Food Stamps at Fast Food Restaurants?

Budman's Avatar
Are there any roads or bridges in America that could use re-building???? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Actually no. Obama took care of all of them with a few trillion dollars for the shovel ready jobs. Remember?
SweetKimberly's Avatar

Yes this is a "whore board" as you call it.
And yes providers do charge an average of $150 for services. Why are YOU on the "whore board" if you think it is anti-religious and/or anti-ethical?

FYI the $$$ you pay to the provider is not for sex it is for confidentiality. You can enjoy a nice time without the hassle of calling us the next day or having the fear of us stalking you and/or your family. It's a way to escape from reality. Since the beginning of time men have enjoyed spending time with a woman for a fee.

In the U.S. prostitution is only legal in eight counties in Nevada.

It is also LEGAL in Canada, Australia, Germany, Argentina, Finland, France, Greece, the UK & Scotland, Singapore, Ireland, Austria, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, Dominican Republic, Armenia, Portugal, Peru, Bolivia, Belize, Chile, Turkey, Poland, Costa Rica, Denmark, El Salvador, Cyprus, Belgium, Hungary, Mexico, New Zealand.

Prostitution is ILLEGAL in the U.S., China, Cambodia, Jordan, Cuba, Haiti, Grenada, Albania, Saudi Arabia, Liberia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Uganda, Malta, Croatia, Cuba, North and South Korea, South Africa, Thailand, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Kenya, Romania, Bahamas, Barbados, India. Nice to know we are right up there with Haiti and Cambodia.

Yes this is a "whore board" as you call it.
And yes providers do charge an average of $150 for services. Why are YOU on the "whore board" if you think it is anti-religious and/or anti-ethical?

FYI the $$$ you pay to the provider is not for sex it is for confidentiality. You can enjoy a nice time without the hassle of calling us the next day or having the fear of us stalking you and/or your family. It's a way to escape from reality. Since the beginning of time men have enjoyed spending time with a woman for a fee.

In the U.S. prostitution is only legal in eight counties in Nevada.

It is also LEGAL in Canada, Australia, Germany, Argentina, Finland, France, Greece, the UK & Scotland, Singapore, Ireland, Austria, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, Dominican Republic, Armenia, Portugal, Peru, Bolivia, Belize, Chile, Turkey, Poland, Costa Rica, Denmark, El Salvador, Cyprus, Belgium, Hungary, Mexico, New Zealand.

Prostitution is ILLEGAL in the U.S., China, Cambodia, Jordan, Cuba, Haiti, Grenada, Albania, Saudi Arabia, Liberia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Uganda, Malta, Croatia, Cuba, North and South Korea, South Africa, Thailand, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Kenya, Romania, Bahamas, Barbados, India. Nice to know we are right up there with Haiti and Cambodia. Originally Posted by SweetKimberly
Well, somebody slap me silly and call me, Susan! I thought this board was for entertainment purposes only. Lol. Are you trying to win the Geography Bee or something? Most places it's illegal. And I don't want to freak you out over the technical Internet issues with tracking and tracing usage...

So, to stay on subject...What's wrong with feeding poor people? A billion dollars is a whole lot less than a trillion or say the tens of trillions being pumped into the dying US economy through bail outs of tbtf's and gm and hilton hotels (I could go on and on). Btw, guess who makes mucho dinero off of SNAP? Answer: JP Morgan because it is the largest processor of food stamp benefits in the US. The rich get richer and everybody else gets to fight over table scraps. 44 million people are on food stamps today. Have a freakin' heart, people. Don't let your love grow cold.
SweetKimberly's Avatar
Yes I want an "A" in geography. I just don't like it when ECCIE members say how horrible prostitution is and how if their daughters or sisters were escorts it would kill them because it is so anti-religious and anti-moral.

As far as feeding the poor I'm all for it. I don't know if you republican's understand this but people DO NOT chose to be poor. They grow up in cycles of poverty. Some people don't even know that they are poor and think everyone uses food stamps. And yes some people take advantage of the system. Last time I checked it was not a crime to be hungry. Children who grow up with parents who care little or nothing about them and are surrounded by violence do what they have to do to survive.

