I can't believe this hasn't been discussed yet II

IMHO, Petraeus saying it would endanger troops is the same kind of gov't pressure put on CL to shut down. Gov't didn't outright do it, but threatened dire results.

However much I hate the burning of the Quran, it should remind us of the burning of the books the Nazis did.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
IMHO, Petraeus saying it would endanger troops is the same kind of gov't pressure put on CL to shut down. Gov't didn't outright do it, but threatened dire results.

However much I hate the burning of the Quran, it should remind us of the burning of the books the Nazis did. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I tend to agree. However, burning a book in protest is a different animal than burning books for censorship. I burn Chris Mathews', AlGores, et.al. books in my head every day.
Rudyard K's Avatar
it should remind us of the burning of the books the Nazis did. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Strange?! When I brought up comparisons elsewhere about actions mirroring Nazis...you thought I was obsessed. When you do it?...What?
Rudyard K's Avatar
I think this whole situation...the Mosque and this proposed Koran burning...demonstrates that there are only so many times that one can turn the other cheek to terrorist actions.

I would say a lot of the people in the US have had their fill of being slapped down. Some might call that ignorant. It really no longer matters what those people think.
Strange?! When I brought up comparisons elsewhere about actions mirroring Nazis...you thought I was obsessed. When you do it?...What? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Apparently, there's not much difference between a right wing religious nut than a right wing political nut.

And RK, apparently I got your noise out of joint about that post. I apologize. Out politics may never be close (probly an understatement) but I respect your intellect and hope this apology will serve to mend a line or two on a multi-tiered barb-wire fence.
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  • WTF
  • 09-07-2010, 06:44 PM

<--WTF icon added to soften the easily offended... Originally Posted by gnadfly
WTF's icon usage is reflective of a need to further exasperate by wild insane laughter, him being his own best audience, and not arising from any tenderness on his part. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Come on now, me and gnadfly are teddy bears ,tippy toeing around hurt feelings!

I would say a lot of the people in the US have had their fill of being slapped down. Some might call that ignorant. It really no longer matters what those people think. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
What about the constitution? Should we rip dat bitch up and start open season on the Muslims in this country! Let me know so I can shave my beard in case we decide to go Boone and Crockett on their beards and burqas !
Rudyard K's Avatar
What about the constitution? Should we rip dat bitch up and start open season on the Muslims in this country! Let me know so I can shave my beard in case we decide to go Boone and Crockett on their beards and burqas ! Originally Posted by WTF
You can shave whatever body parts you want.

I certainly haven't seen any shreading of any constitution. What I've seen is all kinds of folks expressing themselves in what appears to be lawful manners...on both sides of the fence. Just because it disturbs your fragile sensibilities does not make it a constitutional upheavel. Sorry, but that's not a protected class. It just seems like you don't want to hear the opposing opinions. If you do...you run off into a vomitous diatribe of tea party or right wing comments. Which I'm sure will follow this post.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Maybe the right should stage a sit in. Time to pull out that book DFW5 on radicalism because it looks like the right needs a few good hippies to get them started. What a screwed up country we're becoming when not only do we impose our will on the rest of the world, but we've resorted to book burning out of fear.

Radical Islam doesn't need to bomb us, they've just thrown the cheese and like hungry rats we all scramble and attack ourselves out of blind stupidity.

--end vomitous diatribe--
Rudyard K's Avatar
but we've resorted to book burning out of fear. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Where did you see they were doing so "out of fear"? I didn't see that. I don't see terrorists taking actions against the US out of fear of us...nor do I see these folks taking actions against Islam out of fear of them. Right now?...it just appears neither like each other.

But I guess calling it "fear" is the only way for you to try and make a point.
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  • WTF
  • 09-07-2010, 09:59 PM
You can shave whatever body parts you want.

I certainly haven't seen any shreading of any constitution. What I've seen is all kinds of folks expressing themselves in what appears to be lawful manners...on both sides of the fence. Just because it disturbs your fragile sensibilities does not make it a constitutional upheavel. Sorry, but that's not a protected class. It just seems like you don't want to hear the opposing opinions. If you do...you run off into a vomitous diatribe of tea party or right wing comments. Which I'm sure will follow this post. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Come on now RK, if you have followed the bouncing ball you'd know I'm all for both sides being able to express themselves, no matter how idiotic.

I was just making sure you weren't ready to waterboard those poor lefties without at least a kangroo court hearing! Your lil lo Tea Party at least means well.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Well WTF, you're just too quick for me. Just about the time I start trying to follow your linier discussions...you run off on a bouncing ball discussion.

I just can't keep up.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-07-2010, 10:35 PM
Well WTF, you're just too quick for me. Just about the time I start trying to follow your linier discussions...you run off on a bouncing ball discussion.

I just can't keep up. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

No worries though I'll keep up for the both of us and fill ya in at the next protest rally .

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  • WTF
  • 09-08-2010, 07:28 AM
. If you do...you run off into a vomitous diatribe of tea party or right wing comments. Which I'm sure will follow this post. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Damn RK , I missed this. A tad Drama Queenish don't ya think? The Tea Party folks are like Kristie Allie on a Jenny Craig diet. You see her eating healthy and exercising and you think , "Hey man , the whole country could use some of that!" Then you see her at the Defense tray....opppps, I mean Desert tray. Piled up with mounds upon mounds of dessert and you realize she is a fraud. She has a sweet tooth. Until she does something about that affliction, a vomitous diatribe might be just what the doctor ordered for her fat ass!
Sa_artman's Avatar
Where did you see they were doing so "out of fear"? I didn't see that. I don't see terrorists taking actions against the US out of fear of us...nor do I see these folks taking actions against Islam out of fear of them. Right now?...it just appears neither like each other.

But I guess calling it "fear" is the only way for you to try and make a point. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Call it like I see it. You can't be that naive. What do think a book burning is? A weenie roast? It's ok to admit your scared of your idealist America becoming an even bigger melting pot. People attack that which they fear and don't understand. But it's one thing to run around saying the sky is falling and another to set things on fire because your afraid of hijabs in middle America.

Btw, having been to the middle east, trust me, they are scared of us. And judging by the paranoid rants on other threads, so are we.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Call it like I see it. You can't be that naive. What do think a book burning is? A weenie roast? It's ok to admit your scared of your idealist America becoming an even bigger melting pot. People attack that which they fear and don't understand. But it's one thing to run around saying the sky is falling and another to set things on fire because your afraid of hijabs in middle America.

Btw, having been to the middle east, trust me, they are scared of us. And judging by the paranoid rants on other threads, so are we. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Well I guess...given you way of looking at things...you fear a lot of folks. Since it seems some 50-60% of the folks don't like the way OB is leading us...I guess that means you fear something close to 200 million Americans.

I don't really "fear" that many folks. There are a lot of folks I don't particulalry like...but I don't fear them. I just keep them at a distance. You call that fear. I call that smart.