
It's time to move on (past the Obama years). We will have to suffer thru a few more months, but anything this liar offers at this time should be dismissed as irrelevant bullshit (domestic or foreign policy).

It was all lies. Who cares? I didn't watch. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Sort of hypocritical for the biggest divider in modern Presidential History lecturing us on how we all need to come together.

The SOTU Speech showed two things.

Yes, President Obama is still master of the TelePrompTer

Yes, President Obama is still a smarmy little Demagogue.
Both parties have the "Robin Hood" mentality. The dems want to take from the rich to give to the poor. The repubs want to take from the poor to give to the rich. Neither give a shit about the vanished "middle class".
gfejunkie's Avatar
I started to watch it but developed a sudden urge to go take a dump. Originally Posted by satexasguy
Apparently you are one of the few who actually "gave a shit". LMAO!

How much more irrelevant can he get?
Chaco20's Avatar
I rarely watch any SOTU any more and I was especially not going to watch this one. It was the same old tired liberal playbook as I knew it would be. Raise taxes, givew shit away to buy votes, run up more deficit. I've heard it from every damn dem my entire life, they have never once changed their plays. Barry is a joke trying to remain relevant like all lame ducks. Didn't mention terrorism or barry care. One second we need to get together next second attacking and dividing. I say veto away Barry kill the next dems chances in 16, I really doubt Hilly will get the nomination.

The Repub response was pathetic, as usual. The unofficial one posted by Cruz was the real response.