Not everyone was born with parents who cared about them and wanted the best for them. Not everyone was given the opportunity or the luxury of a safe and loving family environment. This is the root of the problem.
TexTushHog's Avatar
WTF, do you REALLY think it is Taliban-like for some of us to NOT want to pay for someone else's trip to McDonalds? Does the government really have the right to FORCE me to give up my money, so someone I never met, can get Super-sized? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's actually called democracy. The government has a right to force me to pay for two wars of choice that are 1) unwinable; and 2) damaging America's security because our elected leaders where stupid and started the wars and didn't have enough spine to end them as quickly as they should.

The government has a right to force me to pay for a defense budget that is ridiculously and hideously bloated and so large, that it exceeds the size of the defense budget for the next 18 largest defense budgets combined.

U.S.: $698,105,000,000

China - Netherlands: $696,722,470,000

Why? Because that's what our elected leaders voted to do. So yeah, the government does have a right to force you to pay taxes to feed the hungry, whether the get fed a home cooked hamburger or a Big Mac. Is it the best decisions they've ever made? Probably not, but there are arguments that you can make that go both ways, as I pointed out in my earlier post. I'd prefer that they only be allowed to buy fresh food and not be able to buy potato chips and other processed foods, even at the grocery store. But that's not what has been decided. And resolving those competing arguments are what our elected representatives do.
My issue with all of this is that I've seen no proof of what Harley said is true. I doubt that it is. Food stamps are part of the USDA (Agriculture), so it's a way to sell farm products, not manufactured food. Food stamps have never been accepted at restaurants, and I don't think that has changed. If Harley has a link or proof, I'd like to see it. Otherwise this is just another hysterical rant to get people mad at the govt. & each other. As we approach 9/11, you'd think we'd want to come together.
I apologize to Harley. After my post, I went and researched and found 4 states allow their use. More restaurants want to get in to the act.

Everyone wants a piece of the govt. pie. That is our biggest issue. Capitalism that feeds on the govt. We're at the point where we are cannibalizing ourselves.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 09-09-2011, 04:12 PM
I don't have a problem with food stamps. I DO have a problem with being allowed to use them to buy fast food. BTW, it's the fast food chains themselves who are the impetus behind this movement. They want the bucks pure and simple and I guess you can't blame them, however...

Welfare/food stamps should be a helping hand. The government and taxpayers help people who are down on their luck so that they can at least have something decent to eat and to feed their kids.

The recipients should be learning some life skills in exchange for this benefit. I.E., learning how to shop wisely, find recipes, prepare nutrious foods, basically get the most bang for their buck. Being able to drop in to pig-on-a-stick does not qualify in my opinion. Recipients will learn absolutely nothing except a quick easy way to feed themselves.

Fast food meals can be costly when a family is involved. Take a typical family of four and let them loose in McDavids. Even if they only buy from the dollar menu, how much will they spend? At the very least 10-15 bucks but realistically it will be more. Everybody gets hungrier when they're at the fast food counter and can see the goodies, smell the food and look at the menu. The end total could be as high as 25 bucks or more.

Do you know how much grocery food you can buy for that amount? IF you shop carefully, you can buy a big bag of potatoes or boxes of mac'n cheese, a big bag of uncooked beans, big bag of uncooked rice, chicken on sale, particularly quarters and thighs, bags of carrots or other low cost veggies, flour for bread making or simply buy loaves on sale. Believe me, I shop and know if you're really careful and watch for sales, you can buy quite a bit for 25 bucks.

I'd rather have folks grocery shopping than spending tax dollars on fast food.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Why move? My stance against Obama governance is shared with many of my fellow Americans. I am not leaving; my forefathers helped build this great nation.

I think it is best that you learn how to live with those whom you disagree with; didn't your family teach you better ?

Obama is a failed Presidency; it is just a short time before he is back in Chicago.....

