Kyle Rittenhouse Speaks Out About Deadly Kenosha Shooting

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Here's the catch to self defense. In the state of Wisconsin, self defense cannot be used as an affirmative defense if you are breaking a law at the time. The legal question truly becomes whether or not his possession of that firearm is deemed illegal. If its deemed illegal-- since he was not on his own property then he may not be able to use self defense as an affirmative defense.

Had he been at his own home, or in a business owned by his immediate family, or in his own vehicle.. then the castle doctrine would kick in, making his actions 100% permissible. Him being 17 and none of the above being the case-- is where a lot of legal grey area kicks in.

Now.. above and beyond that-- the likelihood of getting a jury to convict reaaaally depends on the jury. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Just leave it to the judge. No jury. He only needs one racist out of twelve jurors to hang the jury, when he's the one who should hang. Or . . .

  • oeb11
  • 08-31-2020, 06:01 PM
9500- already sent kyle to teh guillotine
Shows teh racist marxist Barbarity - executing a 17 year old.
Congratulation s 9500- you are more on the side of Conservatives who favor teh modern death penalty than the EU - which forbids it in its civility and modernity of over-regulation.

FYI- I oppose the death penalty in America.
Here's the catch to self defense. In the state of Wisconsin, self defense cannot be used as an affirmative defense if you are breaking a law at the time. The legal question truly becomes whether or not his possession of that firearm is deemed illegal. If its deemed illegal-- since he was not on his own property then he may not be able to use self defense as an affirmative defense.

Had he been at his own home, or in a business owned by his immediate family, or in his own vehicle.. then the castle doctrine would kick in, making his actions 100% permissible. Him being 17 and none of the above being the case-- is where a lot of legal grey area kicks in.

Now.. above and beyond that-- the likelihood of getting a jury to convict reaaaally depends on the jury. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
There was a full scale riot taking place and he found himself in the midst of it. Since a riot is considered Civil Unrest and danger to life and property is imminent all these other particulars of his age and the legality of the firearm have little bearing on his actions which makes his arrest more of a formality than a necessity.
Grace Preston's Avatar
There was a full scale riot taking place and he found himself in the midst of it. Since a riot is considered Civil Unrest and danger to life and property is imminent all these other particulars of his age and the legality of the firearm have little bearing on his actions. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Not necessarily so. "Found himself in the middle of it"?? Please. He knew full well that he was going into a place where conflict was likely... as did the parent who drove him there. Its like those of you who say that kids in cages is a direct result of their parents crossing the border. Both are true-- both could have avoided the issues had they not knowingly and willingly put themselves in that position. Its not like he was randomly there, realized he was in trouble, then grabbed a gun to defend himself. He was walking around with a weapon for the majority of the evening.

He's been charged as an adult-- which means he'll get his jury trial. He's also 17-- so even if they do manage to convict him.. death penalty isn't an option-- though I can't imagine anyone would think it would be.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Like I said, they beleive what they want to believe.

He drives across the state to "find himself in the midst of" a riot. What a dipshit of Lev.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Watch the video. All of it. Self defense. Open and shut case.

After you get done watching the video evidence, fix me a drink, boy. Then clean my toilet. Then clean up the mess left by the rioting hordes. Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
I think it was pretty reckless to go into a riot with a loaded rifle. I think it's doubly reckless to charge at and attack someone with a loaded rifle. So, I would say Kenosha kid was acting in self defense, but his motives are questionable, since the national guard had already been deployed to that area. Why was he there, and what tf was he attempting to do?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think it was pretty reckless to go into a riot with a loaded rifle. I think it's doubly reckless to charge at and attack someone with a loaded rifle. So, I would say Kenosha kid was acting in self defense, but his motives are questionable, since the national guard had already been deployed to that area. Why was he there, and what tf was he attempting to do? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

protecting some business from being burned down by the rioters

he got separated from the group he was with.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Only thing reckless was not having extra mags.
Not necessarily so. "Found himself in the middle of it"?? Please. He knew full well that he was going into a place where conflict was likely... as did the parent who drove him there. Its like those of you who say that kids in cages is a direct result of their parents crossing the border. Both are true-- both could have avoided the issues had they not knowingly and willingly put themselves in that position. Its not like he was randomly there, realized he was in trouble, then grabbed a gun to defend himself. He was walking around with a weapon for the majority of the evening.

He's been charged as an adult-- which means he'll get his jury trial. He's also 17-- so even if they do manage to convict him.. death penalty isn't an option-- though I can't imagine anyone would think it would be. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Whatever his reasons for being there, he was still involved in an altercation he didn't start.
Like I said, they beleive what they want to believe.

He drives across the state to "find himself in the midst of" a riot. What a dipshit of Lev. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The dipshits are the rioters and the idiots like you who support it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The dipshits are the rioters and the idiots like you who support it. Originally Posted by Levianon17

ecky9.5k is a keyboard warrior on a whore board. sitting in his studio apartment plotting to take over the world ..

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The dipshits are the rioters and the idiots like you who support it. Originally Posted by Levianon17

they didnt have to be there, as it were, there was a curfew in effect.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
pfunkdenver's Avatar
they didnt have to be there, as it were, there was a curfew in effect. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Neither did Rittenhouse. Out past curfew, in a city he didn't live in, carrying a weapon.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Neither did Rittenhouse. Out past curfew, in a city he didn't live in, carrying a weapon. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

All three of the clowns that were shot have criminal records. The skateboard fiend had multiple domestic abuse charges in his criminal history, and he was from Waco, TX, not Kenosha.

The guy with the pistol was previously charged with drunk and disorderly with a pistol. He was probably in violation of his probation by having another pistol. He was from north of Milwaukee -- another outsider seeking to vandalize Kenosha.

The clown killed with the dome shot -- "Jo-Jo" Rosenbaum -- was a convicted pedophile. That's why Asswipe defends hims. Hole-in-dome was from Kenosha. He is also on video shouting verbal abuse at the group Rittenhouse was with ... hurling the "N" word like there was tomorrow. Maybe he was prescient about that???

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

that's not a water pistol. it comes down to who was the aggressor and it's clear these ANTIFA radicals were the aggressors. they were there to start shit. tons of video to prove it.

do you condone their rioting and burning and looting of businesses? some of them black owned.

and last but not least .. are ya proud of this brother?

Haven’t heard a word about this fine young gentleman killing 2 people and badly wounding a third for no reason. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

if you support BLM you are the racist.