Public Release of IRS Whistleblower Transcripts

Jacuzzme's Avatar
... EXPLAIN what's revealed in this thread that is BULLSHIT.

... Please be specific.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Admitting reality would be admitting they support lifelong criminals running the country, so they will close their eyes, plug their ears and sit in the corner pretending it’s not real. Don’t hold your breath waiting for an explanation, Sally.
berryberry's Avatar
Admitting reality would be admitting they support lifelong criminals running the country, so they will close their eyes, plug their ears and sit in the corner pretending it’s not real. Don’t hold your breath waiting for an explanation, Sally. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly. Not admitting reality is another hallmark of the TDS Leftist Cult

These people live in a land of make believe, pretending women are men, Trump is evil and Senile Biden is not a criminal. It's pathetic. And when faced with facts proving them wrong they stomp their feet and whine and pretend it's not true when it is. really, really pathetic
berryberry's Avatar
Hunter Biden used his father to pressure his Chinese business partner to send him millions of dollars.

10 days later, he received a payment of $5.1 million from the Chinese to his law firm.

He then moved over $1 million to Senile Biden's brother's consulting firm.

Their bank than shut down his account due to suspected money laundering.

berryberry's Avatar
IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley testified that US Atty in charge of Hunter investigation, David Weiss, said he wanted to bring charges in DC but was denied. Many leftists were in denial thinking it didn't happen and no way Shapley could know that!

OOPS - here's some more from Shapley:

berryberry's Avatar
So a THIRD PERSON has testified to this being true and by extension, to Garland committing perjury … and to the New York Times

matchingmole's Avatar
... EXPLAIN what's revealed in this thread that is BULLSHIT.

... Please be specific.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

The title and contents............
matchingmole's Avatar

Bombshell evidence revealed by IRS whistleblowers about how the DOJ rigged the Hunter Biden criminal investigation.

Forensic tax evidence of ill-gotten millions from China and Ukraine.

Obstruction by DOJ, leaking to Biden lawyers, tampering with evidence…

a WhatsApp begging message from Hunter to his Chinese handlers saying “dad is in the room”. Originally Posted by berryberry

berryberry's Avatar
Incredible. It's clear David Weiss and DOJ never intended to run a real investigation. Instead, it looks like their entire goal was to protect Senile Biden and sabotage any future investigations of Hunter Biden by sandbagging the investigation they were pretending to run.

CBS - Former Hunter Biden business partner, who worked directly on 2017 China energy deal, never asked to testify to Delaware grand jury. Handling of Bobulinski latest indicator prosecutors may have avoided probing allegations about Hunter’s father.
berryberry's Avatar
So to recap Senile Biden's corrupt DOJ:

- Tipped off Hunter Biden's legal team about a search warrant on his storage unit
- Prevented investigators from executing a search warrant on his house
- Ordered a "cease and desist" on investigating Hunter during the 2020 election
- Prevented investigators from asking questions about the "big guy"
- Verified his laptop was real in 2019 and then went to Big Tech and told them to censor it during the election
- And didn't even have the key witness in the case testify before the grand jury.
berryberry's Avatar
Legal team for whistleblower Gary Shapley: Biden family lawyers have resorted to intimidation before—reportedly threatening federal prosecutors with “career suicide” if they charged Hunter Biden

Shapley legal team: IRS SSA Gary Shapley has scrupulously followed the rules and blew the whistle to Congress about the unequal application of tax laws pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §6103(f)(5) and 5 U.S.C. §2302(b)(8)(C)

Shapley legal team: All the innuendo and bluster that Biden family lawyers can summon will not change the facts...These threats and intimidation have already been referred earlier this week to the inspectors general for DOJ and the IRS & to Congress for further investigation
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This shit is really bad, and also indisputable. It’s very telling that the media isn’t all over it,, at least to any great extent. They’d have hung Trump from the Washington Monument with proof of selling his office like this.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Meh Originally Posted by matchingmole
That’s some reaction to a President caught red handed strong arming foreign countries for personal enrichment.
So to recap Senile Biden's corrupt DOJ:

- Tipped off Hunter Biden's legal team about a search warrant on his storage unit
- Prevented investigators from executing a search warrant on his house
- Ordered a "cease and desist" on investigating Hunter during the 2020 election
- Prevented investigators from asking questions about the "big guy"
- Verified his laptop was real in 2019 and then went to Big Tech and told them to censor it during the election
- And didn't even have the key witness in the case testify before the grand jury. Originally Posted by berryberry

... It surely just all brings to mind what that famous
sage name o' Nancy Pelosi used to say:

"No President is above the Law"....

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
This shit is really bad, and also indisputable. It’s very telling that the media isn’t all over it,, at least to any great extent. They’d have hung Trump from the Washington Monument with proof of selling his office like this. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yeah. It's worse than Watergate and yet most of the DNC media has tried to ignore it. But even that damn started to break a little as they have been forced to cover some of it. But the difference between the amount of time they have covered this Biden Crime family scandal vs the amount of time they would have spent on it if it was Trump is astronomical