“Mother of All Caravans” Heading To Mexico

themystic's Avatar
They're playing us. Now they know how to get us to open the purse strings anytime they need yankee dollars - just dispatch a few northbound caravans!! Originally Posted by lustylad
So will the wall be so we just dont have to look at them?

Besides I thought George Soros was paying for all of this
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
They're playing us. Now they know how to get us to open the purse strings anytime they need yankee dollars - just dispatch a few northbound caravans!! Originally Posted by lustylad
You could very well be correct. But the answer is not to wait until they reach our border.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You mean these folks? VVVVVV

are just "... coming up to our border and asking for asylum.."?

(She's not seeking asylum from Venezuela it seems based on the reports of "starvation"!!!!)

.. how about these ...

There has got to be a U.S. Consulate under one of those shrubs! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The article cited makes no mention of people in the caravans trying to enter the U.S. illegally. Certainly some are but not the majority.
So will the wall be so we just dont have to look at them?

Besides I thought George Soros was paying for all of this Originally Posted by themystic
If Soros would pay for the wall, that would be nice of him.

He has contributed to many things to attempt to destroy the social cohesiveness of America, perhaps he could fund a wall to protect low wage employees from unskilled labor competition.
  • oeb11
  • 03-29-2019, 03:08 PM
I think we should get AOC down there so she can explain what a shitty and racist capitalist country this is so those poor people won't waste their time risking getting treated poorly while trespassing in Mexico then turned away at the border anyway. Originally Posted by friendly fred

Facts never get in the way of Idiot-Ideology of the DPST's

It is all good to AOC!
bamscram's Avatar
Facts never get in the way of Idiot-Ideology of the DPST's

It is all good to AOC! Originally Posted by oeb11
Off topic.
Hotrod511's Avatar

that my girl friend ain't she cool . Originally Posted by bamscram(Lenny)
bambino's Avatar
My question is what is Trump proposing to stop these caravans? They are not trying to enter our country illegally. They are coming up to our border and asking for asylum. A new border wall will not stop this.

Secretary Nielson laid out the plan:

Mexico and the United States agreed in December to cooperate on a US $35.6-billion development plan in southern Mexico and Central America to curb migration but critics pointed out that most of the U.S. funding is not new as it will be allocated from existing aid programs.

Secretary Nielsen traveled to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, today to meet with officials from that country as well as Guatemala and El Salvador.

The DHS said Nielsen and Northern Triangle security ministers have been working on “a first-of-its-kind memorandum of cooperation – or ‘regional compact’” – that “focuses on stemming the migration crisis at its source, including preventing the formation of new migrant caravans that set out to reach the United States.”

This is good in my opinion. Work with those countries to try to stop the caravans at their source. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You’re more naive than I thought you were. Maybe you should take a poll?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So will the wall be so we just dont have to look at them?

Besides I thought George Soros was paying for all of this Originally Posted by themystic

he is. he's just one of the many other players paying for this.
LexusLover's Avatar
The article cited makes no mention of people in the caravans trying to enter the U.S. illegally. Certainly some are but not the majority. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The article wouldn't. One has to look at the government stats on captures, estimated not captured based upon those who actually are working the border, and the applications at the U.S. consulates in Mexico and farther South to get the most accurate picture. When the LameStreamMedia wants to pretend there's no problem during the Trump administration even though "the problem" was described by HillariousNoMore's HUSBAND while he was President, and every President SINCE, one can mine articles to fit their Anti-Trump dialogue.

You're probably not personally familiar with the history of illegals coming into the U.S. from across our Southern border, since you are "from up North." But most from "up North" don't. So don't beat yourself up about it. The history goes all the way back to the sugar beet days in Colorado. Comprende, hombre?

One would also have to live and work in a metropolitan area traditionally settled by Hispanic populations in higher percentages than found in Travis County, because in those larger communities of legally present Hispanics those who have snuck into the country or illegally remain here after gaining permission to remain for a limited period of time can blend into the communities without being readily identified as being here illegally. I have. You haven't.

Que lastime for usted, porque usted comprehende mos de el problemo in Los Estados Unidos.
themystic's Avatar
Facts never get in the way of Idiot-Ideology of the DPST's

It is all good to AOC! Originally Posted by oeb11
Fact check Mr. Moscow Ellen. There is no such thing as DPST. You and you Real Estate Investor Savant girlfriend have Zero Cred. I love the pictures Lusty posted of you. Did anyone tell you that you look like Rachael Maddow?
I prefer DBDs.
LexusLover's Avatar
You’re more naive than I thought you were. Maybe you should take a poll? Originally Posted by bambino
The general population of the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers are either remarkable ignorant of the historical border integrity of Latin American countries or they are being intentionally deceptive in their positions with regard to thwarting Trump's attempts to do what numerous administrations before his have pronounced NEEDED to be done.

Point in FACT: Months of spurious wrangling over a "wall" vs. a "fence" and whether Trump will be able to build a "wall" before the 2020 election campaign period begins to run ..... standby you will only have about a year to wait .... and you will hear and see it!!!!

Then the stupid ass mantra will be: he didn't build "THE WALL" as he promised ... in a lameass fraudulent attempt to divert attention away from THE FACT that the Democrats voted AGAINST FUNDING "THE WALL" after the midterms....which was after they vote FOR THE WALL during the previous administration.

Whiners is all they are! Ignorant, good for nothing, whiners. Unless it is to kill babies to reduce the size of their political opponents in coming generations.

