aspd now blocking

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-03-2010, 10:31 PM
Goin Postal I love your location! lol Originally Posted by Chloe
LOL, thank you. Hopefully soon
Slappy's Avatar
In the Pittsburgh section they block all other sites including eccie except
Zippie's Avatar

Please pass along my thanks to whoever did the hardware upgrade. What a huge difference in speed. I like the layout and added features of this site and plan to stick around. And, as long as Cristy is around it's got to be fun.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

said I would, here it is. To late and a dollar short. I will stay here.
Me too OSD, me too.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If I was to join just to take a good look I would have to use a new name I think.

DrillBit, RiggingBit, BrokenBit, HorseBit, do any of the 4 sound good. Free to any looking for a name.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-05-2010, 09:11 AM
2bit, paddle bit, over bit, speed bit, orbit.

Why a new name? Go in with your original name and gun's a blazin
offshoredrilling's Avatar

And just stay the "HorsesAss" I am.

just to keep in view for any that want to look angelimnot's new site.
Offshore - Don't change, please don't change! You bring a point of view that is fresh and not always politically correct! We need that!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I will not change. I was just going with the flow of humor I started and GP stepped up "a bit".

If one can not LOL about self. Then who or what can they.

just to keep in view for any that want to look angelimnot's new site. again

Im staying with eccie as is.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-05-2010, 10:20 AM
OSD, don't you think that's enough advertising for the other site Especially considering the circumstances
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ya ok, if you want, lets lock it
brutusbluto's Avatar
In my case I could relate to "little bit" lol
ANONONE's Avatar
I second, LAP's motion.

This site is awesome!
george79v's Avatar
I say we all go back to ASPD and start bumping threads older than 30 days.

That was such a stupid rule!