I lack the ability to tell jokes.....

onehitwonder's Avatar
I only know a few...so here my favorite one............

A guy 'lucks up' on a ticket to the Super Bowl. Even though its in the 'nose bleed' section he could'nt be happier. So he goes to the game, finds his seat whips out his binoculars and proceeds to watch the game. After a awhile he notices an empty aisle seat on the fifty yard line 2 rows back. In the seat next to it sits an old man. He watches for a minute and it seems that no one is sitting there. So he makes his way down and approachs the old man and says "Excuse me Sir is anyone sitting here? " The old man replies "No it was my wifes. We've been coming to the Super Bowl together for 20 years but she died." The kid says " Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Sir, but could'nt you get a friend or anyone to come to the game with you?" The old replied " No son, they're all at the bit*hes funeral!"
DarthMaul's Avatar
Uhhh...I thought this was about cheap snacks??

boardman's Avatar
Consider the source........I'm just sayin'
Consider the source........I'm just sayin' Originally Posted by boardman
If you haven't figured it out by now, you probably never will. I really don't care if you think I'm part of the crazy crew or not. There are a few people on this board who know me and have met me. They can vouch that I'm not part of that crew. This was my lame attempt at being funny. I was not blessed with the ability to be funny, even when I try.

To those who put in a few jokes on this thread, thank you.
boardman's Avatar
If you haven't figured it out by now, you probably never will. I really don't care if you think I'm part of the crazy crew or not. There are a few people on this board who know me and have met me. They can vouch that I'm not part of that crew. This was my lame attempt at being funny. I was not blessed with the ability to be funny, even when I try.

To those who put in a few jokes on this thread, thank you. Originally Posted by UnderCoverDiva
I'm sorry, I said nothing about any association that you may or may not have with "the crazy crew". It was more of a commentary on some of the incoherent posts you have made elsewhere on the board. But, as my old man used to say, a hit dog howls..........
I'm sorry, I said nothing about any association that you may or may not have with "the crazy crew". It was more of a commentary on some of the incoherent posts you have made elsewhere on the board. But, as my old man used to say, a hit dog howls.......... Originally Posted by boardman

I don't recall having any "incoherent" posts, unless they were directed at someone who knows who I am (therefore the meaning would have been lost on you), so I'm totally confused. Either way, carry on my dear, tomcat, carry on.
UCD, I think it comes in both a regular and light version. You can only get it at Target. They also have an Archer Farms madagascan Vanilla which was voted one of the top vanillas. Comes in a light and regular. 30 minutes of intensive exercise will allow you to eat a cup and not gain weight. Let me know if you have any problems. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
I tried this one and, unfortunately for me, it was not in the light flavor. However, it was magnificent and now I just have to figure out how to give the rest of it away so I don't eat it all, yum, yum. Thank you again for the suggestion. I have one more to try, the AF Belgian Chocolate.

Thank you again, for your input.
ratboy jam's Avatar
I don't recall having any "incoherent" posts, unless they were directed at someone who knows who I am (therefore the meaning would have been lost on you), so I'm totally confused. Either way, carry on my dear, tomcat, carry on. Originally Posted by UnderCoverDiva
A "taint" shot would go a long way in "repairing" yur image!!
  • anita
  • 10-05-2010, 12:56 AM
Sometime things are funny, but it is all in the way to say it. I suggest you just try to play with these little ones. They will laugh way more and have way more fun than sitting there trying to understand your jokes...I am just saying.
  • anita
  • 10-05-2010, 01:05 AM
But if your thread was about the brand of food to buy for kids, you do not need to spend a lot of money. Kids do not care how much a snack is as long as it taste good.
I just now understand your post...you were telling a joke about your journey with your nieces and nephew.
Sorry, I didn't catch it earlier.
A "taint" shot would go a long way in "repairing" yur image!! Originally Posted by ratboy jam
My handsome RBJ, to which "taint" are you referring to? Or, maybe I should ask to whose "taint" are you referring to? I'm so confused.
boardman's Avatar
I don't recall having any "incoherent" posts, Originally Posted by UnderCoverDiva

Originally Posted by boardman
Darling, if you want to quote me, it may help if you use the complete sentence, just sayin......................... ............................ LOL

How does that feel?

P. S. No hard feelings Boardman, just giving you a taste of your own medicine (all in good humor, I can assure you).
cat fight!!!!
The blonde was at the blood bank and sold a pint of blood. As she was leaving counting her $25, a man was leaving counting his money. He had $40. She asked if he had some rare blood type that he got more than she did. He said no, that he had donated sperm. The next day the bimbo was back at the blood bank. The receptionist asked if she was there to donate blood. The blonde could only shake her head, as her cheeks were bulging.