‘They’ve destroyed the place’: Trump repeats racist, anti-immigrant lies

I find it really sad that people in this forum are so willing to take sides that they defend the obvious conspiracy and lies spread via Trump and other non credible sources. The Haitian migrants are here legally. The vast majority of them, like most people, are law abiding. No evidence of dog or cat hunting or eating has been found except for some non credible reports of geese hunting and a crazy white woman in another city who killed a cat.

But spreading misinformation and lies is apparently OK because Trump says it first? This is not OK. The people living in Springfield are not OK with the visits from neo-nazis and bomb threats that are disrupting their lives. They are not OK with Trump and other republican jackasses targeting their town just to press a political message. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

You know what has happened since the debate? People have searched for Springfield Ohio. They read about all the issues that Biden/Harris have created forcing 20,000 immigrants onto a town of 60,000 with no federal resources to help them out. They see the lies of the ABC and other propaganda stations for not researching the truth. The mayor of New York City complained of the same thing, which did get mildly reported on, but flyover country doesn't count in their eyes.

Bottom line is only one person will stand up and fight for what is right for these people and that is Donald Trump.
txdot-guy's Avatar
You know what has happened since the debate? People have searched for Springfield Ohio. They read about all the issues that Biden/Harris have created forcing 20,000 immigrants onto a town of 60,000 with no federal resources to help them out. They see the lies of the ABC and other propaganda stations for not researching the truth. The mayor of New York City complained of the same thing, which did get mildly reported on, but flyover country doesn't count in their eyes.

Bottom line is only one person will stand up and fight for what is right for these people and that is Donald Trump. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Well farmstud, Why don’t you inform us of exactly that means. What exactly is right for these people and has anyone actually asked the people of Springfield what that might be.

Because when I listen to Donald Trump and JD Vance talk about migrants I’m reminded of the kind of dehumanization that occurs before violence happens.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It seems like only a matter of time before some Kyle Rittenhouse wnnabe decides to take Trump’s words to heart, strolls into town with an AR 15 and a MAGA cap and opens fire.

And Trump’s response will probably sound like “I’m not president. I didn’t tell anybody to do anything.”

BTW - that’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a PREDICTION.

A town of 60,000 has a forced increase of 20,000 people in a short time, that causes huge issues as the infrastructure can't handle that. Originally Posted by farmstud60

Not FORCED, that is typical BS that Repubs spew to try to feed discontent. Show me PROOF Springfield Ohio was FORCED to take them.

Or try to actually read (I know that's a stretch for some) things from ACTUAL residents of Springfield about what the orange limpdictator has done to their city:

The woman behind an early Facebook post spreading a harmful and baseless claim about Haitian immigrants eating local pets that helped thrust a small Ohio city into the national spotlight says she had no firsthand knowledge of any such incidentand is now filled with regret and fear as a result of the ensuing fallout.“It just exploded into something I didn’t mean to happen,” Erika Lee, a Springfield resident,told NBC News on Friday.

Lee recently posted on Facebook about a neighbor’s cat that went missing, adding that the neighbor told Lee she thought the cat was the victim of an attack by her Haitian neighbors.


Springfield, about 45 miles from the state capital of Columbus, suffered a steep decline in its manufacturing sector toward the end of the last century, and its population shrank as a result. But its downtown has been revitalized in recent years as more Haitians arrived and helped meet the rising demand for labor as the economy emerged from the pandemic. Officials say Haitians now account for about 15% of the population.

Long-time Springfield resident Chris Hazel, who knows the park and neighborhood where the pet and goose abductions were purported to have happened, called the claims “preposterous.”
“It reminds me of when people used to accuse others and outsiders as cannibals. It’s dehumanizing a community," he said of the accusations against the city's Haitian residents.


The state’s highest Republican official, Gov. Mike DeWine, also dismissed the rumor firmly on Wednesday, noting there was “no evidence of that at all,” and Springfield Mayor Rob Rue said Thursday the false claims are “hurting our citizens and hurting our community,” adding it’s “frustrating” that some of the rhetoric is coming from Vance, a Republican from Ohio.
“Unfortunately right now, we have to focus on making sure this rhetoric is dispelled, that these rumors are just, they’re just not true. Springfield is a beautiful place, and your pets are safe in Springfield,”

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You’re confusing their Haitian scare issue with the truth, man.

