Fort Hood soldier found dead...

The autopsy should tell, if released. It was reported he had patient contacts.


I have a long time friend, who frequently traveled overseas, and every time he came back home, before his wife would allow him in the house, she required him to strip naked in the garage and she sprayed him down with a pump-canister sprayer with some "germ killing" milky looking solution, the formula or ingredients of which I was not privileged to know, but was up to her disinfecting standards .... I think she didn't trust him and thought he was cheating on her!

(Having traveled with him, or met him, overseas, she had justifiable cause!)

That shit stank~!

Let's wait for the autopsy on this guy. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're kidding. That's ridiculous, whatever she was spraying on the outside of his body might have killed surface bacteria but whatever pathogen that could have been lurking inside his body was virtually unaffected by such an archaic attempt to rid him of any disease causing bacteria or virus.

EVA, you make a lot of stupid assumptions don't you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He is one. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not near as many as you two fucktards. Actually judy you are a assumption. That should give you something to bleat about.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
And some of you wonder why I bash JD. He is the biggest hypocrite on here and quite possibly has benefited from government largeness than any poster her and is without a doubt the gayest. JewishLawyer would know for sure. Who gives the best head JL , lustylad or JD?

Originally Posted by WTF
They aren't fags like you!!!!
Government "largeness" benefits those who like a big government..ROFLMAO
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-14-2015, 12:10 PM
They aren't fags...AO Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
So are you telling me that just because lustylad and JDBarleycorn suck your little peepee doesn't mean they are gay. Hmmmm. What does that make you?A Happy lil camper!
rioseco's Avatar
It is obvious by his reference to "OBAMA's war on Ebola" that JDIdiot is desperately searching for something else to blame on the President.

He will not to rest until he finds it! Originally Posted by bigtex

No I'm pretty sure it was Bush's fault, again !
lustylad's Avatar
Sheesh, and I had no reason to post in this thread until WTFuckmyass dragged me in. Listen fagboy, keep me out of your gay fantasies! Go hang out down in tranny alley. Your she-male pals are waiting to service you there!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-14-2015, 01:32 PM
Sheesh, and I had no reason to post in this thread until WTFuckmyass dragged me in. Listen fagboy, keep me out of your gay fantasies! Go hang out down in tranny alley. Your she-male pals are waiting to service you there! Originally Posted by lustylad
JewishLawyer is not sure if you or JDCORNHOLE gives the best nut draining knob job.Looks like he needs a second round from you two homo's to determine the wiener.

lustylad's Avatar
Look what WTFagboy got from Santa, a new fleshdoll.

What fagboy really needed was a gym membership. Here he is looking for tranny alley.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
And some of you wonder why I bash JD. He is the biggest hypocrite on here and quite possibly has benefited from government largeness [sic] than any poster her and is without a doubt the gayest. JewishLawyer would know for sure. Who gives the best head JL , lustylad or JD? (They aren't faggots, so they don't give stop daydreaming and get those illegal aliens that you pay so poorly back to work, or send them back to Mexico and get a citizen to build your fucking tumbledown piece of shit houses.)

Originally Posted by WTF
When you give a tranny a tip, do you tell he/she, "This is an example of my largeness, sweetie!"

Does she reply, "Motherfucker, I can see your large fucking stomach, show me some more cash!"
LexusLover's Avatar
You're kidding. Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
No. That's the difference between the Real World and on here. We can talk shit in here, but "out there" is not the place or time. As long as she didn't spray that shit on me, I could give a rat's ass. He wanted in the house. Not me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not near as many as you two fucktards. Actually judy you are a assumption. That should give you something to bleat about. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
well no matter what you think they are, we KNOW who YOU are.

well no matter what you think they are, we KNOW who YOU are.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You are a one trick pony wacco.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You are a one trick pony wacco. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
did i hear the sound of a queef in the wind?


Meaning: to expel air from the vagina (v.) | an expulsion of air from the vagina (n.)

keep pussy farting EVA. it's what we expect of you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you sure you didn't mean to say "Obama's Jihad against Ebola?"

This just might be the dumbest post of the week, which is really saying something around here.

JDIdiot just might be the first Dipshit of the Week recipient.
did i hear the sound of a queef in the wind?


Meaning: to expel air from the vagina (v.) | an expulsion of air from the vagina (n.)

keep pussy farting EVA. it's what we expect of you.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Too fucking dumb to know what a one trick pony is wacco? It means you are stuck on dumb, and that one trick is all you got loser. It is hard for you to think of anything new with a dick in your mouth.