Beware of facebook phone app... it spies on you....

TheWanderer's Avatar
Facebook, Amazon, all those apps data mine your electronic devices. You even gave it permission to do so. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Yeah, and then they all share it with each other. Facebook is the biggest invasion of privacy ever. Them and the others are constantly scheming up new ways to track your every move...Twitter, Instagram, name it.
Bobster36's Avatar
I had same problem with easy solution. After installing the app, I logged in FB from a computer and removed my phone # from my account. Everything works great and all the providers disappeared from my feeds (none am I friends with).

Then I searched for myself on FB and got no hits. Then I went to work and asked a coworker (that I'm not friends with) if we could search for my phone via his account. No hits. I also regularly google my own phone # to see what a provider might see. Again, nothing.

So it seems that merely deleting your phone # from your FB account solves a bunch of problems. My smartphone FB app still works just fine.