Looks like the big P finally died

Htowner's Avatar
Well if there is going to be limits on nudity, and this and that, why would anyone want that? Or the next site for that matter.
The funny thing is all talk about how girls would be homeless without this site? Well if they can't post pics, put a link to anything graphic, discuss menu and mention rates, then what is really at stake there or the upcoming site? I don't get it.
I think Blow Pop,Alexis and Edge mentioned pretty much all my thoughts on that thread about 'donations'.
good...... Originally Posted by bobbysims
+1. The conduct and behavior of the management over there over the past few days has tainted what were good memories of a great resource.

Its ironic that they censored the names of this site and others like it to avoid creating a bad atmosphere in ASPD's final days. And then try to cash in on ASPD's reputation by agreeing to take our money from us to start another website, thereby creating a bad atmosphere.

Its a damn shame. I really liked that place.
carkido45's Avatar
I lost interest as soon I saw how BIASED one particular Mod was you know the one who tried too act tough with the flaming smilies.
Guest091710's Avatar
im still on, there now?
According to fieryjade's latest rant, the site will be going dark some time this afternoon. Take one last look around and get what you need because (hopefully) this is it.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Evidently TODAY is Black Tuesday for ASPD. Fieryjade has posted that the site will close by tonight. I loved ASPD; the place taught me so much, made me laugh, made me mad, made me think, made my reputation, and I will miss it terribly. Hoping to see everyone who was there on here, and meet some new friends.

I have been a good girl and kept my tongue firmly between my teeth, that is, when it wasn't wrapped around a gentleman's........ahem, anyway, I have the highest respect for the legacy of ASPD, but the fall was not, as some people have commented to me, caused by the Houston LE investigation and/or Amber's death. It was pure and simple mismanagement. Had things been more organized, and emotions not gotten in the way of taking care of business, the site would have continued to thrive. The death of one person, diatribes by others, LE and media spotlight, all were survivable, had things been set up in advance TO survive. Yes, it was a community of like-minded people, but it was also a commercial venture or there would have been NO money involved, no fees of any kind, and no paid advertising.

It was a valuable "consumer reports" guide for the gents; a source of shared info and screening for the ladies and a safe place to make themselves and their services known, and with proper aforethought and professional handling, would still be a precedent-establishing factor in the hobby world, but what is, is. Rest in peace, ASPD, you will be missed. ECCIE is stepping up to fill that void, and I will be here to have MY void filled.
urine trouble's Avatar
Sad day today! I have been on ASPD for 9 years. Never thought it would go dark. I usually don't get depressed over crap like this but this one hurts a bit. Good day to get drunk.
boardman's Avatar
Maybe it is just flakey. Just tried and got on. I have learned a lot from ASPD. I have also gotten a lot from it. Because of the ownership changes at the end....I am not going to miss it. I didn't think I would ever say that. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Still up. I just logged on.
I got a lot out of it as well but things change and we have to move on. I was really getting tired of the drama though.
dearhunter's Avatar
If jade does not have the ability to "pull the plug", it is going to be an agonizing death.

My morbid curiosity starts to kick in.

The whole "I'm going to shut this place down" takes on a new meaning.
I think I just got banned on the P
carkido45's Avatar
I think I just got banned on the P Originally Posted by tbone2u
Now that's funny!!! Don't worry Tbone2u I was banned awhile ago for fighting with others too lookls like they did me a favor good too see you tbone2u.
They've been banning alot of members, which is pretty funny considering we're all getting the boot.

BTW: CK45, I love your avatar! Can't wait for Thurs. night...
carkido45's Avatar
They've been banning alot of members, which is pretty funny considering we're all getting the boot.

BTW: CK45, I love your avatar! Can't wait for Thurs. night... Originally Posted by enderwiggin
I bet Metal Head doesn't . lol
Nice to see you enderwiggin. Welcome
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Actually, Mr. Clever and others who posted honest questions/comments which critized current management were banned and their comments were removed.