Will more and more States voice their opinions against the order?

FrankZappa's Avatar
I love listening to fucking assholes on an Escort board disparage mongering and the fine ladies of the business. Originally Posted by eccielover
My point is, if you think this stuff is harmless go make out with a hooker and go down on her . It won't hurt you and is a democratic hoax like President Trump said.

This stuff isn't dangerous, it is just the liberal media trying to make Trump look bad.

I seriously think that all of the people that know the truth about the COVID-19 should have a big party and travel together. Bring your grandparents and sick relatives, so you can show them that Trump is right.
My point is, if you think this stuff is harmless go make out with a hooker and go down on her . It won't hurt you and is a democratic hoax like President Trump said.

This stuff isn't dangerous, it is just the liberal media trying to make Trump look bad.

I seriously think that all of the people that know the truth about the COVID-19 should have a big party and travel together. Bring your grandparents and sick relatives, so you can show them that Trump is right. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
More perpetuating lies. Trump didn't call Wuhan a hoax. The hoax is DemPanic, which you and your ilk are still running with.

And he didn't say to deliberately spread to those with higher risk.

Continue to spew your lies and TDS bullshit. Its becoming laughable from those few of you usual suspects.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
This is a media driven panic - a disease with less morbidity/mortality than influenza A - and we are destroying our economy over the fear.

Time to step back and look at the assumptions driving the panic - and reassess the actions imposed on the populace.

This cure is worse than the disease.

read John Ioaniddis article in this forum - or search for it. Originally Posted by oeb11
Well I’m glad we don’t have to listen to irrelevant folks like you who spew the same nonsense as Trump. All you have to do is get off your ass and listen to what the Gov of NY was saying today..Gov Cuomo.
There is your reality and all this garbage about this is media driven is just that
Folks all over are fighting for their lives and it’s going to get worse,
So why don’t you Trump sheep just STFU and listen to the experts.
Because Trump the Easter bunny, is not an expert. He has no control right now,
If anyone has any sense, they will ignore him.
Even many republicans are tuning away from his bluster and cluelessness.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
More perpetuating lies. Trump didn't call Wuhan a hoax. The hoax is DemPanic, which you and your ilk are still running with.

And he didn't say to deliberately spread to those with higher risk.

Continue to spew your lies and TDS bullshit. Its becoming laughable from those few of you usual suspects. Originally Posted by eccielover
Now Trump is calling it the flu and before it was a HOAX like Ron Paul called it..and a member of his administration called it KUNG FLU.So it’s one big joke to Trump and co..as people are dying...that’s no joke
Trump claimed you can get a test whenever you want...that turned out to be a lie.

It’s almost impossible to get tested unless you show symptims but what if you don’t have any ? Like Sen Paul.
Nutty Trump wants to see the churches on Easter Sunday to be packed and the folks get back to work...if not then, according to him, there will be mass suicides, thousands dying by their own hands.
Honestly he’s clueless but what do you Expect from a charlatan and conman.
He needs to go away, stay out of it and let the experts get on with it.
This is NOT the flu or Kung Flu as he calls it.
And it was never a HOAX.
Folks all over are fighting for their lives Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Statistically, more are still dying and fighting for their lives over seasonal flu and related complications. Where's the outrage over them?
My point is, if you think this stuff is harmless go make out with a hooker and go down on her . It won't hurt you and is a democratic hoax like President Trump said.

This stuff isn't dangerous, it is just the liberal media trying to make Trump look bad.

I seriously think that all of the people that know the truth about the COVID-19 should have a big party and travel together. Bring your grandparents and sick relatives, so you can show them that Trump is right. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
First of all nobody is saying the Covid-19 Virus isn't dangerous or can't make you sick. But let's do a little comparison shopping. In 2018 the Flu season in America looked something like this.There was 45 million confirmed cases. 16 million Doctor visits, 810,000 people were Hospitalized and 61000 people Died of the Flu in just the united states broken down further that's 4000 deaths per week. The Fist cases of this Covid-19 actually occurred at the end of December 2019 as of March 18 2020 the united states has compiled 6500 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 116 deaths. World wide there has been over 208,000 cases and over 8200 deaths. As April approaches the curve will begin a downward pattern. If this pattern continues very unlikely this virus will surpass the Flu season of 2018.
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2020, 11:56 AM
Agreed - L-17.

Time to re-assess what the response is - and try to bring back our economy!
My point is, if you think this stuff is harmless go make out with a hooker and go down on her . It won't hurt you and is a democratic hoax like President Trump said.

This stuff isn't dangerous, it is just the liberal media trying to make Trump look bad.

I seriously think that all of the people that know the truth about the COVID-19 should have a big party and travel together. Bring your grandparents and sick relatives, so you can show them that Trump is right. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
How many people have died in your community from this virus?
HedonistForever's Avatar
First of all nobody is saying the Covid-19 Virus isn't dangerous or can't make you sick. But let's do a little comparison shopping. In 2018 the Flu season in America looked something like this.There was 45 million confirmed cases. 16 million Doctor visits, 810,000 people were Hospitalized and 61000 people Died of the Flu in just the united states broken down further that's 4000 deaths per week. The Fist cases of this Covid-19 actually occurred at the end of December 2019 as of March 18 2020 the united states has compiled 6500 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 116 deaths. World wide there has been over 208,000 cases and over 8200 deaths. As April approaches the curve will begin a downward pattern. If this pattern continues very unlikely this virus will surpass the Flu season of 2018. Originally Posted by Levianon17

And that will be a winner for Trump if he can say "COVID-19 killed fewer than the flu in 2018 and the reason was because of my quick actions" and all Democrats will be able to say is "well, you could have done better" against a virus never seen before. Good luck with that.
Agreed - L-17.

Time to re-assess what the response is - and try to bring back our economy! Originally Posted by oeb11
I was looking at some statistics on this virus as of March 24th. I appears in the United States there has been over 54,000 cases reported and thus far 737 deaths from this virus. I was wondering if anyone knows, are the dead buried in the traditional manner, or is there a special protocol to have all deceased cremated due the infectious nature of their death?
And that will be a winner for Trump if he can say "COVID-19 killed fewer than the flu in 2018 and the reason was because of my quick actions" and all Democrats will be able to say is "well, you could have done better" against a virus never seen before. Good luck with that. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
This virus has been seen before. They state on the back of a can of Lysol Spray all the germs it suppose to kill Corona virus is listed. This thing is no fucking mystery. It's just that most people are not use to hearing the word "Coronavirus" just like Influenza Viruses they mutate and change a little bit and cause wide spread illness. What I think has happened with this virus is they used it as a Psyop and exploited it and made it out to be more dangerous than it really is. I also realize people will get sick and unfortunately some will even die. I think the numbers are being toyed with by the CDC and WHO, they are known to do shit like that. There is obviously some politics in the mix. They've put the public in a stir of panic and stress unnecessarily and that's wrong.
  • oeb11
  • 03-26-2020, 10:33 AM
The DNA studies show it is a novel strain of corona virus - which includes the common cold viruses. One characteristic of coronavirus es is they mutate and change rapidily - which is why we have no vaccine for the common cold.

i agree with the rest of the statement!