The Californian Democrats want their illegal votes. New York has caught on with that one with their newly anointed nut-case Rep. And now the rest of the country's Democrats are embracing the idea .... to assure Trump is defeated. It's OVERTLY TRANSPARENT ... ala LBJ and South Texas.

DNC Prayor:

Oh, God, please bring you hoards of hungry and needy .... Amen ...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Trump Is Right: Our Border Is In Crisis, And Congress Is Ignoring It

After promising again and again to stop illegal immigration, cartel violence, and the drug epidemic, members of Congress are complaining that Donald Trump is now taking action.

By Scott DesJarlais

March 26, 2019

Since the National Emergencies Act became law in 1976, U.S. presidents have declared more than 50 emergencies. More than 30 are ongoing. In the past, presidents of both parties have used their emergency powers to reallocate federal funds, reassign government employees, and build infrastructure to protect Americans from terrorist attacks, weapons of mass destruction, and drug cartels.

Our country has been in a continuous state of emergency for nearly four decades, not that Congress ever noticed. Not once has Congress reviewed a single declaration in a timely manner, as the law requires. Not a single time have members, who routinely vote to fund all sorts of unauthorized, constitutionally questionable federal programs, voted to terminate one of these declarations.

Congress originally granted presidents broad authority to declare emergencies undefined in legislation because emergencies are unpredictable by nature. As our Founders understood, the idea that Congress should forever deliberate over a possible military action could leave our country defenseless in the face of immediate danger.

Also, constitutionally speaking, the presidency has inherent power to direct the military, the main purpose of which is to defend U.S. territory. If foreign adversaries were to suddenly attack Texas or California, is there any doubt the commander-in-chief should have the power to act without committee hearings first?

Finally, Congress has never voted to disapprove an emergency declaration, because the most political branch of government prefers to delay or deny its responsibilities and grouse later. After promising again and again to stop illegal immigration, cartel violence, and the drug epidemic, and failing to close any legal loophole or the porous border causing these deadly problems, members are complaining that Donald Trump is now taking action.

Like millions of Americans across the political spectrum, who elected the outsider to the White House, he took our long-stated positions seriously. The difference is that President Trump, rather than searching for excuses, is finally doing something about our country’s number-one national security threat, with little help from establishment Washington.

Sadly, high-paid professionals who make their living in The Swamp see economic opportunity in an endless pool of foreign labor and potential amnesty for illegal aliens, while heroin, fentanyl, and other drugs from Mexico are killing tens of thousands of mostly working- and middle-class Americans every year.

International cartels and other violent gangs, such as MS-13, that control the flow of drugs and human beings into the United States have murdered many more. In Mexico itself, the Sinaloa Cartel, Los Zetas, and others have probably claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, but the full scope of slaughter across Central and South America is difficult to quantify.

Despite misleading media coverage, it has become clear that foreign adversaries really are attacking our southern border. China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba, to name a few determined enemies, have joined forces to spread their malign influence across the region, threatening our allies and Americans’ safety here at home. The role of Chinese drug manufacturers, supplying Mexican cartels with fentanyl, a synthetic opioid many times more powerful than heroin, and responsible for an increasing number of overdose deaths, is just one example.

The communist state’s tolerance for narco-trafficking could be part of a larger strategy that defense experts have described to the House Armed Services Committee, on which I serve. For instance, China supports the socialist Maduro regime in Venezuela. U.S. prosecutors have indicted its leaders on serious drug trafficking charges. Cuba, also a communist dictatorship, is a Caribbean drug depot and enforcer for the regime. So are Cuban-funded terrorist organizations FARC and ELN.

Russian and Iranian forces, including Iran’s infamous Revolutionary Guard Corps, are assisting Nicholas Maduro’s crackdown on dissent. This wide-reaching network of drug-traffickers, human smugglers, terrorists, corrupt governments, and left-wing radicals extends to America’s doorstep. In one notorious plot, Iranian-backed terror group Hezbollah hired a cartel hitman to assassinate a foreign ambassador in Washington.

The connection between the Islamic Republic and Mexican cartels is even more insidious. A Drug Enforcement Administration investigation revealed that they conspire to traffic drugs and arms, and launder the proceeds to wreak more havoc. Profits from human smuggling, otherwise known as illegal immigration, fill cartel coffers.

Reports that Venezuela and Cuba have helped to organize recent migrant caravans should be reason enough to secure the southern border. That sophisticated cartels aligned with the world’s worst dictators and terrorists have corrupted top levels of the Mexican government should close the case to build more border barriers. Yet willful ignorance pervades most media coverage, reflecting the liberal open-borders agenda, really a collection of crass commercial and political interests dressed up as utopian fantasy.

With all due respect to a few of my colleagues, Congress has already appropriated substantial funding in previous legislation, permitted its reallocation on frequent occasions, and granted the president authority to do so in case of an emergency like the one we confront at the southern border. The partisan debate over whether a wall will work ended when nearly every congressional Democrat voted to send the president $1.4 billion for construction costs.

All that remains is to finish the job, a foreign concept in Washington. The absence of tanks and artillery along the Rio Grande should comfort no one. Nor should the methodical pace at which our adversaries have advanced in Latin America, nor Congress’ reluctance to act. We have a president, in particular President Trump, for moments like this that call for decisive action in the interest of national security.

Rep. Scott DesJarlais, a physician, represents Tennessee’s Fourth District in Congress. He is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, as well as the Border Security Caucus, and chairs the Congressional Range and Testing Center Caucus, working to maintain the U.S. military’s advantage in air and space.

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bamscram's Avatar

Originally Posted by Hotrod511

Your boyfriend, ain't he cool.