Things that might make me an Elitist
(of a person or class of persons) considered superior by others or by themselves, as in intellect, talent, power, wealth, or position in society: elitist country ...

I don't know where you get off thinking you're better than anybody... You're obviously an escort, yet you are offending everybody around you with your posts.

My suggestion to you is to pull your head out of your ass and take a look at the real world. You are seriously disillusioned and you are coming across as a real cunt. Take a break from posting senseless drivel and in the meanwhile see a therapist, go to rehab, whatever it is you need.

Cute "elitist" lingerie in your pic...hehe did you find that at Ross Dress for Less? IMHO it didn't come from anywhere a real "elitist" would shop at. I'm just saying... Oh, and I also didn't know that "elitist" people posted on Backpage... well, I guess you have to make a living somehow, just somehow doesn't fit with the whole "elitist" persona...IJS, your backpage ads come up when you do a google search of Zabrina Serafina... › ... › Chicago escorts
3 days ago - Chicago. City of Chicago and Northwest Suburbs. VIP Zabrina Sarafina - An exotic bewitching gem of the highest waters

Originally Posted by KittyLamour

Kitty, I don't know you, but I LOVE YOU.


You just made me gasp, giggle, and almost snort.
Whew! Love it when someone gets a nice dose of the #Truth.

bojulay's Avatar
Why does Zabrina want all the liberals eradicated???

And I like her little red rose dressy thing.
KittyLamour's Avatar

Kitty, I don't know you, but I LOVE YOU.


You just made me gasp, giggle, and almost snort.
Whew! Love it when someone gets a nice dose of the #Truth.

Foxy Originally Posted by FoxyNC

Lol Foxy, I just couldn't resist... Thanks! I mean really? Who does she think she is? She's an escort, yet she's so much better than everybody, advertises on her website that she likes to make people feel better about themselves then comes on here and contradicts herself by saying she hates people that are "stupid"... imho stupid is as stupid does... If she wants to talk about stupid... Maybe she should stand in front of a mirror and point her finger next time.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Why does Zabrina want all the liberals eradicated???

And I like her little red rose dressy thing. Originally Posted by bojulay
Well... she didn't buy it at Neiman's I'll tell you that much.
So whats your rate for a smelly ole man?
Lol Foxy, I just couldn't resist... Thanks! I mean really? Who does she think she is? She's an escort, yet she's so much better than everybody, advertises on her website that she likes to make people feel better about themselves then comes on here and contradicts herself by saying she hates people that are "stupid"... imho stupid is as stupid does... If she wants to talk about stupid... Maybe she should stand in front of a mirror and point her finger next time.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
I have found that some of my best clients, who were gold on the inside, were not "hot" on the outside. Funny, how that works...
And yes, she is gonna be alienating some the best possible clients... And alienating other ladies working within her own network, ones she may need to reach out for security purposes or knowledge.
That is NEVER a "smart" thing to do.

Nothing screams "I'm stupid" more loudly than someone bragging about how smart they are and how everyone else is stupid...

And I will say this from my own personal experience, if she is waiting for some secret base of "hot guy clients ONLY" for her business.... well.... she's gonna have some slow times.
Real fucking slow.

Not to mention bashing other ladies... lol

I mean, seriously?
I won't go into bashing her wardrobe, because it is cute. No idea where it's from, I wouldn't begin to guess. I am humble, from a humble area, with humble prices... In no way shape or form am I "brand" elitist- not a "money" elitist.
However, I am an elitist when it comes to humanity & humility.

Am I an elitist escort if I say, that I have NEVER used backpage?
Perspective. LOL
Hookers shouldn't be throwing rocks when they live in glass houses.

KittyLamour's Avatar
I have found that some of my best clients, who were gold on the outside, were not "hot" on the outside. Funny, how that works...
And yes, she is gonna be alienating some the best possible clients... And alienating other ladies working within her own network, ones she may need to reach out for security purposes or knowledge.
That is NEVER a "smart" thing to do.

Nothing screams "I'm stupid" more loudly than someone bragging about how smart they are and how everyone else is stupid...

And I will say this from my own personal experience, if she is waiting for some secret base of "hot guy clients ONLY" for her business.... well.... she's gonna have some slow times.
Real fucking slow.

