Definition of A Troll

ANONONE's Avatar
Of course, the other way to deal with a troll is the be like the elder Gruff.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-21-2010, 12:05 PM
Fast Gunn wrote:
How would you (yeah, that you behind that computer screen) define a troll?
Well... Since you asked...

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flinde's Avatar
I think that there are regular trolls that inhabit all bb's of all types. But on the hobby bb boards we seem to have our own unique flavor of trolls. Two major types.

Type one is the obsessive hobbiest (son of sam syndrome)--makes posts such as

"Sure I left a dried dead rose inside her car after I broke into it in the middle of the night--but it was a symbol of the love for me that she has telepathically transmitted to me since our 30 minute appointment a year ago during which I left my socks on. Placing dead roses inside a car on the seat as a symbol of the love vibrations that I telepathically receive when I am wearing my aluminum foil hat is quite common behavior--I do it myself about 30 times a week."

Type Two is the man hating provider with a personality disorder (unspecified-general). This type of troll makes posts such as (insert name of hobbiest) has (select one or more--stalked, cyber-stalked, is outside my window now, has hired the Mossad) to (stalk, cyber-stalk me, ravish me on their magic flying pirate ship. (insert name of hobbiest here) is too (circle all that apply)ugly, smelly, mysoginist, premature or short dicked) to perform. I demand that moderators (select one), banish him, white knight him, report him to the department of Homeland Security, stick a Mossad hit squad up his ass).

We see these hobby board specific types of trolls, over and over again.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-22-2010, 07:20 PM
And then there are the trolls who post endless polls on inane topics in a feeble attempt at damage control.
Sisyphus's Avatar
And then there are the trolls who post endless polls on inane topics in a feeble attempt at damage control. Originally Posted by Mokoa

Everyone's favorite kind! Stay tuned for the "Am I a Troll" poll....
flinde's Avatar
Yes, the poll feature is bad. Very bad. Hopefully, it will go out of fashion someday.