verygood69's Avatar
Thank you for all your precious thoughts and prayers!!!! That exactly what he and I need at this time. Once again thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Audrey Astor's Avatar
Ok to start with, I will be exiting the hobby World. My son at the age of 29 has been diagnosed with Thyroid ad throat cancer and with his poor insurance all of my extra funds will be on his medical issues!

I must say I have had a Great time while here and on ASPD. I have met some fine Ladies and a special Lady as well on through this sight. I just want to say thank you for all of the memories and excitement you Ladies and guys have given.

I will be hanging until my renewal comes up but only for the amazing reads, yep I will reply with some but as far as the Hobby, I must go!!!!!

YEP probably get spanked for posting this but........................... ..........You do what ya gotta do!!!!!!!

I am asking for all of the REAL Ladies and Gents who I know are her to Please say a small one for him. just reference MH in your thoughts and the one taking care of this will know exactly who you are referring!!!!!!

It has been fun and HOPEFULLY all goes well and we may meet again. But until then, Please be safe, have fun and Gents....Treat the Ladies with respect.

O and the Title...Thought for my son PLEASE.

VG69 Originally Posted by verygood69

I don't know you honey, but I will definitely say "one" for you and your son. We do what we need to do, and family comes first.

I had to exit the world too, to care for my daddy who had lung cancer. He passed on Christmas Day. I made the right decission, and you are as well.

Here's to a nice recovery for your son. muah!

DarthDVader's Avatar
I commend you for your decision ...
I will have you and your son in my prayers ...
I surely will !!!
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
even though we have never met i will keep him in my thoughts and prayers! I hope you guys were able to catch it early so you can get rid of it! I hope you come back and it will be better for you! Take care and stay strong!
Captain Morgan's Avatar
Yes the real world has a way of telling us what is important , I will do a few laps around the beads for you and your son , KK wrote that you are a good man, Damn high bar in my book
mtabsw's Avatar
VG69 - my thoughts and best wishes for speedy and full recovery for your son.
verygood69's Avatar
Wow, first and foremost, you have no idea how much all your thoughts and prayers are doing. I am going to say that out of all the Fine Ladies and Gents I have met through here that 95 % pmd me with thought and prayers of so many ways!!!!! And so many that I have not had the pleasure to meet in anyway, both Ladies and Gents!!! And of course.... Gents through pm, chat and in person only!!!! No BCD LOL. You know the saying fdau, well MH is going in ass down face up and meeting this head on!!!! I am just here just incase he needs a crutch. Unbelievably how this amazing!!!! So to ALL, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! You just don't realize how many people really care!!!!!!
Thank You Again!!!

NEXT, I am so sorry if anyone got a pm from me tonight! I was just messing around looking at the things and I sent a pm to someone that has been sitting in my send box for over a year now. I suppose that's what I get for messing with it on my phone!
I apologize if you got anything!

But Again,
1.) Never lose hope.
2.) Please consider HOSPICE when the time is appropriate.
Prayers and please keep us updated.
Verygood69 I wanted to share a story with you. First I am so sorry your son is going through this and how it will be effecting everyone around him. I know prayers will help and don't give up on hope.

I have a friend that I have know since Oct 1996. We worked together for several years. It was around 2006 or 2007 he was told he had stage 4 lipoid cancer. He went through the treatments and I could tell through phone conversations he knew he did not have long. I wanted to go see him but he did not want anyone to see him. I felt so sorry for him and he would go to Dallas and stay to get some treatments. He finally had a bone marrow transplant and because his immune system was low he could not take a chance and let anyone come see him and had to becareful so he would not get sick. The bone marrow transplant took and it has been awhile since I talked to him till today. After reading your thread I called him today and he called me back. I asked how he was and as of today he is doing great. I can go see him now. I hope this story will give you some hope. If you ever need someone to talk to or go to lunch or have coffee with let me know. Take care TP
Bestman200600's Avatar
Checkout the various insurance plans and see if the government can help you carry the load from your son's cancer. Good Luck.
Verygood69 I wanted to share a story with you. First I am so sorry your son is going through this and how it will be effecting everyone around him. I know prayers will help and don't give up on hope.

I have a friend that I have know since Oct 1996. We worked together for several years. It was around 2006 or 2007 he was told he had stage 4 lipoid cancer. He went through the treatments and I could tell through phone conversations he knew he did not have long. I wanted to go see him but he did not want anyone to see him. I felt so sorry for him and he would go to Dallas and stay to get some treatments. He finally had a bone marrow transplant and because his immune system was low he could not take a chance and let anyone come see him and had to becareful so he would not get sick. The bone marrow transplant took and it has been awhile since I talked to him till today. After reading your thread I called him today and he called me back. I asked how he was and as of today he is doing great. I can go see him now. I hope this story will give you some hope. If you ever need someone to talk to or go to lunch or have coffee with let me know. Take care TP Originally Posted by Truly Passion
That's a great story of hope.

I have a good friend (one of those "with benefits" friends from another life, who now is happily married, so no benefits now even though I'm single again...but I digress) who is an oncology nurse. She's told me of myriad instances in which all hope was lost (not that that's the case with the OP's son), and yet things worked out. The advances in this field are beyond belief and the survival rates spectacular.
I will say a prayer for your son.
God Bless
So true EN. Things have changed so much over the last several decades.
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 01-13-2014, 09:40 AM
Prayers your son and for you.