build a wall

To the OP- anyone out of NY with Fidel as their avatar has made it clear they are a Fascist DPST Castro socialism worshipping idiot.
move to Cuba, Venezuela, or china - and enjoy the life under socialism.

u deserve it!!!

BT - Sienna is correct - theWuhan virus is out of control - and will run its' course - just as Influena A does yearly. Originally Posted by oeb11
looks more like the opera tenor than fidel to me


HedonistForever's Avatar
With every country in the world putting up border restrictions, this idiot picks the wall ( that is continuing to be built ) to talk about.

Trump isn't talking about building it any more because he got the money the Democrats swore he wouldn't get and is continuing to build but that's what is on the poster's "mind".

Laughable doesn't begin to cover it.
  • oeb11
  • 03-26-2020, 01:32 PM
Trump also managed to get Mexico to keep their "migrants" on their side of the border - until the unwarranted "refugee" status applications can be disapproved.
Rather than disappear into the bowels of kalifornia and suck up welfare and free college ( now on hold) , free income, and lifetime largess at the hands of the kalifornia DPST's fleecing the taxpaying citizens in favor of the citizens of other countries.

Ha Ha - Mexico is building and paying for the "Wall"!!!!
Missburger's Avatar
Didn’t a bunch of Mexican kids cut through Trumps picket fence using a hacksaw, as quickly as you cut through a 96-ouncers at the local Blue Ox?

Yous are a fat, racist POS, bumbeaner. What the nice trans fella wanted with the inside of your buttshole is baffling. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
what he said
Missburger's Avatar
the wall isnt built lol

and nor will it be there when hes gone

tear down those walls,, a republican said that

looking at this stimulus bill

i believe orange man is now a socialist my goodness
  • oeb11
  • 03-26-2020, 05:33 PM
MB fails to understand the "wall" is not necessarily a physical barrier.

Typical fascist DPST!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The republican said that referring to a country that had a wall to keep people in, not out.
  • oeb11
  • 03-26-2020, 05:42 PM
J- very true - and lost on the comprehension of the Fascist DPST contingent.
As the idiots that support the Maduro regime in Venezuela - hundred of thousands have fled the debacle that is a socialist kleptocracy.
a couple - Bernie and AOC - both totalitarian socialist Communist supporters.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
build a wall that will solve this

big beautiful wall

it will stop the v irus

ah good ole orange man not talking about no stupid wall now is he Originally Posted by Missburger
If Trump wants that stupid wall built then let his shit eating degenerate sheep chip in and pay for it.
The vast majority of folks that come here illegally FLY in...that’s a fact,
But dumbass Trump has conned his throng he’s got the perfect solution.
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2020, 08:01 AM
The Ignore button is such a blessing!!!
The Ignore button is such a blessing!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
But you lose the laugh factor at reading their bullshit.

I thoroughly enjoy seeing the crap they write and then how easy it is to debunk and watch them escalate into meltdown mode.

It happens every time they are actually challenged to defend their position.

  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2020, 08:27 AM
EL - you are better at inducing their meltdown mode than am I
Seriously - a career in political speechwriting - you would do very well!
HedonistForever's Avatar
The republican said that referring to a country that had a wall to keep people in, not out. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

And the fact that Fidel didn't know that is all the reason one needs to know not to pay attention to anything Fidel says and no, you don't cut through the new barriers Trump is putting in place with a hacksaw and even if you could, the sensor's in place notify the Border Control of where attempts are being made giving them time to arrive on scene and catch the law breakers.

While the main purpose of the wall is to make sure there are no "complete" openings for thousands to pass through at any given time, the secondary purpose is to make it difficult for more than a few to get through before Border Patrol shows up.

This contagion only serves to prove the necessity of the wall. The wall along with suspension of flights from abroad in just such a case could be what saves this country.

Registered Independents such as myself will continue to push our legislators to stop the over stay of VISA's with a new system that flags those overstaying because when they enter, that time they must depart is in the computer and would be nothing at all to spit out everyday who has overstayed their VISA and an arrest warrant issued. When they are found, the government will take all the gains they have made while in the country illegally, property, businesses. They will be put on a plane with only the clothes on their backs and may never return. Easy peasy. Get'er done!

And you better believe it will be in Trump's campaign ads. "Trump saw the future of the necessity of closing our borders in a time of emergency" while Democrats call for open borders with no controls. A no brainer. Thanks Democrats!
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2020, 11:09 AM
Given the Wuhan virus issue - the DPST's have moderated their rhetoric on the border.

We are all aware - once this viral problem is over - they will be back at Open borders full force.

Waiting to see Trump debate Biden on Open Borders - that will be fun.

If Biden remembers what a border of a country is supposed to be.