David Harvey "The End of Capitalism"

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I never had "rich parents", but rather middle class parents. I had to work for everything I have and work harder and harder and harder. Something has to give! Personally, I am sick and tired of being a slave to those rich bankers, and corporate CEO's, who are raking in billions and billions, while the middle class is barely keeping food in their mouth! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Now you're speaking in tongues Deb. I don't think you understand the words that you're using. As for working harder and harder....what does that have to do with capitalism? Nothing. You're talking tax structure and opportunity. Given your job and how many sessions you probably have every week, I think it is safe to say that you make more money than most Americans and tax free at that. Why are you complaining?
lustylad's Avatar
Personally, I am sick and tired of being a slave to those rich bankers, and corporate CEO's... Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

OMG Debbie! How long have you been a slave? Where are you right now? Shackled to the wall in some rich fuck's dungeon? Try to remain calm. When your slavemaster isn't looking, post his address here. We will alert LE so they can rush over and free you ASAP!
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
We don't know (and neither do you) know what Deb thinks about anything. She never says, she just puts up links that she thinks have the secrets of the universe in them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are so right. . .about me having secrets of the universe!
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
OMG Debbie! How long have you been a slave? Where are you right now? Shackled to the wall in some rich fuck's dungeon? Try to remain calm. When your slavemaster isn't looking, post his address here. We will alert LE so they can rush over and free you ASAP! Originally Posted by lustylad
No way would I ever be a slave (maybe in sexual fantasy); but not in real life. I am quite independent and prefer it that way, "lustylad". Kiss me back
lustylad's Avatar
Kiss me back Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

Ok hon, but what if I'm a rich banker CEO?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hate to put on more pressure but I notice that you've stopped making statements and are now deflecting.
lustylad's Avatar
Hate to put on more pressure but I notice that you've stopped making statements and are now deflecting. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Is that what Debbie's doing? I thought she was just flirting. Er, what was the topic again?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If we have a capitalist system, why are the rich becoming richer, and the poor, poorer? Why is the middle class shrinking? The elitists are sticking it to us, and you defend them. The answer is not government regulation. That will never work because they own the government. We need massive, peaceful civil disobedience. The Constitution needs to be re-established. The Fed, IRS and much of the bureaucracy needs to be disbanded. The 17th Amendment needs to be repealed. And that's just a start.

Debbie is on to something, and her posts just bring out the establishment statism in so many of you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Deb just demonstrates that she doesn't know the difference between capitalism (an economic system) and democracy (a political system) or socialism (another economic system). Classic mistake for most people with shallow understanding. Another mistake is to not understand the difference between actual flaws and the pragmatic practices. You blame the system which in reality are abuses of the system by individuals.