Not to mention bashing other ladies... lol

I mean, seriously?
I won't go into bashing her wardrobe, because it is cute. No idea where it's from, I wouldn't begin to guess. I am humble, from a humble area, with humble prices... In no way shape or form am I "brand" elitist- not a "money" elitist.
However, I am an elitist when it comes to humanity & humility.

Am I an elitist escort if I say, that I have NEVER used backpage?
Perspective. LOL
Hookers shouldn't be throwing rocks when they live in glass houses.

Originally Posted by FoxyNC
I totally agree with you... and I will say it... I do use Backpage on occasion, I'm just like how can you call yourself an elitist when anyone who knows better can tell you're not? She just made herself look horrible and from experience I will tell you no matter how perfect you look on the outside or how brilliantly intelligent you think you are... if you've got a crappy attitude no one will book with you. What man wants to take a chance with their time and money on being treated like shit or having to listen to her rant and rave the whole session.
cinderbella's Avatar
Zabrina, you are an alcoholic. Until you admit you are powerless against alcohol, you will continue to feel pent up rage that will continue to frustrate you. There is alot of self empowerment to the very wise mantra:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

The courage to change the things I can; AND THE WISDOM TO KNOW


Until you learn, meditate and basically get this simple concept running thru your veins, the computer keyboard and this platform are going to be the definition of insanityity that you continue to cry out for help on. And yes, you are crying out for help.

You are lonely, and you want a boyfriend/lover because your heart is broken over you last broken relationship. What if you did not have your beautiful looks? What else about you would be attractive? I think this is what you would like to possibly focus on. You obviously want to have control of someone ( a man ) in your life, but more than that I think you want to be loved by a man you feel is somehow superior to you. It's very difficult to find, hence the proliferation of dating websites.

Alcohol consumption fuels frustration and gives one courage to express pent up rage. I think deep down inside you are lonely and want to be in love like you perhaps knew something about in your previous relationship. Your posts about sex imply a need and desire to merge physically with one who gives you sparks in your soul and makes you feel alive. Duh, guess what? Real, honest love takes time and effort and dedication. It also requires you to leave your ego at the door and to nurture and please a partner despite their imperfections. It requires acceptance and surrender and trust.

Eckhart Tolle is a little dry to listen to, but to quote:

"Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, no against it, make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life".

Personally, I found the most inspiration and truth from my favorite song by Alanis Morissette:

"The moment I let go of it
was the moment I got more than I could handle-
The moment I jumped off of it
was the moment I touched down".

She wrote the song about her stay in India where she learned about people who were seemingly grateful for nothing. The poorest nation ever had the most vibrant color and beauty. They were grateful for the bad, because it was necessary to experience in order to appreciate the good.

I don't know what else to say, but in your posts I see a soul crying out for help and love. Unless you are willing to give what you want to others, you will never receive it fully for yourself. And you need to stop drinking, alcoholism takes a horrible toll on your health. Take a pledge not to drink any alcohol for 1 month and see if you can abstain. Then continue, and try again if you become weak for it. Eat only healthy highly nutritious food with water. Your body needs lots of nutrition to combat alcohol cravings. And stop hanging out in bars.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-20-2015, 06:57 PM
I can't stand stupid people

I truly sincerely wish they could be exterminated from the face of the earth.

Luckily, I don't come across them too often ...but, when I do...

I feel compassion.

Share your confessions. Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
To Love & to Kill Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
Something I never understood ...and how you can't understand either... how some beautiful women will sleep with ugly, stinky men simply for a few benjamins or even thousands. I can't wrap my head around it, maybe because I'm so passionate about picking the right partner...

But, really for money... then, they say they're going to graduate school ...yes, oh so smart. Definitely genius material

Wasting your life.


I mean, c'mon... how hard is it to manifest attractive men... that obviously any normal woman want to meet, touch. Call it law of attraction or just plain common sense. But, think of the regret and disgust you feel being a stupid ***

Truly feel sorry

I truly feel stupidity should be a punishable crime

Oh wait, it's self serving ;p

Women who live lives of sex slavery.... tsk tsk

And, men who support it.

Calmly waits for pm's from women saying they love sleeping with ugly, stinky men for money... ummmm, not happening Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
Dear Zabrina,

I usually let posts like this go past without commenting because your own words mock you far more completely than I could. And so far, a number of the ladies on here have said much of what needs to be said to show the egotistical bubble you often reside in.

