Realistically? Years...decades. especially on a continent as large as this one. The IRA were able to fight a geurrilla war for decades, Vietnamese for over a deacade, Mujahideen in Afghanistan, the Insurgency in Iraq. All of whom did it in areas much smaller.
Originally Posted by Ceremony
Yup a geurrilla war can last for decades or more. Point is once they expose themselves they get wasted in short order, till they get replaced by more cannon fodder.
The civil war in Nam started before WWII. US played war over there for 20 yrs before pulling out due to China and USSR staying there longer.
Mujahideen were getting their sorry arses kicked from one end of Afghanistan to the other by the USSR. Then Regan, Cheney, Rummy et al., sent in US Special Forces and Green Berets to 'teach & train' their NEW ALLY Osama Bin Laden and his Mujahideen back then, how to beat the USSR. 10 yrs later USSR pulled out bankrupted by the Afghanistan war. Mujahideen with a lot of help from Reagan, won and their leader Osama Bin Laden changed his Mujahideen name to Al-Qaeda and we all know what followed after.