Democrats' looming midterm crisis

  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2021, 07:26 AM
leftist DPST keyboard warriors are out in force with name-calling insults this morning
Tired of fiden's screwups in Afghanistan?
Got up on teh wrong side of the bed?
Or, just in terror of the elections coming up in a year.?

SplashyZebo's Avatar
What you above.

What it really means is: if Trump would go away, there would be no reason to bring him up.
But he doesn't.....he can't....and he won't.
Trump is the one he can say "Me, me me." "I,I,I."
How long can he stay off Fox channel with his main man Hannity ? Maybe 3 days ?

The interesting future is the 2024 Presidential election, and what will be left of the Republican part to even present a candidate for President. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Commie Trump goes on his butt buddy Hannity's show because it's the only media outlet that will let him spew his crybaby snowflakey "but, but, but Hillary and Biden stole the election from me" bullshit that only Low IQ white guys over 65 will actually believe and donate money.

The other 99% of America is on Mighty Joe's side and will DESTROY this pathetic Repuke Party once and for all in 2024.

VitaMan's Avatar
TDS - Trump Hate, and insulting , name-calling - Keep up your hatred - keyboard warrior!

Typical DPST with a Teachers Union education - which means 1st Grade
LOL Originally Posted by oeb11

Insulting ? Is calling someone a typical DPST that would only have a 1st grade education an insult ? Please discuss. According to you, I would not be educated enough to determine whether it is an insult or not.

Note: your posts are always the same. Do you just cut and paste ?
  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2021, 07:31 AM
No - i don't always cut and paste

Sometimes I paste and cut!
why don't U and S0 take a look in a mirror when you type such allegations.

DPST - an acronym - all four words repeatable in front of Your mother ( I do pray you still have her) .!!
yet DPSTs with ultra thin skin find it 'Insulting" - it shows the denial, deflection , and indoctrination of DPSTs to be 'iinsulted' by an accurate description of the political reality of teh democrat party!
So Sad

SplashyZebo's Avatar
Back on point, the covid control narrative has to continue till mid-terms Originally Posted by rexdutchman

The Mighty Dems are winning 2022 and 2024 in a landslide.

It's fun hearing the dipshits on Fox Fake News cry about it incessantly as their doomsday keeps getting closer.
  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2021, 07:34 AM
At least valued poster tries to view a balance of political viewpoints in the News!
I'm so happy Trump is gone Biden is in and all is going so well. I know I'm certainly better off now than a year ago. I quit my job yet I have money out my ass as Joe sends me a check pretty regularly plus free rent. After this next pile of handouts is passed I'm thinking I just might go back to 2 years of free kindergarten then get my 2 years of free college. If bored there should be plenty of work. Terrorist will start any day blowing shit up. Someone will have to rebuild. And if that gets old I can always join BLM and burn a few malls down, beat the shit out of an old woman walking down the street of just rob a liquor store. No cops around and 1 that is don't give a shit. Yeap, life is good.
HedonistForever's Avatar
What you above.

What it really means is: if Trump would go away, there would be no reason to bring him up.
But he doesn't.....he can't....and he won't.
Trump is the one he can say "Me, me me." "I,I,I."
How long can he stay off Fox channel with his main man Hannity ? Maybe 3 days ?

The interesting future is the 2024 Presidential election, and what will be left of the Republican part to even present a candidate for President. Originally Posted by VitaMan

That will the second most interesting development in the near future. 2022 will be the first interesting development and there is nary a political person in this country, at this moment, not counting you of course, that doesn't think the Republican Party will retake the House. Why is that? It really isn't because the Republicans are doing better but that the Democrats are doing worse as I predicted they would do should they gain all 3 branches of government.

The Democrats are screwing up so bad, which you obviously can not see because your focus is on Trump and only Trump. The truth of the matter it, the Republican party would benefit from Trump being behind bars ( not that I believe that will happen ) or merely out of the race. All it will take is a less bombastic person who will again put forth Conservative principles that will beat Democrats in 2022 and yes, 2024.
VitaMan's Avatar
Waiting for you to throw the ignore switch as you said you would
Instead, you instantly respond with insults.

Note: this is the political forum, not the POTUS forum. That means POTUS discussions would be a subset of topics to be discussed in this forum.
texassapper's Avatar
the Republican party would benefit from Trump being behind bars ( not that I believe that will happen ) or merely out of the race. All it will take is a less bombastic person who will again put forth Conservative principles that will beat Democrats in 2022 and yes, 2024. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I'm not in agreement. Because #1 Trump is keeping the enemies sights on him...
#1A if he does run, the Democrats will pull out all the stops to prevent him from winning... legal, illegal, and everything short of a nuclear war are probably on the table. The Globalists cannot allow him to win under ANY circumstances... he'll be accused of raping his kids and burning blacks on a cross on the 4th of July. It will the ugliest election in history
#1B if he doesn't run, he will have kept the Democrats spending time and resources on smearing him as Hitler incarnate rather than the actual candidate.
If it's #1B then I expect the nominee to be De Santis. You can bet the NSA is helping the Democrats dig for dirt on him and the rest of the Republican potential field right now.
#2 By Trump staying active the Bush wing of the Republicans (ie. Democrat light) are on the ropes... if Trump leaves the field, they will fill the vacuum.. and that means socialism sooner rather than later.
#3 By Trump staying active, the audits stay alive. Whether you believe there was fraud or not... evidence one way or the other ought to make us examine the voting process. The Nation will not recover if we cannot establish legitimate election processes.
#4. It's all irrelevant anyway because election fraud will determine who wins and that is the beginning of the end stage of the Republic... it will not last and I expect it to break up into regional associations of states.
VitaMan's Avatar
Even the erstwhile Lindsey Graham cannot escape the Trump Twilight Zone. He tried with his speech "All I can say is count me out, enough is enough." discussing Trump. Now he is back trying to be counted in, as that is where the power is.

The Republican party is in a shambles. Luckily for them, the Democrats are just as bad.

The thing is the Trump Twilight Zone will never go away. It is sucking the life from the Republican party.

That is the importance of Trump needing to be discussed. In the twilight zone, pull off the elephant mask....Trump is underneath. Pull off the Trump mask....and you get the Trump organization.
rexdutchman's Avatar
As anti reality as puddens is just wow ,,, The 3 blind mice
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2021, 02:06 PM
That could be a scene from a' Vampire movie " - sucking the blood - as DPSTs do from teh life of America.