But unfortunately I have had a bad couple weeks, and I am not in the best--not most forgiving--mood right now. As a result I will reply. Not because your "argument" is really that complex and interesting, but because I need someone to toss some barbs at today and you are the easiest target, and these recent posts of yours truly deserve a more than a little ridicule.

In reality, this post of yours needs to be read in conjunction with your "I like it when a guy wants to worship my pussy" thread. They are actually two linked parts of your ego and self absorption showing. Not "elitism", you have done little to show you deserve that nomenclature. Just basic ego driven dumb goddess complex.

So, you not only deserve to be adored and worshiped, but in reality you are so “special” that only “gorgeous” men—whatever that definition might be—are worthy to worship you. Of course, they must be single minded brainwashed men who do not see sex as a mutual enjoyment, but be strictly focused on your pleasure. For you to actually reciprocate falls into the category of "icky beyond words!", does it not? They should be men who are so simplistic that they can only think one thought—that YOU are worthy of worship.

I am sorry to burst your self-centered fantasy world (OK, I am not really sorry), but what you describe is so degrading to you it is embarrassing. Or it should be embarrassing to you if you were able to think half as objectively as you believe you can. What you are essentially saying is that a man who is not of a slave mindset would likely not choose to spend time with you—and would certainly not likely “pay” for the privilege. Translation: you are worth amazingly little.

I have spent time with a number of ladies who truly ARE “elite”. Not “elitist”. Ladies who can and have attracted a wide and amazing diversity of men. Ladies who have skills and talents in many different fields. Ladies who never once exclaimed—at least when I could hear—that they were elite, elitist, or any other variant of the term.

So what have you actually posted, though in different words:

1. You value looks over mind, heart, or personality in a mate/lover/client

2. You prefer your Adonis-looking simpleton lover to salivate over pleasing you, allowing no time for idle thoughts on other topics

3. That anyone who does not value things in the same way is an idiot

4. That you, being one of the elite superior beings, should be able to punish—legally or via execution—any who are not as enlightened as you

However, thanks to Chicagoboy’s post we discover some additional interesting facts:

1. While you are not bad looking, neither are you the stunning beauty you apparently think you are

2. Your ad does not warn the population of men who would read it that “only the gorgeous need apply”—whatever that is actually defined to be. Shouldn’t you put such a warning caveat on your ads? Or do you delight in telling the 95% of inferior looking men, “Ha! Did you really think I would spend time with someone as ugly as YOU? Leave my sight, you abomination!” Actually, sometimes I read your posts and think yes, she would enjoy saying exactly that.

3. You are fortunate that others do not get the option to euthanize the stupid—as you would like to have for yourself. I am afraid you may not have survived long enough to reach your current age.

As a brief postscript—your comment about ladies who fund their way through grad school: you really don’t comprehend how much of a bimbo you make yourself seem, do you? NO lady in this business could POSSIBLY be smart enough to get an advanced degree—at least not if see sees “the ugly people”. I must tell that to any of several former escorts who DID finance their PhDs and Professional Engineering degrees by escorting. But then, you have made it clear you do not value intelligence, only pretty baubles who are willing to be your lap dogs.

Any time Kim K needs a refresher course on being a stuck-up bimbo I would recommend she contact you.
Texanbychoice's Avatar
Something I never understood ...and how you can't understand either... how some beautiful women will sleep with ugly, stinky men simply for a few benjamins or even thousands. I can't wrap my head around it, maybe because I'm so passionate about picking the right partner...

But, really for money... then, they say they're going to graduate school ...yes, oh so smart. Definitely genius material

Wasting your life.


I mean, c'mon... how hard is it to manifest attractive men... that obviously any normal woman want to meet, touch. Call it law of attraction or just plain common sense. But, think of the regret and disgust you feel being a stupid ***

Truly feel sorry

I truly feel stupidity should be a punishable crime

Oh wait, it's self serving ;p

Women who live lives of sex slavery.... tsk tsk

And, men who support it.

Calmly waits for pm's from women saying they love sleeping with ugly, stinky men for money... ummmm, not happening Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina

Are you for real? Omg. Seriously? No matter how you couch it. You maam, sell your pussy. We buy it. Get over yourself.