That’ll make heads explode. I stand by my prediction. This will incite some asshole to violence against these folks. And Trump will deny he’d ever heard of Springfield.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Man charged with murdering parents, two children in Irondequoit; police looking for at least one more suspect

Soriano was born in the Dominican Republic. Police say he is wanted there in connection to a different murder in 2019 and had fled to Puerto Rico, where they say he was able to get a fake new York state ID to travel to the mainland United States.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
... You liberal lads might wanna go to Sprindfield and ASK
the residents about it... Then you'll know. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty, what did they tell you when you went there and asked them?

Anyway, this is just more racist divide and conquer bullshit from Trump. MAGAs eat up this crap. He picked his basement dwellers (his private description of you guys, not mine) for a reason... bottom line is if these legal immigrants were from Eastern Europe, we're not even having this fucking discussion and would not even know about this butthole Ohio town and would just think Springfield is a fictional town on "The Simpsons".
  • Tiny
  • 09-14-2024, 10:24 AM
Yes Trump is trying to score political points with this, as is Harris, and that creates some unfortunate side effects.

If undocumented immigrants are eating cats, we need to make it easier for them to work. Right now they’re not allowed to for some period of time. If there are too many Haitians in Springfield, send them somewhere else, like Texas tried to do. The system is really screwed up. We need something like Singapore, with a guest worker program that doesn’t lead to citizenship.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Yes Trump is trying to score political points with this, as is Harris, and that creates some unfortunate side effects.

If undocumented immigrants are eating cats, we need to make it easier for them to work. Right now they’re not allowed to for some period of time. If there are too many Haitians in Springfield, send them somewhere else, like Texas tried to do. The system is really screwed up. We need something like Singapore, with a guest worker program that doesn’t lead to citizenship. Originally Posted by Tiny
There is a serious misunderstanding of how these people got to Springfield.

First of all they are not undocumented. They are here under the Temporary Protected Status Designation. https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/t...-country-haiti

Secondly people in this country who are here under this program can and do have work permits.

Thirdly, the Haitian community grew in Springfield like any community does. As the old saying goes “Birds of a feather flock together”. As the first Haitians got jobs and housing they told family and friends which then told their family and friends. etc. etc.

If anyone is to blame it’s private business and local government for providing a good place to live and work.


DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
There were more bomb threats reported in Springfield, Ohio today.

Trump obviously thinks he's going to make this a campaign battle cry. Fearmongering reminiscent of, well, you know who and when.


They’ve destroyed the place’: Trump repeats racist, anti-immigrant lies
Trump spews hate again toward Ohio’s Haitian migrants, where residents are fearful over bomb threats and hate

Fri 13 Sep 2024 15.36 EDT

Donald Trump repeated racist claims about Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, on Friday, doubling down on anti-immigrant rhetoric as residents in the town have faced bomb threats and have detailed their fears amid harassment.

“In Springfield, Ohio, 20,000 illegal migrant Haitians have descended upon a town of 58,000 people, destroying their way of life. They’ve destroyed the place,” Trump said during a rambling press conference at his golf course in Los Angeles. “People don’t like to talk about it. Even the town doesn’t like to talk about it, because it sounds so bad for the town. They live there … for years it was a great place. Safe. Nice. Now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it’s 32,000.

He later added: “We will do large deportations from Springfield, Ohio, large deportations. We’re gonna get these people out. We’re bringing them back to Venezuela,” stating the incorrect country where most of the immigrants are from.

Haiti is one of 16 countries the US government has granted temporary protective status (TPS) to because of ongoing conflict, making it easier for immigrants to get authorization to work in the United States. As president, Trump tried to end TPS for Haiti and referred to the country as a “shithole”.

Trump’s comments come after Tuesday’s presidential debate in which he first repeated the false claim that migrants in Springfield are stealing and eating people’s dogs and cats. The claim has been repeatedly debunked.

Springfield has received several bomb threats this week, prompting it to close its government buildings and evacuate its schools. Haitian residents in the town have reported receiving severe threats and harassment, according to the Haitian Times.

JD Vance, who represents the residents of Springfield as Ohio’s US senator, continued to attack the town on Friday, leaning into racist tropes that immigrants were responsible for bringing disease and crime to the community.

Just before Trump spoke in California, Joe Biden condemned his attacks on Haitians in Springfield.

“A community that’s under attack in our country right now. It’s simply wrong. There’s no place in America. This has to stop – what he’s doing. It has to stop,” Biden said at the White House. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Here you go again with another racist post. Let's see, the good people of Martha's Vineyard had immigrants removed within 2-3 days. Did you play the race card when the immigrants were forced off Martha's Vineyard?
Yes Trump is trying to score political points with this, as is Harris, and that creates some unfortunate side effects.

