IOP... Is every girl full of shit?

daty/o's Avatar
My point was "IF you could" without all of those factors you listed.. IF you could... would you? Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Short answer, In a heartbeat.

But I would be the very definition of YMMV. Frankly, IOP aside, I could never do what you guys do. You have the amazing ability to see the unique beauty in each of your partners and reflect that in your attitude. Women are such wonderful creatures.
Some of You dudes just put way to much thought into hobbying. Nothing good can come from looking behind the curtain. If you are enjoying yourself and you left with a smile why does it matter?

You will hardly ever get honest 100% true feedback from something ne who's job is to provide you a fantasy. It's bad for business so you'll get fantasy answers or no answers.

In reality some ladies may enjoy it and some just do it for the $$ but who cares as long as you enjoy it and got your $$'s worth. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
I'm pretty sure that the hobbyists who knowingly or unknowingly patronize victims of human trafficking feel the same way about not giving too much thought.

As they say, ignorance is bliss.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Damn u guys are jaded Originally Posted by SexiKenni
Not jaded so much as very aware of the fact that I've never been with anyone I didn't have to marry or pay first, and of all that that connotes. If I had anything to offer a woman beyond money, renting my friends by the hour wouldn't be my only option.
Do u guys really think that all providers are faking any and all enjoyment during appointments? From the comments I read it seems like it. Originally Posted by SexiKenni
IMHO, Any hobbyist that believes that the IOP was real might be mentally unstable.

When it comes down to it, either both parties enjoyed themselves or they didn't.

No IOP is needed when the feeling is mutual.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
just enjoy yourself and go with it .. the Big O all in the head any ways
blowmypop23's Avatar
Yes, I was around back in good ole ASPD days... and I think there were probably just as many jaded guys back then. The only difference is how the guys express it these days.
I think the guys on Eccie are way more open about how they feel about women in general now. Which is a good helps with screening. They aren't really worried about being so negative, because there are so many women to choose from and a lot of those women don't read the board or they don't care about his attitude, as long as they get paid.

My pussy works just fine, no matter what he looks like, as long as a gentlemen is sensual and takes his time getting me ready. I wish you guys had the same benefit.

My point was "IF you could" without all of those factors you listed.. IF you could... would you? Originally Posted by Reese Foster
My answer remains no. I work hard so I can pick my sex partners and then I pay to do so. Now if all the ladies paying were my type and there was no risk then it would be a yes.
milfy2002's Avatar

I would hope that there are many ladies like myself who truly enjoy almost every session and reserve IOP for when they just can't click with someone.

If I had to put on an act more than a couple times a month I'd go find a different part time job and find a monogamous BF!

I guess the trick for the guys that dislike IOP and prefer true passion is to do the homework and only pick ladies known for enjoying their sessions.

Edit to add: Oh yeah, and don't forget to be a good lover! Wash your hands and body, brush your teeth, take initiative during the session, communicate and push the right buttons :-)
Look don't talk about the ladies because I do not pretend for anyone OK so and if I don't want to do something I won't do it. I love sex but I don't like guys jabbing as my stuff and with their finger nails. Another thing guys I read these post alot and I may not say anything but I will tell you the truth.
Bbud1959's Avatar
If you're old with a soft dick, she's faking it, if you have a big fat cock, she's loving it Originally Posted by biglatinmale
I resemble the first part of that statement!
Of course I believe all the reviews that guys totally satisfy their providers and give them a dozen orgasms.
Does it matter if it is real or Memorex if the lady is good enough to make it feel real?
Not all of us is full of shit cause I'm not
Phrasing's Avatar
There is a certain provider I enjoy spending time with but hate fucking. She is awesome, we kick back and shoot the shit...but once we are in bed, I feel that she is trying to hard to pretend that the sex is mind blowing and it's really a turn off.

IOP is real and plain ol' passion is real. Like stated above, there can be real passion even though they are being paid. Just because you are paying for fun doesn't mean the woman is always faking it. Passion that is....the O, it's hit or miss.
Bbud1959's Avatar
You know sometimes we guys have to fake the big O as well, it's complicated involving fluids, gears & mirrors!
SexiKenni's Avatar
Love it

You know sometimes we guys have to fake the big O as well, it's complicated involving fluids, gears & mirrors! Originally Posted by Bbud1959
SexiKenni's Avatar
I Love it

You know sometimes we guys have to fake the big O as well, it's complicated involving fluids, gears & mirrors! Originally Posted by Bbud1959