HIV tests shown to be completely bogus

Mr. Bill's Avatar
If you ever have a positive HIV test, they will make you retest as often as every three months, to every 6 months. I have a cousin who's HIV positive. He was named as a partner of someone who was also named as a partner of someone who discovered their status. First, it was negative. They made him come back three months later and it was positive. And after the fourth test, they started him on the meds. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Again, HIV tests do not detect an HIV virus; they detect a general immune system response which can be triggered by any number of physical conditions. Does this sound like a reliable test to determine whether your life should be destroyed? Hell no, it's not.

The test should be re-named the Antibody Response Test ...which a positive result would only indicate that you have an intact immune system.

I'm assuming your cousin is African American. Did you know that by having black ancestory you are 5-10 times more likely to receive an HIV positive result? How in the fuck can a virus be prejudiced against black people? The answer is, no it can't; only the people who authored this deception are capable of such an atrocity.

And with regard to JDNorthface and his ilk, similar to the government which has taken away freedoms and liberties in the name of security, he would have truth about HIV suppressed in the name of saving you. Pffft. People have a right to hear both sides of any story and decide for themselves.

If you have followed the article I posted and its audio links, you would discover that one of the experts who testified against the efficacy of HIV tests (in the court case against the soldier) was a physician named Dr. Nancy Banks.

To give you further insight into the stranglehold the medical mafia has on America, watch this short video of Dr. Nancy Banks explaining how vaccines are extremely detrimental to you and your children's health.

Nancy Turner Banks, MD, MBA

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ask yourself, am I a greater risk behaving as if HIV is not real or behaving as if it is. You, of course, must be the judge. Originally Posted by JDNorthface
Of what then of this court case that showed the reliability of the HIV test was invalidated as it was shown to give false positives. If I'm not mistaken, you can get a false postive if you ate something or were on something else.

this questions the reliability of the HIV tests currently in use.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If you ever have a positive HIV test, they will make you retest as often as every three months, to every 6 months. I have a cousin who's HIV positive. He was named as a partner of someone who was also named as a partner of someone who discovered their status. First, it was negative. They made him come back three months later and it was positive. And after the fourth test, they started him on the meds.

I'm inclined to agree with JD. I wonder what is his purpose for this thread. Bareback for everyone? Screw with reckless abandon? It's not really AIDS I worry about. It's the countless other diseases we can't get rid of. There are some gifts that you should keep to yourself. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
was your friends 2nd, 3rd & 4th result positive? was he sick?
Mr. Bill's Avatar
Please everyone, I beg of anyone who has even a modicum of ability to reason, please continue to fear HIV. Use protection, use wisdom, and use great caution when indulging in activities known to transmit the virus. It is real and it is deadly. Originally Posted by JDNorthface
Blah blah blah ...more unsubstantiated hogwash from a denialist of truth and reality. Looking down on others' ability to decide for themselves, he implies that only he has the ability to reason and you should submit to his superior intellect.


Allow me to familiarize readers with the Padian Study.

As part of her 10-year study on HIV transmission, Dr. Nancy Padian enrolled 175 couples, one partner HIV-positive, one HIV-negative. These individuals had sex, vaginal and anal, with and without condoms over the study period. They were continuously tested. Dr*g abusers were kept out of the study to emphasize the role of sex in transmission.

The results 10 years later: At the end of the study, not a single individual who had tested negative became positive, after repeated sexual intercourse with their HIV-positive partners. This equates to 1,750 years of sex, and still, no transmission of the phantom HIV virus was recorded.

Another example:
In the following video you can watch as Robert E. Willner MD Phd injects himself with a man's blood who had been diagnosed HIV positive. Dr. Willner never contracted HIV nor did he ever develop AIDS.

So if HIV is not transmissible by sex, or even by direct blood infusion, how then is it contracted? Answer: by a massive, multi-billion dollar campaign of fear designed to instill ignorance in the population and compliance to the demands of the pharmaceutical dr*g cartel. And whether knowingly or unwittingly, doctors and clinicians are simply facilitators of this enterprise.

Sweet N Little's Avatar
[QUOTE=JDNorthface;2770330]Please everyone, let's don't feed this troll. He won't ever quit because he's not intelligent enough to understand that he's wrong. He's already had two threads closed trying to push this false and extremely dangerous propoganda. So he simply opens another.

Just let him be and perhaps he'll return to being a tour guide for sex trips to the Dominican.

Knowledge is only power when its true Two things every poster can take to the bank: Bill cannot be argued with and HIV is very, very real. Let him who has ears

+ 1 , anyone that responds to this needs the shit slapped out of them ... Wtf Eccie ? Your letting this crap ride again?? no
fucking wonder ppl have lost respect for this place, what a joke!! Step up!!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Mr. Bill's Avatar
+ 1 , anyone that responds to this needs the shit slapped out of them ... Wtf Eccie ? Your letting this crap ride again?? no fucking wonder ppl have lost respect for this place, what a joke!! Step up!! Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
How typical, how pathetic - you're using intimidation to dissaude anyone from replying to this thread - and you're attempting to denigrate Eccie staff for allowing a peaceful discussion on an important topic.

Allow me to reinterate an important point...

...with regard to JDNorthface and his ilk, similar to the government which has taken away freedoms and liberties in the name of security, they (denialists) would have truth about HIV suppressed in the name of saving you.

People have the right and also the ability to decide for themselves without your intervention. If you're going to get down on your knees like JD, do something more helpful while you're down there.

Sweet N Little's Avatar
You dumb fuck, I told you to get help when they banned you last time, guess you didn't
Mr. Bill's Avatar
You dumb fuck, I told you to get help when they banned you last time, guess you didn't Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I was never banned - seems you're just plain wrong about a lot of things. And I don't take orders from you, silly person.

FYI, I didn't write the article posted, nor am I responsible for the judge/court finding HIV tests to be invalid and dropping all charges against the soldier.

Rather than attack me and others on this board, why not confine your comments to refuting what has been posted, that is, if you are capable of doing so.

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Zzzzzz Eccie should be ashamed.
wiggy's Avatar
  • wiggy
  • 06-05-2012, 11:14 PM
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Watch the videos and get the facts on HIV and AIDS. Just so you know they are not the same.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I'll get points for this but they will taste delicious , you did get banned for this crap
Someone needs to call your dumbass out on this same shit your pulling and tonight it's me, get on a medical board, we are here to have fun so back off dick breath !
Mr. Bill's Avatar
I'll get points for this but they will taste delicious , you did get banned ... Originally Posted by Sweet N Slow
No, Slowness, didn't get banned; if I had, how would I be posting right now? Me thinks at your age, you should get more rest to help you better understand what's going on around you.

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Watch the videos and get the facts on HIV and AIDS. Just so you know they are not the same. Originally Posted by wiggy
Yeah, great idea. You can also watch House of Numbers in its entirety at this link:

Wakeup's Avatar
Yep, go watch House of Numbers...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'll get points for this but they will taste delicious , you did get banned for this crap
Someone needs to call your dumbass out on this same shit your pulling and tonight it's me, get on a medical board, we are here to have fun so back off dick breath ! Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
he didn't get banned, they did close his hiv thread after getting complaints from users.