I'm Done With The Kapernick Debates

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
What exactly do you think society as a whole thinks about hookers and tricks? Let's be real here, we all use fake names for a reason on this board. This place should hardly be the morality police for anything... I'm 150% sure my friends and family would be more appalled by me having a single post on a whore board than by me taking a knee before a football game for a just cause... reality and glass houses folks Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Nobody is forcing you to participate in this site. You can leave as quick as you came.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Kap did the right thing. I dont need to add anything further.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

i don't always respond to racist posts on ECCIE but when i do it always seems to be yours.

and since you've stuck yer nose in the political forum again after saying it was beneath you, well ...

Lol you're such the court jester.

Me getting my ass handed to me by the poorly educated of the political forum? Yeah right

Talk about a bunch of fucking brain dead morons. They parrot stupidity at levels that isnt worth it. Now scram Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

what Kaepernick doesn't seem to understand is that he's an employee of the NFL (well was ..) and the team he played for. and that employers have the right to regulate workplace behavior. they can dictate dress codes, working hours and things you can do, and things you can't.

they can tell you to stand at attention during the Anthem. by the way, the NBA has a rule requiring that. what happens to employees when they don't follow the rules? they are subject to disciplinary actions up to and including termination.

now take Jerral Jones owner of the Cowboys for example. he, as owner stated that no Cowboys players will kneel during the Anthem. and none of them do. including recent addition Michael Bennett. you may be familiar with him as a previous protester. well not if he's gonna be a Cowboy. see how easy that is? be a good employee and all is good.

Kaepernick does not have the right to violate the policies of his employer during working hours. yeah it's really that simple.

now about the true genesis of the African slave trade. that would be black tribal wars where warring black tribes sold other blacks into slavery. watch the first 20 minutes or so the new "Roots". Kunta Kinte is captured by a rival black tribe. 70 to 90 percent of all black slaves were in fact the victims of tribal wars. yet you would have us think that hordes of evil white euros roamed the Ivory coast attacking villages for slaves. some did. but most of them simply bought them from their BLACK captors. so much easier yeah?

did you also know that Alex Haley, the author of "Roots" plagiarized his novel from another author named Harold Courlander? yep. so the original "Roots" was pure fiction stolen from another work of fiction. this is why the new version of "Roots" correctly shows that Kunta Kinte was abducted by BLACKS and sold to euro traders.

now. let's discuss slave reparations. how much do you think blacks should pay themselves for slavery? 1 million? 1 billion? how 'bout a nice 1 trillion. sounds good to me.


Historical accuracy

See also: Roots: The Saga of an American Family § Historical accuracy
Haley claimed that his sources for the origins of Kinte were oral family tradition and a man he found in the Gambia named Kebba Kanga Fofana, who claimed to be a griot with knowledge about the Kinte clan. He described them as a family in which the men were blacksmiths, descended from a marabout named Kairaba Kunta Kinte, originally from Mauritania. Haley quoted Fofana as telling him: "About the time the king's soldiers came, the eldest of these four sons, Kunta, went away from this village to chop wood and was never seen again."[7]

However, journalists and historians later discovered that Fofana was not a griot. In retelling the Kinte story, Fofana changed crucial details, including his father's name, his brothers' names, his age, and even omitted the year when he went missing. At one point, he even placed Kunta Kinte in a generation that was alive in the twentieth century. It was also discovered that elders and griots could not give reliable genealogical lineages before the mid-19th century, with the single apparent exception of Kunta Kinte. It appears that Haley had told so many people about Kunta Kinte that he had created a case of circular reporting. Instead of independent confirmation of the Kunta Kinte story, he was actually hearing his own words repeated back to him.[8][9]

See also: Harold Courlander § Roots and plagiarism

After Haley's book became nationally famous, American author Harold Courlander noted that the section describing Kinte's life was apparently taken from Courlander's own novel The African. Haley at first dismissed the charge, but later issued a public statement affirming that Courlander's book had been the source, and Haley attributed the error to a mistake of one of his assistant researchers. Courlander sued Haley for copyright infringement, which Haley settled out of court.

thank you valued poster!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Nobody is forcing you to participate in this site. You can leave as quick as you came.

Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
You grumpy weird old men are funny. What the fuck are you even talking about? That's what you discerned from my post? I thought my point was crystal clear old man. LOL

Kap will make much more money in 3 months from Nike than you have made in your entire miserable life. Think about that simple fact old timer
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
You grumpy weird old men are funny. What the fuck are you even talking about? That's what you discerned from my post? I thought my point was crystal clear old man. LOL

Kap will make much more money in 3 months from Nike than you have made in your entire miserable life. Think about that simple fact old timer Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

How original, old jokes. I guess you aren't intelligent enough to make your point. That's OK, I can forgive. Now continue on with your bromance with sis chaps as he needs all the friends he can get.

As far as your arrogance that you think you know what I'm worth, it's none of your business.

As far as my opinion on these fucking kneelers, it's like Jerry Jones' feelings. I own the team, I own the uniforms, I own the football rights to the stadium and I say what goes on before game time. Since kap works for me, he's in my uniform, etc. he will stand for the national anthem like everybody else.