(Note how I said Chicago and didn't tell him to move back to where ever he feels comfortable being a Lenninist !)..that's called being a gentleman Wellendowed...stick around and we can teach you how to behave around adults; something your parents obviously did not.

BTW; do you realize how juvenile your statement sounds? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Don't give me that forefather crap been there done that- at least your forefathers got paid for the labor they did a lot of us Americans now can't say that- so I guess from 2004 to 2008 you were really happy and proud of your country???? Oh, for the record every poll I have seen had positive response from Obama's speech- so much for your Obama speech will fail.
TexTushHog's Avatar
The recipients should be learning some life skills in exchange for this benefit. I.E., learning how to shop wisely, find recipes, prepare nutrious foods, basically get the most bang for their buck. Being able to drop in to pig-on-a-stick does not qualify in my opinion. Recipients will learn absolutely nothing except a quick easy way to feed themselves.

I'd rather have folks grocery shopping than spending tax dollars on fast food. Originally Posted by jan-w
I don't disagree, in theory. But if these folks are working long hours, it takes time to shop and buy food. And if you buy fresh food, even longer to cook it. Lots of folks on SNAP benefits work two part time jobs that together amount to over 40 hours per week.

Yes, you can be employed at minimum wage in this country and still be on food stamps. You only have to have two household members. A single mother and a kid, for instance. If you have two minimum wage earners, you have to have five members of the household to qualify. Mom, dad, three kids. Mom, grandma, and three kids, etc.

So say mom works two 25 hour per week jobs. That's $1,510/Mo. Two kids, she is eligible for SNAP benefits. Every night she has to go home and cook? No restaurant meals on nights she pulls double shifts?

I can see both sides. It's a policy choice. Sure, eat a cold bologna sandwich is one answer. But I can't really fault those four States who have said that a box of chicken at Church's, or a sack of burgers from Whataburger can be an option.

Frankly, I'm more worried about the high fat, high sugar, low nutrition processed foods that predominate on our grocery store shelves. The poor can't shop often. To buy fresh food for every meal, it's hard to shop once a week. Fruits and fresh vegetables go bad. Meat rots if not frozen, etc. So it's hard if you're pressed for time to eat only the best food. Again, a policy choice and a compromise.
It's evident from you men who post are either a.) married and have your wife cook for you b.) have a private chef or c.) eat at restaurants all of the time; because you don't seem to understand how expensive fresh produce is at the supermarket. I buy all organic to avoid gmo/cancer causing food and a bag of grapes cost me $6 and 4 apples cost me $ I'll will post what the common person eats and price. In case you are unaware of inflation, speculation, and bad weather affecting the price of food, well, I consider it a learning opportunity for you.

Loaf of bread: $2 (used to be $1.25 last yr)
Lb of potatoes: .60 (used to be .32 in Jan '11)
Gal milk: 3.39 (used to be 2.96 in Jan)
Lb of tomatoes: 1.59 (used to be .68 in Jan)
Folgers Coffee: 12.98 (used to be 5.49 in Jan)

These are staples that most people use every day. When you work minimum or even $12 an hr., and you are not that great at math, then you start wondering where the heck your paycheck went. Plus, we pay an extra $1 a gal on gas. So, we can thank the govt and Fed Reserve (which is run by banks) for inflation. And the Fed is where Obama is getting his $417 billion for his "Jobs" Bill.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WTF, when have I ever voiced support for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya? NEVER! I am not a right-winger, nor am I a left-winger. I despise both Democrats and Republicans, although on the rare occasion they do something right, I will mention it. These wars are Unconstitutional, and Presidents Bush and Obama should be tried for war crimes.

Tex, where in the Constitution does the government have the authority to take money from me by force, so someone else can buy a Big Mac? It's not there. As long as you think the government can do whatever it wants, the government will do that, and we will have a police state. I want Freedom. I want the US to be the "shining light on the hill" that it once was, not the whining whipping boy for the world that it is now.
...where in the Constitution does the government have the authority to take money from me by force, so someone else can buy a Big Mac? It's not there. ... Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's there in Article 1, Section 8.: Congress shall have the power to lay & collect taxes... and provide for the general welfare of the U.S.

