I give good reviews" and then decide "I can give crap service because this dude has already agreed to give me a good review? {{{NOTE no way I am saying OP thought that-but the question must be asked based on your counter)

How many "serial reviewers" are there to go around? 20? Will those 20 fund the needs of mutitudinious providers?
Poet Laureate's Avatar

I never understood the whole "I'll give you a discount for writing a review" thing. To me, what the hell good is the review if that's the case? Just my two cents from an ol' hobbyist whose spends most of his time lurking nowadays and remembering the good ol days of ASPD gone by. Originally Posted by TxHarleyGuy
Many members don't write reviews. Either they don't want to be bothered, or they don't feel their writing skills are up to the task, or they don't want to be in the position of having to defend their observations.
The problem with no or few reviews, and the reason the ladies give the discounts, is that there is a sizable group of hobbyists who flat refuse to see a girl who doesn't have recent reviews, or who has more than one or two No reviews. They want to know what they're getting, and at upwards of $250-300 an hour, they have the right to.
So the ladies give the review discounts, and some of them are disappointed in the review. Hey, I've been disappointed in performance reviews I received at work. My poor reviews cost me raises and promotions. It's not like we don't know what a poor review will do. It's more that we owe the next guy through your door an honest recounting of what we saw and what we did.
Poet has 18 reviews , what is serial ? Certainly is a hell of a lot more than others ! As far as reading ROS goes , well I PM mine to them , no mystery then ! They know exactly where they stand !
None of this really matters to guys and girls in the know and reputable. Alayna has already been labeled as one of the flakiest providers out there and has been shunned by many hobbyist on here. So much so that she was willing to see poet, a guy shunned by most of the reputable providers on here for his obsessive and cheap nature and even offer a discount for a review that probably doesn't carry a whole lot of weight.

Alayna, your reputation wasn't affected by this anymore then it already was so just consider yourself lucky that it was a crap session otherwise you would be the next one writing the obsessive Poet tale.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
...a guy shunned by most of the reputable providers on here... Originally Posted by homer13
You couldn't help yourself, could you? Keep bringing up old news. Never miss an opportunity for a dig, or a slam, or a lie. At least you're consistent, but then again, so were Hitler, Ted Bundy, and most of the elected officials in the Chicago Democratic Party.
Alayna Seduction's Avatar
Lol @ Homer....considered.
You couldn't help yourself, could you? Keep bringing up old news. Never miss an opportunity for a dig, or a slam, or a lie. At least you're consistent, but then again, so were Hitler, Ted Bundy, and most of the elected officials in the Chicago Democratic Party. Originally Posted by Poet Laureate
A lie, really. I'm not the one writing all the warnings about you my big obsessive cheap non friend. I welcome you to provide even 20% of the ladies who have seen to, to say they'd see you again. You're going to compare me to those guy's, hahahahahahaha. You're a known leaker of information to ladies to curry favor. How can us guy's truly every trust or believe anything you post or right. You're the classic WK, willing to do anything for free or discounted pussy. I agree with Whispers that you should have been banned from the LR for no less then a year

Let's do a pole on who the board picks as the most likely serial .............. I'll decide which and put it up when ready.

You sir are an example of why the worst of the worst will always be able to continue to make or spend $$ on eccie. That is because there will always be someone on here desperate enough to take or spend that money.

At least this was a consistent experience, it still left a bad taste for everyone involved.
Lol @ Homer....considered. Originally Posted by Alayna Seduction
Don't even sweat it, eccie is all about redemption and second chances. You have to do your part though. Don't take sessions if you are not 100% into being able to do them and fulfill your part.

You have good reviews too, so guys will give you another chance.
Well said young lady! Very respectable.

Owning up. Yeah it sucked, yeah i texted out if anger...Would it have been awkward? Maybe for you...I look at it as constructive criticism. If you are comfortable enough to spill your guts to me I'd assume you'd be honest w/ the crap-level of our session.

Eh, lesson learned. But not really since I can't see the ROS Originally Posted by Alayna Seduction

With all that said I will say when I read your review my first thought was.

Good for you, it's about time you stood and and posted something honest.
thanks for the entertainment whilst I was waiting for my clothes in the dryer.
Work on redeeming the 5 posted NCNS's , that's the biggest obstacle I see ! People all have different ideas on the quality of a session , but not showing has no interpretation !