High Volume Providers...Like Real High

...wow. I am amazed at the number of providers who see more than one client a day...I question the level of quality of each session, not due to any other reason than it takes a lot out of me for one visit...I do put alot into preparing for my sessions.....I am overly critical of myself and tend to be anal about everything that concerns an optimal experience for my client...I sometimes can't handle 3 a week. Kudos to those women who can manage it without feeling road hard and put away wet....if they are sacrificing the quality of visits and their bodies!!!... then they need to hire a financial advisor to manage their income so they can allow for the bruises and sore mucsels to heel!! Originally Posted by xXxoRRoxXx

after 20 years of being a 'John' I have seen it all.. I know for a fact one very very famous now retired Provider who traveled around Texas would see 10+ guys a day 4 days a week...her rates tended to be about $40-$60 cheaper than girls at her quality

now the negatives where she was very mechanical.. every session was pretty much the same..

frankly I always assume a full time working girls sees at least 2-3 guys a day...
DallasRain's Avatar
read my reviews...my sessions are NEVER "lacking in quality".....I have on a normal day when traveling a quoato of two a day....sometimes it may just be one...............when i am home for two weeks I will see 4 or 5 total due to it being slow there {and that allows me to relax & refresh for my next tour}!

and I agree with Tammy.......I think at my ripe old age of 53,I can hang with most 25 year olds and still maintain top quality erotic fun! I just did a playdate in my personal time with 2 males and wore their "young" asses out.....I was still horny & ready to go....lol!

It is all about attitude and zest for life *& love!!
Dersieger's Avatar
I'm always concerned about the bedsheets when seeing a traveling Jezebel at a hotel.
I mean, there's no way she's going change them after each client. And hotel linens already have a reputation for being dna repositories.
xXxoRRoxXx's Avatar
I see less than 10 clients a month- I live an above comfortable lifestyle, and have a family. So, if seeing 5plus a day is what you need, or crave...the real issue here is money management cause I know the providers are racking $$$, even for those who are in the 160-200 price bracket... If your just horny.. That is one thing ...blow away..but if your constantly stressing yourseft out and seeing that many clients... Something else is issue
DallasRain's Avatar
Yes i ain stressing .... lol
I live a very comfortable life and have enough money to cure my shpping addiction!
I do agree that money management is so important...I see so many gals begging for rent money or sich and most charge more than me......if you cannot pay your bills and also live comfortabley in this career choice then maybe they need to reebaluate things....in this biz;whether high volume OR low volume;life should be good living for you.
DallasRain's Avatar
Roxy..glad life is good for you...rock on baby!
playingnthedark's Avatar
I see less than 10 clients a month- I live an above comfortable lifestyle, and have a family. So, if seeing 5plus a day is what you need, or crave...the real issue here is money management cause I know the providers are racking $$$, even for those who are in the 160-200 price bracket... If your just horny.. That is one thing ...blow away..but if your constantly stressing yourseft out and seeing that many clients... Something else is issue Originally Posted by xXxoRRoxXx
Passion2015's Avatar
If I have the slightest inclination that a lady has a revolving door going on, I don't and won't see her. No matter the price point.

But it does seem to be the norm now days.

Hell, just a month or so ago, I had an appointment and knocked on the door and who opens it? A guy who just finished with her. Not mentioning and names of the providers. I did an about face and left. I will never see her.

It's been my experience that its the handler/pimp/associate or what ever other name you want to call the manager of the lady who does all the double booking for the lady.

High volume is just poor practice in this business and the Quality goes out the door with it.
xXxoRRoxXx's Avatar
Shopping addiction... I am glad to see I am not the only gal in this horrible instant gratification time zone...rock on!! lol
xXxoRRoxXx's Avatar
The only part of me that puts out high volume is on the football field...:-# ..
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I agree with Dallas, when I'm traveling and using hotels, I prefer to only see two a day and spaced out.
As for xXxoRRoxXx, I'm 51 and have a sex drive that is unbelievable at times. And I also offer bngs so seeing 2 or 3 guys a day doesn't effect how I treat any of them. If I'm not in the mood on any specific day, I'll avoid taking appts. But I usually wake up ready to play.
Physically,I could handle more appts than I accept a day, but I also have an incall in an apartment complex and don't want to bring too much attention to myself.
Then there are those, like yourself, who know they can't give their all if every day. Nothing wrong with either way.
It's only wrong when the lady is doing back to back appts and can't handle it. Or if they run over and it interferes with other appts scheduled. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
As a sometimes visitor to Austin
I have a 1hr minimum but I make it obvious in my advertisements I have a huge preference for longer dates (1.5hr+). The volume I see is a combo of how many in a day 'for me 7am to 11pm is a typical "work day" touring' I am certain I can give 100% to plus not drawing a lot of foot traffic attention. For me that is 2 in a 'day' is typical with a max of 3 ... all of my dates aren't GFE/PSE either as I do NURU/FBSM. If a guy thinks my door is revolving because I'm visiting then he's seriously mistaken. I also don't even space my dates closer than 2hrs apart for a bunch of reasons. My tour volume is low-ish to me but it might be high to someone else lol. On weeks I don't tour I'd day 4 or more in a whole week is high for me (2-3 in a week on weeks I don't tour is typical) as I have a daytime civvie career.
ck1942's Avatar
Interesting discussion and discourse above. And many assumptions, too, imo.

No matter what: one size does not fit all. And, in fact, doesn't fit as many as some folks might assume.

The ladies who, for the most part, "make it" in this business have been able to plan, plan ahead, economize, enjoy and prosper.

The ladies who fail at the biz, usually have other RW issues that keep them from being able to plan, plan ahead, economize and enjoy, much less prosper.

The hobbyists who enjoy the hobby the most are usually those who are able to plan, plan ahead, economize, enjoy and prosper.
russellevans's Avatar
Wholesale box of condoms or greater and I'm out!
travis13131's Avatar
Samcro84's Avatar
That is why I don't typically see travelers.
