Covid vac proof

myren1900's Avatar
COVID vaccines will soon be required by healthcare workers and the military. Employers can require proof of insurance of their work force.
According to HHS “ If an employer asks an employee to provide proof that they have been vaccinated, that is not a HIPAA violation, and employees may decide whether to provide that information to their employer.”

Also remember that public schools in most states have immunization requirements for students and teachers. This is nothing new.

You cannot be forced to get vaccinations, but it may prevent you from getting a job, or keeping the one you have. It is your choice.

Louisiana and Mississippi have the highest per capital infection rate in the US, and among the lowest fraction of its population vaccinated against COVID. The smaller hospitals are getting to full capacity according to a news article in posted today.

In the US the rate of mortality from COVID infections has been 1.7 % to date. So if everyone in our country got it, without a vaccine, we would could have over 5 million deaths. Luckily the vaccine helps prevent serious illness and deaths in many cases, and treatments are improving, but only if you can get admitted to a hospital that has adequate facilities.

Scandinavian countries have good statistics and excellent health care. Sweden stayed open for business and relied on natural immunity. Death rate has been 1,448 /million.
In the other nordic countries partial lock down, social distancing and masks were used. Death rates were Denmark: 440/mill, Finland 179/ mill, Norway 148/mill, Iceland 87/ mill.
In the US the death rate is 1,914/ mill. In Louisiana 2,478/ mill

You can draw your own conclusions

I am flying out later this week. From my understanding you have to be vaccinated, or a negative test within 72hrs of your flight or at least the first dose of the vaccine. Is that correct? I am not scheduled for my 2nd shot for another 2 weeks.
gimme_that's Avatar
It is against the law for anyone to inquire about your medical history. Anyone ever hear of HIPAA? Originally Posted by runkle
Only medical personnel who have had that training are liable to those laws.

I am flying out later this week. From my understanding you have to be vaccinated, or a negative test within 72hrs of your flight or at least the first dose of the vaccine. Is that correct? I am not scheduled for my 2nd shot for another 2 weeks. Originally Posted by cableguy12
Before you fly depending on the state it requires test 3 days before the flight. And in some cases to return a test one day before return flight. Not all.

I’d contact the governors office for each state as this can change. Some states and airports were on more restrictions a few months ago.
Actually there isn’t a mandate at all with in the United States to travel however international yes you need to be vaccinated or have proof of test. I decided to get vaccinated because my employment requires it to have dinner dates in New Orleans as I often do and I travel so much with my FMTU thought it would be a good idea .I do believe this is a personal decision and people should make the choice whichever is best for them .
Cherokeechief's Avatar
Thank You Nikki. Everyone to make their own choice as it should be.
gimme_that's Avatar
I decided to get vaccinated because my employment requires it to have dinner dates in New Orleans....... Originally Posted by Nikki Tylor

Excellent point. Yep or those dinner dates will quickly transform into Uber eats. Either way I don’t complain. I don’t have to waste time and money on valet parking going out for a lady who probably pick at her peas or won’t eat the meal or take home the leftovers anyway. Cause she worried about performing to her standards. I hate “dinner date time waste steaks.” Stray dogs love em though.

That’s why I don’t do a dinner date until I’ve had at least four hours of fun that day with her first. Make the dinner conversation more crisp and open. Work up an appetite. But I’m different. Lol.
gimme_that's Avatar
Actually there isn’t a mandate at all with in the United States to travel however international yes you need to be vaccinated or have proof of test. . Originally Posted by Nikki Tylor
This is very different state to state. I recently had a cousin stranded in California for a few days due to their non COVID test scheduling blunder. And Miami to Puerto Rico had restrictions too. Can be a costly mistake to make when all u have to do is schedule your tests in advance accordingly.

And if you not flying with a n95 fda approved mask and keeping it on your chancing it up there too. Most people I noticed on planes weren’t.
Lol. This thread here. If you want to get vaxed. Get vaxed. Why are you worried about what other people do. Protect yourself. Don’t worry about anyone else. I agree that these mandates are ridiculous and against our rights along with the way they are enforcing them. I also still think it’s pathetic the amount of people that think that cloth over your face is doing something.
myren1900's Avatar
No, a piece of cloth does not protect you from pathogen contaminated aerosols, but it will protect other people some if you sneeze. On the other hand n95 or kn95 masks do indeed limit transmission of viruses between two persons, especially if they both wear masks and keep a 6 ft distance. Transmission is lowered by 90% according to some studies.
And as pointed out in the posts above, unvaccinated people get more easily infected, spread the virus, and increase the risk of the virus to mutate. And even those vaccinated can catch the virus, although the risk is much lower than for those who are not vaccinated. So it does matter what other people are doing.

