I'm going to hell for this...

scooter's Avatar
these are real people that really walk among us....scary
causewaycommuter's Avatar
I just realized that the auto tuned remix was released ONE DAY after the original news tape was posted on youtube. You gotta love smart kids with way too much time on their hands...and a wicked sense of humor!
afterdarkescorts's Avatar
Its gonna be hot down ther but I will not be alone when I get there that was sick the 1st and the second
Awesome lol. i love the victims brother!
that is straight hood.....darn news should do a better job of prepping the public and saving the embarrassment of project peeps. Thank God they come in all colors.
  • jn965
  • 08-17-2010, 09:22 PM
Goin' ta hell - fo real!

Thanks! Now I can't get that damn song out of my head!
The cover is priceless!
wow, this is incredibly .. uggh.. hmmmm. i have no idea what to say really. wow.
bassmaster02000's Avatar
They will be on the Jerry Springer show soon, FOR REAL
Thank you for sharing! I needed a good laugh! I guess I will be joining you in hell.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I finally got around to seeing what the fuss was about on those 2 links.

the victims brother is certainly a chuckle-head. the 2nd link was quite amusing, makes the chuckle-head look bad! hehehehe!

I don't think this is a road to hell anyhow!