Well? Follows is a generic gun control message

The news just reported it as a shoot out.. Wellll that implies she was shooting back. It would have been better reported as a shooting not a shoot out.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Leave it to our press to get it wrong in the most press covered city in the world. Then again, I guess that is what they do. At least they didn't say she was in the Tea Party.

Here it is, deep into the news hour and I noticed something.....no one cares about this woman. She apparently did no shooting and I have heard that she was Afro-American. The only people to shoot were the police and that they did with reckless disregard. I am pretty certain that someone has video unless the police have confiscated it. There was a report of the report of the police fanning out speaking with everyone with a camera. So are we going to believe the story that we get. Seems to me that the liberals should just be fuming about police brutality. Except I guess it is like the actor Ron Silver when he was outraged by an overflight of jets when Clinton took office, someone said they're our jets now. So those police belong to the left now. Enjoy.
I have heard that she was Afro-American

Her race has no bearing on this. The DC police is majority black so Jessie Jackson won't show up. My complaint is the over reaction by all LE involved. They knew there was a baby in the car. Did any one see any damage on her car? I did see a cop car that was totaled. Probably another cop car caused that. I know several women that would have freaked out just as she must have. I would love to have a recording including the audio of what happened as she pulled up to the gate. We will discover that no recording was available due to the shut down.
Leave it to our press to get it wrong in the most press covered city in the world. Then again, I guess that is what they do. At least they didn't say she was in the Tea Party.

Here it is, deep into the news hour and I noticed something.....no one cares about this woman. She apparently did no shooting and I have heard that she was Afro-American. The only people to shoot were the police and that they did with reckless disregard. I am pretty certain that someone has video unless the police have confiscated it. There was a report of the report of the police fanning out speaking with everyone with a camera. So are we going to believe the story that we get. Seems to me that the liberals should just be fuming about police brutality. Except I guess it is like the actor Ron Silver when he was outraged by an overflight of jets when Clinton took office, someone said they're our jets now. So those police belong to the left now. Enjoy. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"Afro" American? Seriously? Are you 30 years behind the times? Or only 25?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually I prefer "black" as that is descriptive. Mrs. John Kerry and Cherlize Theron are both Afro/Afra/African American. Under the guise of political correctness (thanks liberals) we sacrifice accuracy. If that is all you got then you can go fuck a goat.
This thread is filled with irrelevant conjecture and a little too much benefit of the doubt for the woman.

What happened is a tragedy and I fell sorry for the woman. But she appears to have mental issues. And it seem likely that she tried to ram the WH barricades to get in.

When the cops surrounded her, she almost ran them over trying to get away. I am amazed the cops did not shoot her then, but maybe they saw the child.

This time there is good video showing what she did. I am frequently critical of Rambo cops, but this time it appears they bent over backwards not to shoot her - at least at the start of the chase.
Actually I prefer "black" as that is descriptive. Mrs. John Kerry and Cherlize Theron are both Afro/Afra/African American. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I prefer black also. Just as I prefer white to caucasian. But, at this point in time, "Afro" is just plain ridiculous.

If that is all you got then you can go fuck a goat. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No thanks. I don't want your sloppy seconds.
Leave it to our press to get it wrong in the most press covered city in the world. Then again, I guess that is what they do. At least they didn't say she was in the Tea Party.

Here it is, deep into the news hour and I noticed something.....no one cares about this woman. She apparently did no shooting and I have heard that she was Afro-American. The only people to shoot were the police and that they did with reckless disregard. I am pretty certain that someone has video unless the police have confiscated it. There was a report of the report of the police fanning out speaking with everyone with a camera. So are we going to believe the story that we get. Seems to me that the liberals should just be fuming about police brutality. Except I guess it is like the actor Ron Silver when he was outraged by an overflight of jets when Clinton took office, someone said they're our jets now. So those police belong to the left now. Enjoy. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

With each of your bull shit posts your credibility drops.
JCM800's Avatar
Actually I prefer "black" as that is descriptive. Mrs. John Kerry and Cherlize Theron are both Afro/Afra/African American. Under the guise of political correctness (thanks liberals) we sacrifice accuracy. If that is all you got then you can go fuck a goat. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
are "liberals" checking your posts now to make sure of political correctness?
It is sad to read this string of posts a day into the fact finding of this incident. Every white hot political talking point you can name was summoned up to support or disprove the posters' points, all sadly bereft of facts. All this happened in a 24 hour news cycle. Shouldn't we all take a deep breath and wait a bit for a few facts? Nobody attempted a mass shooting with an AR-15. History seems to be teaching us nothing. Every high profile event that pops up on CNN or the Internet is hyped beyond reason and fact until the next incident comes along. Ex-journalists, now news anchors, bleat as if every incident forebodes Armageddon as if this is the only happening that matters and it has never been this bad. The government has been shut down numerous times before 1995-96 and nobody remembers that Tip O'Neil, Walter Mondale and Ted Kennedy contrived it to resolve internal Democratic party politics. No one in the news media derides these guys like they do the Tea Party favorites. We all need to take deeper breaths and read a little more history. The irony is that it is more readily available from the very media, the Internet, that fuels some of the hysteria.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is sad to read this string of posts a day into the fact finding of this incident. Every white hot political talking point you can name was summoned up to support or disprove the posters' points, all sadly bereft of facts. All this happened in a 24 hour news cycle. Shouldn't we all take a deep breath and wait a bit for a few facts? Nobody attempted a mass shooting with an AR-15. History seems to be teaching us nothing. Every high profile event that pops up on CNN or the Internet is hyped beyond reason and fact until the next incident comes along. Ex-journalists, now news anchors, bleat as if every incident forebodes Armageddon as if this is the only happening that matters and it has never been this bad. The government has been shut down numerous times before 1995-96 and nobody remembers that Tip O'Neil, Walter Mondale and Ted Kennedy contrived it to resolve internal Democratic party politics. No one in the news media derides these guys like they do the Tea Party favorites. We all need to take deeper breaths and read a little more history. The irony is that it is more readily available from the very media, the Internet, that fuels some of the hysteria. Originally Posted by trident60
Wow! Good post! +1
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some of us have endeavored to educate the unwashed but as they say, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him crack a book.".
Fox News is reporting there is no government shutdown.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There isn't a government shutdown.

1. Only 15% of the government is not working
2. 85% of the government is working.
3. The world has not ended which is what would happen according to the democrats during a real government shutdown.
4. Only 10% of the EPA is working and I'm doing fine. (anyone else doing fine?)

Maybe you could enlighten us with a definition (a thoughtful definition) of what a government "shutdown" looks like. Of course memorials are shut down but that is above and beyond since they weren't closed before.