The issue would be your definition of providing for the general welfare. And taxation isn't taking your money by force.

Some think the Constitution is a cut & dried document. But there are a lot of generalities within it that allow for broad interpretations. Should we debate & discuss our interpretations? Yes. But don't think they are not there.
wellendowed1911's Avatar

Yes this is a "whore board" as you call it.
And yes providers do charge an average of $150 for services. Why are YOU on the "whore board" if you think it is anti-religious and/or anti-ethical?

FYI the $$$ you pay to the provider is not for sex it is for confidentiality. You can enjoy a nice time without the hassle of calling us the next day or having the fear of us stalking you and/or your family. It's a way to escape from reality. Since the beginning of time men have enjoyed spending time with a woman for a fee.

In the U.S. prostitution is only legal in eight counties in Nevada.

It is also LEGAL in Canada, Australia, Germany, Argentina, Finland, France, Greece, the UK & Scotland, Singapore, Ireland, Austria, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, Dominican Republic, Armenia, Portugal, Peru, Bolivia, Belize, Chile, Turkey, Poland, Costa Rica, Denmark, El Salvador, Cyprus, Belgium, Hungary, Mexico, New Zealand.

Prostitution is ILLEGAL in the U.S., China, Cambodia, Jordan, Cuba, Haiti, Grenada, Albania, Saudi Arabia, Liberia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Uganda, Malta, Croatia, Cuba, North and South Korea, South Africa, Thailand, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Kenya, Romania, Bahamas, Barbados, India. Nice to know we are right up there with Haiti and Cambodia. Originally Posted by SweetKimberly
As the old saying goes you can put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig.... If you are so confident in which you do- advertise it to Law Enforcement- all that rhetoric nonsense you can save for the birds. As for me- I am not on here condoning anyone and I could give a rats ass what establishment accepts food stamps and what establishments does not. Again, I would look rather odd if I went about talking about people who does this and that when I frequent a whore board myself. I am almost certain that the OP when she does her "massages" doesn't set out money to the side and pays Uncle Sam- I would almost bet that she's not a LMT or RMT- you know people who actually go to school and make a real living off that career- I am pretty sure she would get upset if legit LMT's harassed her about her lifestyle. A dealer of illegal medicine could say the same crap you spewing that in some countries it's ok to use and sell illegal medicine blah blah blah.
The difference between you and I is that I know what I am doing is illegal and I take that risk- I don't justify it and say well in this county it's legal and this country it's legal- it's all bullshit- I man up to my lifestyle and don't make excuses for it- apparently you want to twist it around and make it seem like it's legal. hey it's your lfe do with you want you are grown, but I assure you God forbid if you are ever in a court of law and you feed the judge this bullcrap you are feeding me- you think the judge will say:" Gosh you are right it's not a crime it's just away to escape reality..." Keep on dreaming !!!!!
Who really gives a Rats ass if the food is from McDonald's or from Krogers's??? Honestly what's the difference of purchasing a burger from McDonalds and a person on Food Stamps buying a microwave ready burger from Krogers??? Get real people!!!!
TexTushHog's Avatar
WTF, when have I ever voiced support for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya? NEVER! I am not a right-winger, nor am I a left-winger. I despise both Democrats and Republicans, although on the rare occasion they do something right, I will mention it. These wars are Unconstitutional, and Presidents Bush and Obama should be tried for war crimes.

Tex, where in the Constitution does the government have the authority to take money from me by force, so someone else can buy a Big Mac? It's not there. As long as you think the government can do whatever it wants, the government will do that, and we will have a police state. I want Freedom. I want the US to be the "shining light on the hill" that it once was, not the whining whipping boy for the world that it is now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Taxation Clause, Interstate Commerce Clause, Necessary and Proper Clause, General Welfare clause, Etc.