When will they get Trump?

ICU 812's Avatar
"Russia Collusion" has been shown to be false. They finally got Mr. Trumps IRS files sand there is no illegality there. The Mart a Lago documents hoopla is also a red herring. There is nothing to the mar a Lago raid, or Mr Trump world already be in custody.

There was much serious talk of forcing President Trump out of office thorough the 25thAmendmant process. It is my belief that President Biden more closely fits the qualifying parameters of that process than anyone else in the recent political history of the United States.

I will be deeply disappointed if there are no criminal consequences to the Biden crime family. The Constitution specifically identifies impeachable offences to be bribery and treason. I am convinced that these apply to both President Clinton and President Biden.
ICU 812's Avatar
So let's look at the 23th Amendment and past presidents, Who could have (should have) been removed if the 25th Amendment was in force when they were in office?


All were later shown to be in noticeable and limiting cognitive decline in the final term.

In my opinion, President Biden belongs in that group.
Precious_b's Avatar
Are you talking personally or mafia don style, having buffers around him?
trump did things for america

not for himself or for the global elites' praise

did he rankle people? is he a new york loudmouth? yeah

but he didnt brook any marxist nonsense from the left and their news media

that is why he was hated and was lied about more than anyone, even nixon

you say trump lies, no, and although comparisons arent to be made concerning who lies less, needless to say i will do that anyway, trump did lie much less than his enemies. the left with their news media lied about him while calling him a liar.

all the impeachments were their lies, the russian hoax was their lie.

their pulitzer prizes were lies,

cuomo blaming trump and needing more and more respirators were lies, all he did was store them in warehouses,

they still lie about the russian hoax claiming there was proof of a russian connection or

thier favorite fall back, which is twisting common defenses into obstruction

calling him a racist for shutting down travel from china at the beginning of the china virus is their lie

then claiming he didnt shut travel down fast enough is their lie

their tax return claims were their lies, their property tax attacks in new york were their lies

who lied about the wall, they did, for they were for a wall until wokeness took over and they bowed to anti americann destroyers and trump called for one and began it

the liars wanted to get trump on his disputes with the archive office, raiding mar a lago in dramatic style, unlike hellary's kid glove treatment, or any other dimocrat's treatment for that matter, with a view to fashioning in america's collective mind the awfulness of trump, so their assault might once and for all destroy him. but they were foiled

today joe and mika have roundtables of liars each morning, discussing for example how much more terrible are trumps issues with classified documents than biden's due to biden's "cooperation", what a joke... bidens thefts of documents goes back to him sneaking documents out of the senate and as a vice president without a president's powers

would i vote for trump?, yeah well ahead of the lying woke marxists equality dabblers of the dimocrat party..for truth has never been a leftist value
The Republicans can offer up a better candidate than Ex-President Trump and the Democrats can offer up a better candidate than President Biden. I think that the party that does will win. They are both too old and senile. Personally, I hope BOTH parties proffer new, younger, more moderate candidates and we have a real horse race.
... TRUMP 2024!

#### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
This is having a Durham debacle sorta feel to it. But with several cases. Not just one.

That’s fine! You believe that don’t wear one. But it’s absolutely no different than mask lovers telling me I have to wear one. It’s idiotic and divisive to tell either side to wear or not to wear a mask. Originally Posted by Charley3
That’s fine! but I never told you to do anything or not do anything. I gave you information to help YOU make YOUR DECISION.

I am not like the Democrats and BIDEN that rammed it down peoples throats.
Ripmany's Avatar

Could be this one first.

Preview, then submit.

Watch what you cut out. Originally Posted by ChopSuey
She will make the better dicksucker but trump has his mouth open.
winn dixie's Avatar
"They" are the voters! And "They" already "Got" trump!

He Gone

The Republicans can offer up a better candidate than Ex-President Trump and the Democrats can offer up a better candidate than President Biden. I think that the party that does will win. They are both too old and senile. Personally, I hope BOTH parties proffer new, younger, more moderate candidates and we have a real horse race. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Both Parties want Puppets not Horses, so don't expect much.
Mitt Romney said to be a front runner for 2024. I'd support him depending on who the dems put up.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Mitt Romney said to be a front runner for 2024. I'd support him depending on who the dems put up. Originally Posted by royamcr

Bittch Romney? you are kidding, right?

here's Romtard getting Trump endorsement in 2012


here's Romtard slamming Trump in 2016


here's Romtard kissing Trump's papal ring after he won

thank you valued poster
The trumpy and jarod cartel are living large thanks to treason that the Saudi prince pays for. Billions to the cartel and keeping golf courses corrupt. Makes putin a happy boy since they own the gop and fuck them stupid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The trumpy and jarod cartel are living large thanks to treason that the Saudi prince pays for. Billions to the cartel and keeping golf courses corrupt. Makes putin a happy boy since they own the gop and fuck them stupid Originally Posted by Tsmokies

golf courses are treasonous?

if you say so