Have We Gotten Too Fuckin' Friendly?

Yes we have, May I rereference "cuticles"....
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-24-2010, 09:46 PM
...I find some, not all, of these threads to be useful in that they let the lady know that she does have some control, that she can say no... Originally Posted by boo-boo bear
I had no grounds to impugn the lady's motives. I retract that.

And you're right, there is an educational value to her post.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
P.S. Mr Tudball, how did you choose your handle, if you don't mind my asking? Or, if that's too personal, what exactly is a t-u-dball? And while I'm speaking to you (may it be the last time) if you have something to say, just say it. Gratuitously echoing a woman who posts before you makes you appear insecure and servile. Originally Posted by jfred
Oh, jfred, I don't mind you asking about my handle at all. However, if you don't recognize it and my avatar, then I doubt you'll make the connection. As to my echoing Nicole's sentiments, are you saying that agreeing with someone just because it happens to be a woman is somehow less than manly? Am I supposed to be intimidated by your vocabulary? Insecure and servile? You left out obsequious and syncophant. You may be an "old timer" but methinks you need to get over your grumpy self. There, I said it. How'd you like that? Was it good for you?
TinMan's Avatar
The only thing missing from that thread was the gratuitous "Oooo, look, I'm underneath Jane Sexypants!!!!!" post.

God love ya, jfred. Thanks for being willing to take the bullets for the rest of us neanderthals.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-24-2010, 10:17 PM
...Was it good for you? Originally Posted by Mister Tudball
Hmm, incurably insecure and servile.

Tud, I actually did use obsequious earlier in this thread.

It, like insecure and servile, functions as an adjective. You meant to suggest that I should have included sycophant, from Gk. συκοφάντης (there is no such word as "syncophant", though your error is common enough). But that's a noun and doesn't fit my syntax (and this is my thread).

Sycophancy would be the correct form.

To be clear, I was not saying that to be agreeable makes one a toady. It only makes him agreeable.

On the other hand, in a thread addressing unmanliness, to have you say, "Yeah, what she said!" causes me some despair.

P.S. I gather that I should already know who or what a tudball is. Forgive me, I rarely prevail when the subject is popular culture. Where's my copy of "People"?
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Sorry ladies, sad to hear about all this drama about what providers intended to say or not. Let's all go get laid like real men. I just scheduled my appointment for tomorrow. In fact, I might just have to send Delanie my screening info.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-24-2010, 10:57 PM
Donnie, you are such a hero! Rescue that fair damsel.

The subject, however, is not what providers intend to say, at least not anymore (see above), it's how men imagine they are rescuing women. And how they effeminate themselves in the process.

Nice horse. Good of you to trot by.

P.S. Explain to us how a real man gets laid, please. It's my thread, take all the space you require.
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Donnie, you are such a hero! Rescue that fair damsel.

The subject, however, is not what providers intend to say, at least not anymore (see above), it's how men imagine they are rescuing women. And how they effeminate themselves in the process.

Nice horse. Good of you to trot by.

P.S. Explain to us how a real man gets laid, please. Originally Posted by jfred
Jfred, this is not aspd. Quit whining. I've always enjoyed reading yout threads but with this post and your confrontational reply, you seem to be a true ass. Who cares what the guys think that they're doing? Damnit Beavis, if they think that they're rescuing a damsel in distress, LET EM! We know they're not, so who cares?
Like the first person that responded to your thread said, go get laid and then come back and brag abiut it. That's the main pupose of this board.
Mister Tudball's Avatar

Oh, well if you've used "obsequious previously, that makes all the difference. And I bow and grovel at your obviously superior spelling and useage abilities. I am truly in awe.

And I'm so very sorry to cause you any dispair by merely agreeing with Nicole's sentiment. How utterly thoughless of me.

BTW, don't be concerned about my handle. You obviously lead a sheltered life, as the reference goes back some years.

And I certainly hope you'll be able to have that surgery soon. You know, the procedure to remove that stick up your ass.

With loving kindness,

Mister Tudball
Good thread, Jfred. And I agree with you. I think guys are just being overly sensitive to your point about all of the ass kissing to a thread that probably should have not been in the "Alerts" section in the 1st place, (It was closed by SP Hunter for a reason.)

Instead of all of the ass kissing by guys, just have 2 solid provider references and an ATM card to pull out the cash to see the girl and Voila! Session is booked and no ass kissing is no longer necessary! This is no dating site so chivalry for such an "Alert" thread is not necessary and kind of weird IMO.

There are assholes everywhere, if there were Alerts about everyone that was a jerk off, that particular section would have 50 different threads a day. I highly doubt Delanie Smith is one of the few providers who has had to deal with a dipshit guy on occasion - I am sure many providers do.
climbon2's Avatar
I've suddenly developed a new appreciation for the term "ass-hat".
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-24-2010, 11:34 PM
...Oh, well if you've used "obsequious previously...I bow and grovel at your obviously superior spelling and useage abilities. I am truly in awe. Originally Posted by Mister Tudball
Dude, it was you who brought up all that vocab and grammar stuff, not me. Why are ya gettin' pissed about it now?

You're hijacking my thread. Stop it.

BTW, no 'e' in usage and "usage abilities" is redundant. And thank you for your concern for the welfare of my anus.

Donnie http://www.thefreedictionary.com/whining Where does this thread fit in there?

climbon2, this is my thread and I'm encouraging gents to speak in a manly, direct, fashion. Your oblique passive-aggressive retort is out of place and also vaguely insulting, if I'm not misinterpreting you. If you have something to say, say it, please.

P.S. LazurusLong, you've proved that 1+1 sometimes equals zero. Contribute or STFU, please.
LazurusLong's Avatar
I've suddenly developed a new appreciation for the term "ass-hat". Originally Posted by climbon2
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Donnie http://www.thefreedictionary.com/whining Where does this thread fit in there? Originally Posted by jfred
Perhaps whinging would fit better.

Yes the pointless "you go girl", "yay I'm under whoever", and "wow you're hot" posts get annoying, but the board is made up of a large group of horny men interacting with a smaller number of attractive women. What do you expect?

I tend to find grumpy, pointless complaining a bit annoying too, but that's not going to stop either.
Perhaps whinging would fit better.

Yes the pointless "you go girl", "yay I'm under whoever", and "wow you're hot" posts get annoying, but the board is made up of a large group of horny men interacting with a smaller number of attractive women. What do you expect?

I tend to find grumpy, pointless complaining a bit annoying too, but that's not going to stop either. Originally Posted by The Proper Stranger

I think the "yay I'm under whoever", and "wow you're hot" are kind of expected with this size of a population but the "you go girl" and the ass kissing is just a bit much. I mean, up until 2008 any man who said "you go girl" was just waiting to come out of the closet...and the ass kissing isn't just a peck on the cheeks, its a full out rim job.

For fucks sake, the WK's are riding Clydesdales now !