ONE YEAR AGO............

But be honest, admit that you are not real Texans. Originally Posted by Dadsaid
Are you a "birther?" If so, it's probably not going to matter to you, and your ilk, that my actual BC is of 'bonafide' Texas origin.

And Tex change your handle - not right. Originally Posted by Dadsaid
The bigtex 'handle" itself dates back to my Army days in the late 60's and early 70's. Airborne! It is safe to say that it has lots of "seniority." With that thought in mind, I suspect "bigtex" has much more seniority than "Dadsaid."

BTW, did your "Daddy" actually give permission to use his handle?

Just sayin'
timpage and bigtex - you are obviously immature and have to resort to attack mode just like the anointed one. But be honest, admit that you are not real Texans. Go back to where you came from. And Tex change your handle - not right. Originally Posted by Dadsaid

Welcome to the 'Box, its usually good for a laugh or two any time you're up for it. Don't sweat Assup and Kotex, although they sound pretty stupid most of the time, they're harmless and, well, stupid.

On the other hand, TP can actually put s cogent statement togerher occasionally, but he, too generally shows his stupidity fairly soon.

They're all vitriolic little fuckers, who go on the attack anytime they're on the losing side of an argument, which is any time they log in. As worshippers at the altar of all things O'Blunder, I guess we shouldn't expect anything more from them.

Welcome to the 'Box, its usually good for a laugh or two any time you're up for it. Don't sweat Assup and Kotex, although they sound pretty stupid most of the time, they're harmless and, well, stupid.

On the other hand, TP can actually put s cogent statement togerher occasionally, but he, too generally shows his stupidity fairly soon.

They're all vitriolic little fuckers, who go on the attack anytime they're on the losing side of an argument, which is any time they log in. As worshippers at the altar of all things O'Blunder, I guess we shouldn't expect anything more from them. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
Daddysaid, I bet you can't wait to hear a critique of the other side. There are about 8-10 of them that take "stupid" to another level! They seem to fit together like interchangeable parts. Hell, one of 'em is still of the opinion that Wisconsin (and America) is Trending Romney.
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  • Seedy
  • 03-02-2013, 08:52 AM
Thx Yssup. Just trying to have a little fun with you nerds while building up my post count. Cheers! Now go to bed. Originally Posted by Dadsaid
Welcome to the litterbox, folks like sup, bt, and wtf, are funny most of the time, just a bit delusional. Cocksuckers, like timpage and his ilk, are true fucking lowlife dingleberry munchers. LMFAO.
Welcome to the litterbox, folks like sup, bt, and wtf, are funny most of the time, just a bit delusional. Cocksuckers, like timpage and his ilk, are true fucking lowlife dingleberry munchers. LMFAO. Originally Posted by seedman55

Seedy, you shut your whore mouth!
Daddysaid, I bet you can't wait to hear a critique of the other side. There are about 8-10 of them that take "stupid" to another level! They seem to fit together like interchangeable parts. Hell, one of 'em is still of the opinion that Wisconsin (and America) is Trending Romney. Originally Posted by bigtex
TP, WTF, Kotex, Assup, all examples of the well-known fact that...
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