DFD voted to CUT their own retirements. And ya I'm down for shit to fail so we can go through a short depression and bounce back. This current years and years and years of hardship w no end in sight is for the birds.
Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I think accountants call valuing an asset at its real value "marking to market". I think that's what we need to do with our economy. Don't prop anything up. Don't prop up the housing market, don't prop up failing green energy companies, don't prop up GM, don't prop up Chrysler. Let everything fall to its actual value and rebuild from there. The longer the federal government continues to pour money into the economy the greater and more painful the inevitible mark to market will be.
We're just creating zombie companies and zombie markets. It's like "Weekend at Bernies" on a massive scale. Obama didn't really save GM or Chrysler because they didn't go through a bankruptsy reorganiztion that would have allowed renegotiating bloated union contracts that drove them into insolvency in the first place. Eventually, without billions more in federal money GM and Chrysler, with their current business models, will fail.
A wise Democrat senator, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, (yes I actually wrote that!) advised president Nixon that a policy of benign neglect (non intervention) was the best federal policy towards race relations.
I think benign neglect is very often the best federal policy towards economic downturns. Market driven economies naturally have hot and cold cycles. When the federal government does too much to stimulate the economy in a downturn it usually makes things worse.