If undocumented immigrants are eating cats, we need to make it easier for them to work. Right now they’re not allowed to for some period of time. If there are too many Haitians in Springfield, send them somewhere else, like Texas tried to do. The system is really screwed up. We need something like Singapore, with a guest worker program that doesn’t lead to citizenship. Originally Posted by Tiny
This “if true” bullshit is why I lost respect for your posts. It makes you no better than the right wing nuts on this site that spew shit that’s easily disproved and then continue with the fake conspiracy crap. You gotta do better.

The republicans and local govt in Ohio has stated unequivocally that the eating pets and geese shit is false yet you can’t even accept that. Are you now another one of these false shit peddlers as it appears?
  • Tiny
  • 09-14-2024, 11:44 AM
There is a serious misunderstanding of how these people got to Springfield.

First of all they are not undocumented. They are here under the Temporary Protected Status Designation. https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/t...-country-haiti

Secondly people in this country who are here under this program can and do have work permits.

Thirdly, the Haitian community grew in Springfield like any community does. As the old saying goes “Birds of a feather flock together”. As the first Haitians got jobs and housing they told family and friends which then told their family and friends. etc. etc.

If anyone is to blame it’s private business and local government for providing a good place to live and work.


https://www.reuters.com/world/us/hai...te-2024-09-11/ Originally Posted by txdot-guy
"Undocumented" was a poor choice for a word. But because of my charitable work with Cuban strippers, I'm an expert on this general subject.

It's at least a year between when a person applies for asylum and when she receives permission to work. During that time, the Cuban stripper receives around $200 to $250 per month in government support. If I were in her shoes, and wanted to strictly follow the law (i.e. not work in the underground economy), then I'd damn sure think about eating stray dogs and cats. At least one immigrant I know was very hesitant to work without permission, as she figured if she did and got caught, her asylum application would be denied and she'd be shipped out of the country.

Where I live, there's a community of Cambodians, and they've attracted more immigrants from Cambodia. They are a small and valued part of the community.

However, if my city were to have a sudden influx of immigrants equal to 20% to 30% of its population, we'd have a tough time with jobs and social services. If you're a South Park fan, it would be like the indigent visitors from the future that descend on South Park and put everyone out of work.

That said, if Springfield had something like a large meatpacking industry, the Haitian influx might work out OK. That is, lots of available jobs that Americans don't want.

Based on a quick scan of your links, that's probably not the case with Springfield. The unemployment rate has gone up. I stand by what I said. If there are too many Haitians in Springfield, some should migrate somewhere else.
  • Tiny
  • 09-14-2024, 11:53 AM
This “if true” bullshit is why I lost respect for your posts. It makes you no better than the right wing nuts on this site that spew shit that’s easily disproved and then continue with the fake conspiracy crap. You gotta do better.

The republicans and local govt in Ohio has stated unequivocally that the eating pets and geese shit is false yet you can’t even accept that. Are you now another one of these false shit peddlers as it appears? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I have no idea what the local Republican government in Ohio has stated and I don't much care. Thus, I say "if true."

While I know little about Springfield, I do know something about the asylum process. I do know that people can't make it on the $250 a month per person (or less for families) they get if they can't work, and your party didn't do anything about it when it had control of the presidency and Congress.
So you are now just as facts don’t matter as Salty Waco Farmer and the rest. Good to know. I’ll just not take anything you say with any amount of seriousness as well just as I do theirs.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Where I live, there's a community of Cambodians, and they've attracted more immigrants from Cambodia. They are a small and valued part of the community.

However, if my city were to have a sudden influx of immigrants equal to 20% to 30% of its population, we'd have a tough time with jobs and social services. If you're a South Park fan, it would be like the indigent visitors from the future that descend on South Park and put everyone out of work.

That said, if Springfield had something like a large meatpacking industry, the Haitian influx might work out OK. That is, lots of available jobs that Americans don't want.

Based on a quick scan of your links, that's probably not the case with Springfield. The unemployment rate has gone up. I stand by what I said. If there are too many Haitians in Springfield, some should migrate somewhere else. Originally Posted by Tiny
My point is that these people are here legally. Why should anyone have the right to tell them where they can and can’t live and work. Isn’t that the job of capitalism to decide.

My guess is if we denigrate, dehumanize, call them rapists and killers, claim they are eating your pets then it becomes OK to treat them as less than the human beings they are.

Isn’t that the purpose behind Trump’s attempt to make people fear them. It sure seems like it to me.