This isn’t rocket science, just common. Sense.

So I guess my question now is have anyone been carded at a Amp. Being overweight too causes a lot of health issues. You may say well that don't affect me but the person with the bad BMI numbers. Yes it does in a lot of medical resources goes to these people. Should we check a person's BMI before letting them in a restaurant? How about high BMI you are limited to what you can buy at the grocery store. Being over weight causes other issues which COVID 19 gives a higher death rate. Like I said I am vaccinated but will not spend my money at places that say "Papers please." COVID 19 will run its course one way or another.
I’ve tried my best to stay out of this thread because I’ve learned you can’t argue with fools….it’s like wrestling in the mud with a pig….you’ll get dirty , and the pig will like it.
With that being said…myren I agree wholeheartedly with everything you’ve said and every point you’ve made.
On the other hand , catlicker, are you really trying to compare obesity /high BMI to that of a deadly virus??? Are both potentially deadly ??…yes, but when was the last time you were in the room with someone who was obese and just from being in the room you yourself became obese??….on the other hand , yes being in the same environment with someone who is carrying a virus…yes that can be deadly.
COVID will NOT run its course…it is a virus so by definition it isn’t curable and we are with it forever …now if you mean that one day it might possibly not be as deadly …yes that’s the hope ….but I wouldn’t say that it will run its course.
This is a global crisis….it’s not about your fuckin freedom. That’s the problem with society today. Everyone is out for self instead of doing what is right for mankind ….
It is not about freedom!? Forcing people to wearthe Star of David on their sleeves is not about f.... freedom it is about protecting people from the jewish people. Jews cause all the problems.

It is not about freedom!? The south wants to argue for states rights and the right for a state to enslave a race of people. We are just trying to save the people from the race that commits crimes, rapes women, etc. Black people cause all the problems.

It is not about freedom!? drink the cool aid, let us move on to the next life, come with me my children. F... freedom to put in your body what you choose is just stupid! I am protecting you from the dumb people that want to tear down our camp here in Guyana.

People that say it is not about freedom do not mind abusing your rights to be free as long as they get what it is they seem to think they deserve. We do not require vaccination cards for the Flu, does it kill thousands? We do not require vaccination cards for the cold does it have the potential to cause harm? SHow me your papers prove to me you are not a jew! As was said by the SS in Germany, but that had nothing to do with freedom, did it?

And now those that want to abuse others' freedom to feel a little safer are asking "Are you really comparing the Holocaust to COVID?" Not comparable! you are correct, over 6 million jews were murdered and had their freedom rights abused. An additional 11 million were enslaved but survived the war. Here we talking about abridging the rights of 328 million. I will admit enslavement is a much harsher abridgement of freedom than showing papers but if anyone has studied the Holocause it all started with showing papers to prove you were not Jewish.

I find sad when people critisize others for thinking differently, it is what creates innovation, advancement in technology, and a happier place for all of us. I repsect your opinions that freedom is not imporatant as Americans any longer. I respectfully disagree with it but I listen and some points I debate. I think it is ALL about freedom because if it was not we would have to show papers that we are completely disease free from any virus or potentially harmful disease and yet we don't it is constrained only to COVID.
myren1900's Avatar

Yes, feel free to be free. Do select not to wear a mask , which obviously is a MAJOR infringement on your freedom. And enter a store without shirt and shoes. Feel free to not get the vaccine. And to drive 120 mph through NOLA without a seat belt. Feel free not to wear a helmet riding your motor bike. Refuse to show your driver’s license and get out of your car when police stop you. And not use a life west when you go boating. Don’t use a condom when you have sex with the street walkers.

All those attacks on your freedom of choice are terrible.

Lol….myren….I knew this would happen….the fools man.
You and I quite frankly are obviously on a higher intelligence plain….like I said , can’t argue with fools and ignorance …and they don’t even know how ignorant they sound …that’s when you know it’s bad (when you don’t know that you don’t know )

Peace out….I’ve said enough …and anyone who wants to retort …as I said …I’m done !
This “vax” does not stop Covid”….with more people getting the vax…how come more people getting covid? Anybody taking supplements to build resistance? What if you already had it? If you are obese, big smoker, heart condition, wine head, diabetes etc……you in a bad place.