The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The reason I detest Hillary Clinton is because she is a despicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt. It's really that simple.
Originally Posted by Jackie S

yes, it is really that simple. who knew?? bahhaa and the facts show this so only if u are a libtard leftist do u still believe in HildeWhore

It's amazing how someone can look themselves in the mirror and say they are conservative but at the same time see Hookers and whores.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It's amazing how someone can look themselves in the mirror and say they are conservative but at the same time see Hookers and whores. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
And yet you claim to be the most conservative on here!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
My inner Liberal took the 8:15 out of my body during the Carter administration.
It's amazing how someone can look themselves in the mirror and say they are conservative but at the same time see Hookers and whores. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
But we all know you use one of those fun house mirrors that make you look slim.


That's your new name "Fun House Luke". Never ate anything deep fried I didn't like.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's amazing how someone can look themselves in the mirror and say they are conservative but at the same time see Hookers and whores. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt


But we all know you use one of those fun house mirrors that make you look slim.

Attachment 620019

That's your new name "Fun House Luke". Never ate anything deep fried I didn't like. Originally Posted by canuckeight
This is one of those posts that deserves a little music video. Just to give it a little something special, lol.


LexusLover's Avatar
It's amazing how someone can look themselves in the mirror and say they are conservative but at the same time see Hookers and whores. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Finally! You explained why you posted a Fake Review!

As a TRUE CONSERVATIVE you didn't want to "see Hookers and whores," but you wanted the benefits of posting a review of a "Hooker" or "whore", so you LIED ABOUT SEEING ONE AND HAVING SEX WITH HER!!!

Just like you wanted to intimidate people on here and appear a war hero, while at the same time seeking sympathy and needing an explanation for your inability to control what you stuff in your mouth ... so you fabricated your military experience, war wounds, and status as an alleged disabled veteran! So now you LIE about being a "conservative"!

Down Vote this thread because it is the STUPIDEST Thread ever started in the History of ICCY and that's saying a lot!

LexusLover's Avatar
Down Vote this thread because it is the STUPIDEST Thread ever started in the History of ICCY and that's saying a lot! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Speaking of "STUPIDEST" ....

... has YouRong bought StandingInShit a bus ticket back to Puttsburg to play with the rest of the girls?
gfejunkie's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by gfejunkie
It's a "labeling thing" now!

They KNOW they aren't true liberals so they have re-labeled themselves in an attempt to "re-brand" themselves so now they attempt to pass themselves off as "progressives," which IMPLIES they are "improving the country by moving forward away from the "offensive past" of this country" with the "offensive past" defined by them based upon their set of facts and conclusions!

What the country gets is the trash on this board who are now insulting and attempting to marginalize Trump and those who support his goals of revamping the government in this country to allow people to be free and able to make their own life decisions! The so called "progressives" abhor freedom, except their own. They are lawless unless it benefits them.
Finally! You explained why you posted a Fake Review!

As a TRUE CONSERVATIVE you didn't want to "see Hookers and whores," but you wanted the benefits of posting a review of a "Hooker" or "whore", so you LIED ABOUT SEEING ONE AND HAVING SEX WITH HER!!!

Just like you wanted to intimidate people on here and appear a war hero, while at the same time seeking sympathy and needing an explanation for your inability to control what you stuff in your mouth ... so you fabricated your military experience, war wounds, and status as an alleged disabled veteran! So now you LIE about being a "conservative"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Funny how he never reviews those trannies that he has peg him !
StandinStraight's Avatar
The reason I detest Hillary Clinton is because she is a despicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt. It's really that simple.

By the way, I describe myself as a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. What consenting adults do with or to each other in private is not my business. If two guys or two girls want to get married, fine. Just do it legally and be bound by the same laws as any Heterosexual couple would. Marriage isn't the same as shacking up.

I think many of our drug laws are arcane, and the prosecution of them is an exercise in futility.

The one Libral Tenant I think is an abomination is abortion. Whether we like it or not, America uses abortion as both control, since by the Government's own statistics, 97 % of all abortions are for convienience. I am not a particularilly religious person, so it's not moral thing. It's a human thing. Our natural state of right and wrong should compel us to do better.

As for being fiscally conservative, I think that our tax laws do not take into consideration the hundreds of thousands of small business owners who have worked countless hours building a business and employing people, only to be thrown into the upper tax bracket after four or so months into the year, while being bone tired at the end of the day. It seems like the more you work, nor succeed, the more your initiative is penalized by a punitive tax that actually punishes hard work and initiative.

I also believe that the United States has become the most powerful Country on Earth, and the greatest bastion of freedom, because we don't take any shit off anybody, , and we have a Constitution that is immune to the petty whims of the moment, and has stood the test of time. Our founders delibertly made the document this way.

In most Parlimentary Governments, the law of the land is what a majority can agree on at one time. Thankfully, we have that "pesky" Constitution that doesn't bend, or yield, to the whims of the political winds, the Demagogue, or the Populist. Originally Posted by Jackie S
No liberal, conservative or human being likes the idea of abortion. However if the life of the mother is at risk or in the case of rape or incest, the woman should have the right to choose. Conservatives want abortion illegal period! The liberal view seems much more realistic in real life situations.
LexusLover's Avatar
StandingInShit ... vvvvvvv

The Spam Man!