Since your butt buddy kap can't get a job due to his issues, are you really surprised that none of the other owners want any part of that idiot? Screw him, reid, kenny, and the other kneelers. After the game, they can meet somewhere where they're not on company property and in company uniform and protest all they want.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
How original, old jokes. I guess you aren't intelligent enough to make your point. That's OK, I can forgive. Now continue on with your bromance with sis chaps as he needs all the friends he can get.

As far as your arrogance that you think you know what I'm worth, it's none of your business.

As far as my opinion on these fucking kneelers, it's like Jerry Jones' feelings. I own the team, I own the uniforms, I own the football rights to the stadium and I say what goes on before game time. Since kap works for me, he's in my uniform, etc. he will stand for the national anthem like everybody else.

Since your butt buddy kap can't get a job due to his issues, are you really surprised that none of the other owners want any part of that idiot? Screw him, reid, kenny, and the other kneelers. After the game, they can meet somewhere where they're not on company property and in company uniform and protest all they want. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Really old people are way too long winded, funny and stupid
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Really old people are way too long winded, funny and stupid Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Really stupid and arrogant idiots can't hang. So they throw out an old 'joke' and move on.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Really stupid and arrogant idiots can't hang. So they throw out an old 'joke' and move on. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
LOL. You keep going on old man. Maybe you can convince yourself that you make any sense
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
LOL. You keep going on old man. Maybe you can convince yourself that you make any sense Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

It's early in the morning, hasn't mama called down to the basement and told you to get off her 'puter yet, then go to bed?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
What's up with you weird ass old men and the constant basement references? Are you old losers projecting? Do you old fools live in your kids' basements?

Just FYI, with my Ivy League degrees, I prefer to live in a gated community. And I admit, I do live in my own basement on the weekends to watch sports. It's my theatre room
Really old people are way too long winded, funny and stupid Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
no one fights cultural wars harder or with more visible relish than old men that cant get it up anymore. their amygdala keeps sending signals to fight and fuck but the endocrine system doesnt cooperate..so they pour all their frustrations into cultural battles. when triggered their ancient amygdala sends signals to go ballistic on uppity Staff edit. dj8, j*ws, lqbtqabcdefgh activists, pelosi, ex-attorney general holder, obama, hillary, mccain, muslims/mexicans and assorted foreigners. earlier they'd write angry letters to new papers, then call in to day time AM outrage radio shows but now with internet they can be as verbose as they want. if they express same views at a poker table chances are high they'd get their testicles pulverized, so what better forum than an anonymous hooker board...
no one fights cultural wars harder or with more visible relish than old men that cant get it up anymore. their amygdala keeps sending signals to fight and fuck but the endocrine system doesnt cooperate..so they pour all their frustrations into cultural battles. when triggered their ancient amygdala sends signals to go ballistic on uppity Staff edit. dj8, j*ws, lqbtqabcdefgh activists, pelosi, ex-attorney general holder, obama, hillary, mccain, muslims/mexicans and assorted foreigners. earlier they'd write angry letters to new papers, then call in to day time AM outrage radio shows but now with internet they can be as verbose as they want. if they express same views at a poker table chances are high they'd get their testicles pulverized, so what better forum than an anonymous hooker board... Originally Posted by darkwader
oh, and you have a nice day now.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Just FYI, with my Ivy League degrees, I prefer to live in a gated community. And I admit, I do live in my own basement on the weekends to watch sports. It's my theatre room Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

You're full of it. What's wrong, not enough stuff going up in Dallas that you have to come to Houston to troll? Attention whore.

no one fights cultural wars harder or with more visible relish than old men that cant get it up anymore. their amygdala keeps sending signals to fight and fuck but the endocrine system doesnt cooperate..so they pour all their frustrations into cultural battles. when triggered their ancient amygdala sends signals to go ballistic on uppity Staff edit. dj8, j*ws, lqbtqabcdefgh activists, pelosi, ex-attorney general holder, obama, hillary, mccain, muslims/mexicans and assorted foreigners. earlier they'd write angry letters to new papers, then call in to day time AM outrage radio shows but now with internet they can be as verbose as they want. if they express same views at a poker table chances are high they'd get their testicles pulverized, so what better forum than an anonymous hooker board... Originally Posted by darkwader

Another Dallas attention whore surfing different cities to start shit.

At least 99% of my stuff stays in Houston.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Sounds like you have Max Kellerman
as a role model. Listen to Charles Barkley more. Originally Posted by VitaMan
No thanks. I'm sticking with my boy Max 100 grand...and I've been right about Max all along look at this exchange. Max just loved this exchange i could see the confidence on his face growing as TO said he was blacker than Stephen. A

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
@Wacokid...Yawn. lol
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
no one fights cultural wars harder or with more visible relish than old men that cant get it up anymore. their amygdala keeps sending signals to fight and fuck but the endocrine system doesnt cooperate..so they pour all their frustrations into cultural battles. when triggered their ancient amygdala sends signals to go ballistic on uppity Staff edit. dj8, j*ws, lqbtqabcdefgh activists, pelosi, ex-attorney general holder, obama, hillary, mccain, muslims/mexicans and assorted foreigners. earlier they'd write angry letters to new papers, then call in to day time AM outrage radio shows but now with internet they can be as verbose as they want. if they express same views at a poker table chances are high they'd get their testicles pulverized, so what better forum than an anonymous hooker board... Originally Posted by darkwader
Lol preach