Edit** btw. FoxyNC. You are hot. Wish you were closer lol.
btw. FoxyNC. You are hot. Wish you were closer lol. Originally Posted by Texanbychoice
Thanks Darlin!
After I get my refund, & pack the U-haul- I will be headed down to the Lone Star State! So you may very well get your wish, in due time!
Dear Zabrina,

I usually let posts like this go past without commenting because your own words mock you far more completely than I could. And so far, a number of the ladies on here have said much of what needs to be said to show the egotistical bubble you often reside in.

But unfortunately I have had a bad couple weeks, and I am not in the best--not most forgiving--mood right now. As a result I will reply. Not because your "argument" is really that complex and interesting, but because I need someone to toss some barbs at today and you are the easiest target, and these recent posts of yours truly deserve a more than a little ridicule.

In reality, this post of yours needs to be read in conjunction with your "I like it when a guy wants to worship my pussy" thread. They are actually two linked parts of your ego and self absorption showing. Not "elitism", you have done little to show you deserve that nomenclature. Just basic ego driven dumb goddess complex.

So, you not only deserve to be adored and worshiped, but in reality you are so “special” that only “gorgeous” men—whatever that definition might be—are worthy to worship you. Of course, they must be single minded brainwashed men who do not see sex as a mutual enjoyment, but be strictly focused on your pleasure. For you to actually reciprocate falls into the category of "icky beyond words!", does it not? They should be men who are so simplistic that they can only think one thought—that YOU are worthy of worship.

I am sorry to burst your self-centered fantasy world (OK, I am not really sorry), but what you describe is so degrading to you it is embarrassing. Or it should be embarrassing to you if you were able to think half as objectively as you believe you can. What you are essentially saying is that a man who is not of a slave mindset would likely not choose to spend time with you—and would certainly not likely “pay” for the privilege. Translation: you are worth amazingly little.

I have spent time with a number of ladies who truly ARE “elite”. Not “elitist”. Ladies who can and have attracted a wide and amazing diversity of men. Ladies who have skills and talents in many different fields. Ladies who never once exclaimed—at least when I could hear—that they were elite, elitist, or any other variant of the term.

So what have you actually posted, though in different words:

1. You value looks over mind, heart, or personality in a mate/lover/client

2. You prefer your Adonis-looking simpleton lover to salivate over pleasing you, allowing no time for idle thoughts on other topics

3. That anyone who does not value things in the same way is an idiot

4. That you, being one of the elite superior beings, should be able to punish—legally or via execution—any who are not as enlightened as you

However, thanks to Chicagoboy’s post we discover some additional interesting facts:

1. While you are not bad looking, neither are you the stunning beauty you apparently think you are

2. Your ad does not warn the population of men who would read it that “only the gorgeous need apply”—whatever that is actually defined to be. Shouldn’t you put such a warning caveat on your ads? Or do you delight in telling the 95% of inferior looking men, “Ha! Did you really think I would spend time with someone as ugly as YOU? Leave my sight, you abomination!” Actually, sometimes I read your posts and think yes, she would enjoy saying exactly that.

3. You are fortunate that others do not get the option to euthanize the stupid—as you would like to have for yourself. I am afraid you may not have survived long enough to reach your current age.

As a brief postscript—your comment about ladies who fund their way through grad school: you really don’t comprehend how much of a bimbo you make yourself seem, do you? NO lady in this business could POSSIBLY be smart enough to get an advanced degree—at least not if see sees “the ugly people”. I must tell that to any of several former escorts who DID finance their PhDs and Professional Engineering degrees by escorting. But then, you have made it clear you do not value intelligence, only pretty baubles who are willing to be your lap dogs.

Any time Kim K needs a refresher course on being a stuck-up bimbo I would recommend she contact you.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Remind me to stay out of your way!!!

I don't if I'm scared or a wee bit turned on...

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-21-2015, 12:30 PM
Remind me to stay out of your way!!!

I don't if I'm scared or a wee bit turned on...

Originally Posted by FoxyNC
Dear pretty young lady,

Thank you for the kind words. The vast majority of the time I am a mild mannered gentlemen who is shy and bashful in the presence of a pretty lady. Usually it is only when someone combines ego with insulting a lot of people I like that the darker side of me comes out.