trumper killed in portland by antifa

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I heard he was a "white supremacist neo-nazi fascist," because he was white and didn't align with the mobs point of view.
  • oeb11
  • 09-01-2020, 10:17 AM
Pretty much the definition by the racist , marxist DPST's of anyone not bowing/kneeling to their Terrorist narrative!
LexusLover's Avatar
I heard he was a "white supremacist neo-nazi fascist," because he was white and didn't align with the mobs point of view. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
It seems a majority of "the mobs" are "white" ... so were the Democratically manned and supported KKK.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
There is theory going around the riots are actually being orchestrated by some covert white supremacist democratic affiliated group. There are also people who believe it's being orchestrated by some covert far right group.

I think it's pretty obvious that they are being orchestrated by BLM and Antifa. The white people you see are most likely Antifa members who for whatever reason want to burn down the country, or sympathizers who are brain washed by the leftist media.
  • oeb11
  • 09-01-2020, 12:20 PM
The riots definitely seem to be orchestrated by someone - who remains unknown at this moment.

leftist DPST's are my best suggestion.

Thank You - SM.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Now-- I will say this.

Nobody should be getting shot, regardless of their political beliefs. However.

I have a friend who lives in Portland. She hasn't had anything to do with the riots or whats going on-- that's not her cup of tea. According to her.. this parade of Trump supporters was driving through her neighborhood earlier in the day-- taunting and shooting paintballs at people who were just walking to the store. Literally nobody in the area was protesting, silently or otherwise.. and these fucksticks wanted to create conflict where none existed at that time.

Its easier to respect either side when they keep their hands clean.
  • oeb11
  • 09-01-2020, 02:45 PM
Grace- is that a justification for the months of riots and crimes in Portland, Seattle, and other cities by the OBLM and Antifa - and other Leftist sympathizers??

Whoever these folks were - shooting paintballs at people is a crime - and they should be arrested and charged with assault.

Unless Mayor Wheeler has the cops so Disarmed and disbanded that there are none to protect the citizens.

Perhaps she should have called Mayor Wheeler - to dispatch a social worker to ask the perpetrators - "How do you feel about that"???
Now-- I will say this.

Nobody should be getting shot, regardless of their political beliefs. However.

I have a friend who lives in Portland. She hasn't had anything to do with the riots or whats going on-- that's not her cup of tea. According to her.. this parade of Trump supporters was driving through her neighborhood earlier in the day-- taunting and shooting paintballs at people who were just walking to the store. Literally nobody in the area was protesting, silently or otherwise.. and these fucksticks wanted to create conflict where none existed at that time.

Its easier to respect either side when they keep their hands clean. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Does she have a BLM and Biden sign in her yard. Does she support BLM and Biden.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Does she have a BLM and Biden sign in her yard. Does she support BLM and Biden. Originally Posted by Chase7

Nope. She's a lifelong Republican. Doesn't display any type of political advertisements in her yard due to all the things that are going on-- though she isn't a big fan of Trump-- but will begrudgingly vote for him since he is the nominee. She doesn't like the look of conservatives that will decry the violent actions of BLM and ANTIFA-- then turn around and attempt to provoke others to violence.

OEB-- are you so desperate to push a narrative that you'll attempt to twist a story into "justification for blah blah blah"? I've already flat out said that the killing of that man was wrong. But-- lets not pretend those were just a friendly group of Trump supporters.. in town to help keep order. They were stirring the shit pot-- and one of them ended up with a heaping helping.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nope. She's a lifelong Republican. Doesn't display any type of political advertisements in her yard due to all the things that are going on-- though she isn't a big fan of Trump-- but will begrudgingly vote for him since he is the nominee. She doesn't like the look of conservatives that will decry the violent actions of BLM and ANTIFA-- then turn around and attempt to provoke others to violence.

OEB-- are you so desperate to push a narrative that you'll attempt to twist a story into "justification for blah blah blah"? I've already flat out said that the killing of that man was wrong. But-- lets not pretend those were just a friendly group of Trump supporters.. in town to help keep order. They were stirring the shit pot-- and one of them ended up with a heaping helping. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

BLM and ANTIFA are the instigators. if they weren't there none of this would be happening and there would be no need for a response by anyone, including the police.
Grace Preston's Avatar
You do realize that both sides are capable of instigating, right? Yes.. the rioting, etc is from the BLM/Antifa crowd-- however, there's really zero justification for some right wing nutjobs to go into a town and seek out those who AREN'T involved in the protests.. and attempt to antagonize them, because they can.

BLM/Antifa starting riots does not mean that random other groups have to go-- they chose to. The only ones without a choice in the matter are members of law enforcement.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You do realize that both sides are capable of instigating, right? Yes.. the rioting, etc is from the BLM/Antifa crowd-- however, there's really zero justification for some right wing nutjobs to go into a town and seek out those who AREN'T involved in the protests.. and attempt to antagonize them, because they can.

BLM/Antifa starting riots does not mean that random other groups have to go-- they chose to. The only ones without a choice in the matter are members of law enforcement. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

when leftwing nutjobs stop rioting rightwing nutjobs will go home. see how that works?
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yeah-- I see how it works. So did the guy who didn't make it home from Portland.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah-- I see how it works. So did the guy who didn't make it home from Portland. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

BLM is founded on a false premise, that all black men who resist arrest are innocent. they are innocent with respect to the law at that moment, as they haven't been convicted yet. they are not allowed to resist arrest because they are black. the law applies to all and when BLM attempts to portray the arrest of a black man as racist, BLM itself becomes as racist as the KKK. even worse actually.

BLM should be declared a domestic terrorist organization and outlawed.
  • oeb11
  • 09-01-2020, 05:44 PM
Grace - it is not at all hard to read that post as justification for all the racist marxist DPST instigated violence for past months - due to one paintball incident.

I have to hold my nose and vote Trump on nov 3 - because the alternative is marxist dictatorship.

Do i have an agenda - yes - cessation of violence and Equality for All under the law. Preservation of our cosntitution and Bill of Rights. protection of the innocent from LSM/DPST fomented and enabled violence designed to destabilize our representative democracy.

I don't think i 'twisted' anything.

The guys Kyle shot - were attacking him - one with a semi auto pistol in hand. If he cannot defend his own life from attackers - No One can. No one is then safe from terrorism.

The justice system will run its' course. Let's see all the evidence and let a jury decide.

and let's have the same process for those looting, burning, and destroying homes and businesses - which has not happened.