Those fucking hipsters are ruining Austin!

michaelbolton's Avatar
Fair point, MB. I misread the kids thing as just duplicating themselves but if there indeed is a degradation in parenting associated with their lifestyle (I'm guessing overly permissive?) then yeah that's no good.

I don't care what anyone says about you... you're not a no-talent assclown. Originally Posted by BlondGuyATX
Yes I am!
illuminati's Avatar
I'm confused by this post. I understand that it's fashionable to rage against hipsters (somewhat ironic I think) but what does anyone actually think they are doing that is "ruining" the city? Walking around in clothes you find distasteful? Originally Posted by BlondGuyATX
It's not the clothes or the tats or their black-rimmed glasses that bothers me, its the fact that everyone under 30 thinks it's "hip" to dress and act the same. The original hipsters from the 60's were anti-establishment, jazz and poetry listening fans that didn't clap but snap their fingers in defiance to the status quo. The "irony" is these people are the status quo.
30seconds's Avatar
It's not the clothes or the tats or their black-rimmed glasses that bothers me, its the fact that everyone under 30 thinks it's "hip" to dress and act the same. The original hipsters from the 60's were anti-establishment, jazz and poetry listening fans that didn't clap but snap their fingers in defiance to the status quo. The "irony" is these people are the status quo. Originally Posted by illuminati
eggzackly its like they are all mind controlled little drones with no relationship to real hipsters.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
"Hey you young hipsters; get th hell off my lawn!"
It's not the clothes or the tats or their black-rimmed glasses that bothers me, its the fact that everyone under 30 thinks it's "hip" to dress and act the same. The original hipsters from the 60's were anti-establishment, jazz and poetry listening fans that didn't clap but snap their fingers in defiance to the status quo. The "irony" is these people are the status quo. Originally Posted by illuminati
so... I feel like I have to point out that you painted a pretty succinct picture of these rugged individualists in one sentence, and that they had uniform interests, behaviors, and (unsaid, but) manner of dress. Just sayin'.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-14-2015, 09:21 AM
Like WOW man. These dudes have threads that match their heads. Cut from the same cloth to make their bread. Totally far out. You dig? Their bringing Nowhereville to Austin.
pussycat's Avatar
Born and raised in Austin I've grown accustom to various groups of people moving in and enjoying this great city, but a lot of them moved out either after college, the real estate market crashed and even when the tech bubble burst. But now these fucking hiptards with their tight-fitting clothes, beards, tats, black rimmed glasses posing as obscure music or theater geeks pushing their stupid views are annoyingly esoteric rich fucking brats. Worse part? These fucking urban rednecks are breeding and turning their offspring into little shits! What gets me is some of these assholes pose as vegans but pollute the environment with cigarette smoke. What the fuck? Just because you like the band Foster the People doesn't mean you have to dress like them, dude! I'm all for Keeping Austin Weird, but believe me you, hiptards do not qualify as weird when they are as fake as a pair of badly shaped manmade tits. Originally Posted by illuminati
Welcome to Austin! I disagree though that it's ever been much different. Austin's always been a laughing stock to those living in Texas' other cities. Austin has always had few roads, little water, handfuls of beggars on every corner, and a police force that from time to time is investigated by the FBI for corruption. It's the town where if you work for the city you can take a bribe from the owners of a building worth 10 million dollars so the city will buy it for $20 million! And the best part is no one will prosecute you for it. The city closest to Austin is San Antonio, which had over one million population since 1951. San Antonio has never had a traffic issue because they've always used their tax dollars to build highways....and the taxes collected in San Antonio are less than 40% per capita what's collected in Austin! For decades San Antonio has had major museums, art schools and a major zoo. Austin? Zilch. San Antonio adopted single member city counsel districts in 1972...Austin didn't until last year! Yet no one in Austin looks to San Antonio as an example to follow because they want to be like....Portland! Oh if only we could do everything here the way they do things in Oregon! So as the city spends millions reducing the number of street lanes to make room for bicycles, the celebrity local hero responsible for this action, Lance Armstong, has been exposed as a fraud. No one comes to Austin to have or build a career. If you're a businessman you'll find that every bank in town sends all their loan applications to Houston or Dallas for a decision. Austin's about "lifestyle" which means that if you're lazy, don't want to bother to dress in the morning, barely want to work at any job, then if you inherit millions when your parents die you can buy a condo in downtown Austin and find 100,000 people just like yourself to hang out with.
michaelbolton's Avatar
a city push to legalize pot would be the next logical step
illuminati's Avatar
so... I feel like I have to point out that you painted a pretty succinct picture of these rugged individualists in one sentence, and that they had uniform interests, behaviors, and (unsaid, but) manner of dress. Just sayin'. Originally Posted by BlondGuyATX
I'm sorry but did I offend you hipster? Are you going to call me a hipsterist or any other ist now? Is this old man not being politically correct for you?
30seconds's Avatar
What is the saddest thing is to see anyone over the age of 30 trying to be a hipster. I see it now in the corporate world. The style is totally played out.
I'm sorry but did I offend you hipster? Are you going to call me a hipsterist or any other ist now? Is this old man not being politically correct for you? Originally Posted by illuminati
Lol! No, trust me I am not a hipster by any stretch of the imagination. I read your original post and tried to understand what you were actually upset about. Simply Red gave what I thought was a pretty reasonable interpretation of some condemnable behavior so I thought I got it. But then you came back and said "I hate these hipsters because they all dress the same, espouse these principles, and engage in this set of activities. The REAL hipsters all wore this other set of clothes, preached these principles, and did these other corny things together to stick it to the establishment."

Seems like the same thing, different wrapper to me. I thought maybe if you sat back and thought about why this gets you all frothy, it might not anger you as much. But hey, if we don't grind our own axes, who will, right?
a city push to legalize pot would be the next logical step Originally Posted by michaelbolton
I agree. I've got no horse in that race but I'm surprised it hasn't been done already. On the other hand, I do find it amusing that all these places that ethnically cleansed smokers from the public are propping up pot.
michaelbolton's Avatar
This one's fizzling out...can we politically incorrectly bitch about another group? Like why don't Mexican laborers ever show up on time?
30seconds's Avatar
This one's fizzling out...can we politically incorrectly bitch about another group? Like why don't Mexican laborers ever show up on time? Originally Posted by michaelbolton
No we cant, cause you never see a Mexican laborer hipster because they are better then that and they know that hipsterz are phegz.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-15-2015, 10:59 AM
I agree. I've got no horse in that race but I'm surprised it hasn't been done already. On the other hand, I do find it amusing that all these places that ethnically cleansed smokers from the public are propping up pot. Originally Posted by BlondGuyATX
Which is why I've wondered if CVS will ever sell medical marijuana?