thinking of hosting a poker party at the Palace

BorderCrosser's Avatar
I would love to play in this type of game, please add me to the notification list!
Schmafty's Avatar
I don't know how good of a poker player I am, but this sounds like something that I might be interested in...
SASpurfan's Avatar
The "buy-in" needs to be less that the donation fee normally, so if you consider $$$$ for the winner and $$ for second-place, then that is $$$$$$. Divide this by 5 players, and you have $120 each. In order to "pay the house", you might consider a 'buy-in" of between $150 to $175, depending on how much the house needs. Just an approach. I am interested, too.

Scorpiorules's Avatar
The "buy-in" needs to be less that the donation fee normally, so if you consider $$$$ for the winner and $$ for second-place, then that is $$$$$$. Divide this by 5 players, and you have $120 each. In order to "pay the house", you might consider a 'buy-in" of between $150 to $175, depending on how much the house needs. Just an approach. I am interested, too.

SAS Originally Posted by SASpurfan
This would be the correct approach. These types of games can last many hours. I've held tournaments before. I'd love to be invited, and can help with the setup.
taste_tester's Avatar
Maybe more like a buy in of $ and 8-10 players. Then you might consider 1st place gets choice of 2 ladies, 2nd place 1 lady, 3rd place gets his stake back (or some portion), and the house buys a small stock of alcohol, beer, snacks, and mixers for the evening (which could be done economically). Or maybe the buy in is $ and a 750ml bottle of players choice of alcohol that goes to the house.

Just tossing ideas out to stimulate participation.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Taylor, you are without a doubt the most creative lady I have ever seen. Great idea. I always loved reading your ideas on ASPD.

I would recommend staying with one game, like Texas Hold'em/No limit. A 5 person game can last a while. 10 person could be an all nighter. A five person $150 buy-in divided by 3 would be $250. A 5 person $200 would be $333. Buy in gets you $5000 in chips, blinds start at $50 and $100 and raise $25 every 30 mins. You could have one re-buy if you want. If you want to make sure the game does not drag out too long, have an agreement that at a certain time...say midnight...the top chip leaders are the winners. Just some suggestions on a great idea.
Count me in sunshine. I would love to play
Whispers's Avatar
10 person could be an all nighter. Originally Posted by Risn2TheOccasion
Structuring the amount of the Blinds can control the pace of a game..... I've payed many tournaments in Poker Rooms that whittle a few 10 person tables down to a winner in 2-3 hours....

Admittedly though.. Playing cards takes my mind totally off sex! One of the few things I would rather do!

Get some advice from Big Louie over in Houston.... He's structured more of these than anyone I believe...
SpyderToezzzz's Avatar
Very interesting indeed. Playing poker for money is not illegal. As long as the house does not rake anything in. So the total of everyone's buy in's should equal up to the prizes being given away. Then again.... Considering what the prizes will be. I guess the legalities of this whole thing don't really need to be considered. You should just have a cash game. Then the big winner of the night would no doubt want to partake in something after. And the dealer could be tipped every hand!?!?!?
BP may be able to play, but it is hard to get out in the evenings, so I am a definite maybe. I do have a better idea though! Let's make it an arm wrestling contest instead of a poker tournament!
Why not just play for fun?
atxbrad's Avatar
Count me in. I have plenty of chips and a 10 person table. I have hosted and played in many tourniments. This should be fun. I also agree that the "buy in" should be around $150 just to make it interesting.
I would enjoy it if I knew how to play
gman44's Avatar
I'd do anything for some pussy

SpyderToezzzz's Avatar
For those of you that don't know how to play. I offer a short tutorial. And since you cannot give me a piece of the winnings. I just want to see some pics!?!?!?