Sofia / vipgfereferrals / angelinadream / hdreamgirls

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar

I know, all you old timers think I'm an ass and should be banned for stating the truth. Oh well,
Originally Posted by blue4balls
Not only would I ban you, but would remove your post. Another 'new' member who just registered today and knows it all. All that time you took to think and type your post, would take........oh about 30 seconds to remove. Maybe you have a point, if so, make it without registering a new handle. Oh, I get it, you get to freely post with without taking responsibility for what you post. Cowards way out.

When is all this hiding behind a new handle shit going to end? Like......never.

I thought WAKE UP, already addressed the "man up" thing..... Originally Posted by angelinadream
Wakeup and I both addressed it.
Not only would I ban you, but would remove your post. Another 'new' member who just registered today and knows it all. All that time you took to think and type your post, would take........oh about 30 seconds to remove. Maybe you have a point, if so, make it without registering a new handle. Oh, I get it, you get to freely post with without taking responsibility for what you post. Cowards way out.

When is all this hiding behind a new handle shit going to end? Like......never.

Wakeup and I both addressed it. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
I'm sure if it was up to you you'd ban anyone that says something you don't like. Just because it's a new handle doesn't mean it's not the truth or not valid. As far as hiding behind handles, I'm sure your real name is not dear john. Truth hurts, white knight or not...
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar

With all due respect TMFT LD and DH you don't really understand. I pay money to advertise here and I have been around for awhile now and I am one of the honest and true providers that people know they can count on so when i see someone like this abusing what I have to work hard at then it is not right.

Originally Posted by Reese McClain
I do understand how you feel ... you work hard, run a tight ship and spend your hard earned money to build your business ... and you feel someone else is not playing fair and to rub salt in the wound ... is taking potential business away from your business... but ... mods have to deal with the facts;

1. She used to be with Agencies, now she is independent.

2. She was reviewed by a reputable member who said she was real and gave her a Hell Yea recommendation. The review said where did you hear about her... he heard about her when she was with an agency.

3. She has been accused of everything from being a scam to being Sofia ... and she hung around anyway and responded without crossing a line that would get her banned.

4. Obviously Angelina and Sofia are two separate issues now.

Just so you know... I really like your imaginative outfits.
I do understand how you feel ... you work hard, run a tight ship and spend your hard earned money to build your business ... and you feel someone else is not playing fair and to rub salt in the wound ... is taking potential business away from your business... but ... mods have to deal with the facts;

1. She used to be with Agencies, now she is independent.

2. She was reviewed by a reputable member who said she was real and gave her a Hell Yea recommendation. The review said where did you hear about her... he heard about her when she was with an agency.

3. She has been accused of everything from being a scam to being Sofia ... and she hung around anyway and responded without crossing a line that would get her banned.

4. Obviously Angelina and Sofia are two separate issues now.

Just so you know... I really like your imaginative outfits. Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas

And how do YOU KNOW?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I'm sure if it was up to you you'd ban anyone that says something you don't like. Just because it's a new handle doesn't mean it's not the truth or not valid. As far as hiding behind handles, I'm sure your real name is not dear john. Truth hurts, white knight or not... Originally Posted by blue4balls
You're fucking ridiculous, and you haven't gotten a clue.

I have always respected those who take responsibility for what they post. Agree or not.

You are a gutless coward because you hide behind a new handle. You get zero respect, and you can make all these remarks hiding behind your keyboard. A lot of people know me and who I YOU.

By the way, I could care less about the subject matter of this thread.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-09-2010, 05:15 PM
Just because it's a new handle doesn't mean it's not the truth or not valid. As far as hiding behind handles, I'm sure your real name is not dear john. Truth hurts, white knight or not... Originally Posted by blue4balls
The new tag exactly means that, not valid. You did not just find this site today then say "hey I remember the whole sofia situation let me comment on it" you are someone here that has a tag already, dont play fox news and twist words around with that dear john is not your real name shit, you know what he is saying to you.
dearhunter's Avatar
And how do YOU KNOW? Originally Posted by blue4balls
uhhhhhhhh.........he read it?
The new tag exactly means that, not valid. You did not just find this site today then say "hey I remember the whole sofia situation let me comment on it" you are someone here that has a tag already, dont play fox news and twist words around with that dear john is not your real name shit, you know what he is saying to you. Originally Posted by trey
If you don't like my posts, don't read them. Otherwise, maybe you should address the subject matter of the thread or don't comment. I'm sorry me stating my opinion has offended you all so. Best of luck to you all. You don't have to believe me, or read anything I post.

Maybe you should start a new thread about people with new handles and have this issue be addressed there. Sorry my opinion and stating facts has caused such a ruckis.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Sorry my opinion and stating facts has caused such a ruckis. Originally Posted by blue4balls
OK........let's take this real slow so you can follow.

Maybe you have a valid point. If you post your valid point under your regular handle, that might give your point some credibility.

Do we agree so far?


Now, this posting inflammatory remarks goes deeper than I care to type, and obviously deeper than your thought process may be able to comprehend. So we will keep it simple.

If you want credibility and you want people to read your postings and take your side and take it seriously, no way will it work with a brand new handle. Adults don't work this way.

That's just the way it is.
simpleton's Avatar
If it helps I'm willing to bang Sofia and AD at the same time. I would then be able to determine if they're both half crazy or if it was just the one who is half crazy. Usually the half crazy ones are great in the rack.
OK........let's take this real slow so you can follow.

Maybe you have a valid point. If you post your valid point under your regular handle, that might give your point some credibility.

Do we agree so far?


Now, this posting inflammatory remarks goes deeper than I care to type, and obviously deeper than your thought process may be able to comprehend. So we will keep it simple.

If you want credibility and you want people to read your postings and take your side and take it seriously, no way will it work with a brand new handle. Adults don't work this way.

That's just the way it is. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
You're in part right. I really don't care about credibility, don't believe it if you don't want. I know Reese was going to get slammed for this thread, so I decided to support some of her comments and dish my opinion. Maybe your thought process is deeper. But everyone is entitled to an opinion, new handle, old handle or whatever. It was not a personal attack on you or your friends.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
And how do YOU KNOW? Originally Posted by blue4balls
1. I deal with facts ... not unfounded accusations

2. Reading comprehension ... you should acquire some

3. Neither You nor anyone else has provided any actionable evidence of your claims that the mods can act on

4. A man with facts never need fear a man with an argument.

Besides... you can't fool me ...Sofia... ahahahahaha
If it helps I'm willing to bang Sofia and AD at the same time. I would then be able to determine if they're both half crazy or if it was just the one who is half crazy. Usually the half crazy ones are great in the rack. Originally Posted by simpleton
He he he, you'd look like a broken smurf.....
blowpop's Avatar
Reese, if you're concerned about her posting, why give her more attention with this thread? Just PM the mods - they're the ones with the power to investigate and act.

Why are you trying to call names and attack me I am just stating facts. And another thing you said you are newbie but you know Brooke form years ago? how can you be new?
Originally Posted by Reese McClain
In my bio I explained I did this for a short while before...Red Feathers you should book me since you like me so....

The mods know I told then the whole story....