Bored and drunk so here's something a little different

Toreador_one's Avatar
Wow, so if I understand correctly the objetive is post and nobody else posts for 24 hours and you win a free session.

I agree, this thread could go forever becoming the ultimate ThreAD. Unless of course..... we take extreme measures so for the next 24 hours......

You been warned!!!
I don't think I'll be the last one in but I'll give it a shot!

Uh, DED don't be tryin' to pull no Mod tricks! LOL
Toreador_one's Avatar

Blackbuddy05's Avatar
What does ICM mean?
What does ICM mean? Originally Posted by Blackbuddy05
Short for "IceCreamMan" #17
ImaMrCool's Avatar
The next person that posts will get a computer virus
yngtxn's Avatar
Good thing I can post from my phone. Time to get my post count up.
ImaMrCool's Avatar
Yea my post count is lacking
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
This is going to last forever.

/grabs a cup of coffee
yngtxn's Avatar
If i can get that session it'll add to my lacking reviews.
Combustion's Avatar
Be more interesting if you added that a double post disqualifies you. Otherwise the last 10 seconds will be mega spam.
Toreador_one's Avatar
Be more interesting if you added that a double post disqualifies you. Otherwise the last 10 seconds will be mega spam. Originally Posted by Combustion
Ha your right so you know already I'll do it it's all fun

And nope not by sunday just the last to post on here for 24 hrs for instance if you post at 2 tonight and no one else replies by 2am sunday then u win

and of course my post doesn't count Originally Posted by Max Rax
Get it right people, it is not the last post 24 hours after her first post, it is the last post with no one else posting for 24 hours.

whitechocolate's Avatar
How about the last to post in the first 8 hour period and will bring supplies to keep your drunk.
Combustion's Avatar
Ah, misread. Interesting.
This will be cool to watch! Good Luck Guys!