Fuck off Bambino

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Ah my friends from the burg, welcome to my playground.
bambino's Avatar
Ah my friends from the burg, welcome to my playground. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Hey Bro, how did you find so many wacky liberals in Texas? Contact YssWipe, he's shelling out $1500/month on his ACA premium. He used to pay 2k a month so he thinks he's getting a deal. But he does get his AARP discount at the movies. So he's got that going for him. These guys are a scream 2 dogs.

Fuckin Bambino
  • BSer
  • 11-24-2013, 08:59 AM
I'm confused.

Only liberals in Texas live in Austin. They like shity music and hippie whores who don't shower. Or has the sickness spread?

Also aren't libs accepting and tolerant of homosexuals? Why all the faggot name calling? Fucking hypocrates!

Fucking Greg!
JCM800's Avatar
Also aren't libs accepting and tolerant of homosexuals? Why all the faggot name calling? Fucking hypocrates! Originally Posted by BSer

Answer the question WTFuckhead, are you CIM? Originally Posted by bambino
bambi's "lifestyle" is his business ....to each his own
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm confused.

Also aren't libs accepting and tolerant of homosexuals? Why all the faggot name calling? Fucking hypocrates! Originally Posted by BSer
Don't ask them. The won't tell you.

They are tolerant of homosexuals .. or is it homisexuals? .. They just can't stand "faggots"!

Jealousy and envy all wrapped up in one "tight package"!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't ask them. The won't tell you.

They are tolerant of homosexuals .. or is it homisexuals? .. They just can't stand "faggots"!

Jealousy and envy all wrapped up in one "tight package"!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You'd know, LLIdiot. You gotta be scared in that closet of yours. Scared that you'll be tolerated!

Fact is, you could get married in 30 percent of this nation. Of course, that would require you finding some poor asshole who'd take you...up the ass!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey Bro, how did you find so many wacky liberals in Texas? Contact YssWipe, he's shelling out $1500/month on his ACA premium. He used to pay 2k a month so he thinks he's getting a deal. But he does get his AARP discount at the movies. So he's got that going for him. These guys are a scream 2 dogs.

Fuckin Bambino Originally Posted by bambino
You still don't get it. But you're on your way back to AA ball now, son. See you in Sprig Training. ,
bambino's Avatar
You still don't get it. But you're on your way back to AA ball now, son. See you in Sprig Training. , Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You consider this the Majors? Don't flatter yourself you old, decrepit shit stain.
JCM800's Avatar
You consider this the Majors? Don't flatter yourself you old, decrepit shit stain. Originally Posted by bambino
more minor league insults from... "Indys all time warning points leader"
bambino's Avatar
more minor league insults from... "Indys all time warning points leader" Originally Posted by JCM800
If you were any smarter you could be a cab driver. Maybe scarecrow.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-24-2013, 10:57 AM
. These guys are a scream 2 dogs.

Fuckin Bambino Originally Posted by bambino
2dogs fucking bambino,

Why am I not surprised.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-24-2013, 11:01 AM
I'm confused.

Also aren't libs accepting and tolerant of homosexuals? Why all the faggot name calling? Fucking hypocrates!

Fucking Greg! Originally Posted by BSer
We are accepting of homo's and want to insult you cocksuckers just like we do anybody else.

We want you to have the same rights us hetrosexuals have, so closet drag queens like yourself can come out of the closet!

bambino's Avatar
We are accepting of homo's and want to insult you cocksuckers just like we do anybody else.

We want you to have the same rights us hetrosexuals have, so closet drag queens like yourself can come out of the closet!

Originally Posted by WTF
You should should lap up one of BSers Creampies.

14,000 posts and not one about a hooker.

JCM800's Avatar
Also aren't libs accepting and tolerant of homosexuals? Why all the faggot name calling? Fucking hypocrates! Originally Posted by BSer
You should should lap up one of BSers Creampies. Originally Posted by bambino
Answer the question WTFuckhead, are you CIM? Originally Posted by bambino

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-24-2013, 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by JCM800
No one said Baby Boy was a fast learner.